Workshop for English
Penyingkatan Klausa Dependen
Klausa dependen boleh disingkat melalui penyingkatan dalam cara yang sama sebagaimana klausa independen lakukan.
She visits her parents whenever she can.
I’m going on this trip because I have to, not because I want to.
Di samping, keseluruhan predikat boleh dihilangkan dari klausa dependen (biasanya klausa perbandingan).
She isn’t as pretty as her sister.
The new secretary did the work much faster than the old one.
Dalam klausa adverbia tertentu, subyek dan bentuk be boleh dihilangkan. Kata penting dalam predikat mungkin berupa:
adjektiva When (you are) angry, think before you speak.
nomina While (he was) a student, he began to play in the band.
frasa preposisi Although (she was) in a hurry, she stopped to help the old lady.
partisipel When (he was) talking to women, he was very sentimental.
If (you are) arrested for demonstrating, call your lawyer at once.
(past participle dari bentuk pasif)
Biasanya penyingkatan semacam ini terjadi dalam klausa adverbia dengan konjungsi kata tunggal dan dengan subyek yang sama dengan subyek utama.
Dalam penggunaan informal, kata pengantar tertentu boleh dihilangkan dari klausa dependen.
Klausa adjektiva whom, that, which digunakan sebagai obyek dalam klausa restriktif.
Here’s a list of the books (which) you’ll need for this course.
Klausa nomina that klausa nomina pengenal digunakan sebagai obyek.
He said (that) he would be leaving soon.
Klausa adverbia that
He took a taxi so (that) he wouldn’t miss his plane.
The moment (that) he saw her, he fell in love with her.
Fungsi Adverbia
Frasa Gerund Preposisi
FRASA GERUND PREPOSISI MENERANGKAN VERBA. Frasa ini mungkin mengungkapkan hampir semua hubungan adverbia kecuali tempat.
After listening to the news, she started to prepare dinner.
He earned the money for his tuition by working as a waiter during the summer months.
In spite of traveling alone, she enjoyed her vacation very much.
Frasa gerund preposisi mungkin muncul dalam semua tiga posisi adverbia, tetapi paling sering dalam posisi awal dan akhir. Dalam posisi awal “subyek” frasa jarang diungkapkan, karena ia dipahami sebagai subyek kalimat. Jika agen (pelaku) dari frasa gerund pengenal lain daripada subyek kalimat, frasa tersebut dipertimbangkan sebuah elemen yang menggantung (dangling) yang tak dapat diterima—On looking out the window, a beautiful scene met his eyes.
FRASA GERUND PREPOSISI MENERANGKAN ADJEKTIVA. At memperkenalkan bagian terbesar frasa gerund preposisi setelah adjektiva, khususnya adjektiva partisipel –ed.
He was embarrassed at hearing himself praised.
I’m disappointed at your doing such a thing.
He’s very quick at adding figures.
Preposisi lain yang memperkenalkan frasa gerund setelah adjektiva adalah:
about He’s very careless about keeping appointments.
for Their funds are adequate for meeting their moderate needs.
of He’s afraid of displeasing his parents.
with They must be content with seeing each other at infrequent intervals.
by I was annoyed by the dog’s barking all night. (Frasa gerund preposisi ini mungkin juga diterjemahkan sebagai sebuah modifier dari verba pasif be annoyed.)
Kata to setelah beberapa adjektiva, khususnya adjektiva partisipel –ed tertentu, adalah sebuah preposisi
daripada tanda (isyarat) infinitif dan oleh karenanya memerlukan bentuk gerund sebagai obyeknya-- accustomed, addicted, averse, dedicated, disposed, given, opposed, used.
I have never become accustomed (or used) to American food.
He was addicted to (the use of) liquor.
Some government officials are not averse to accepting bribes.
He was not disposed to seeing me.
Some residents were opposed to naming the high school after Martin Luther King.
Deborah was used to working on difficult assignments.
He has devoted his life to one cause: fighting against all political and social injustice.
Frasa Infinitif di Posisi Awal
(In order) to see better, we moved our chairs closer to the light.
To get the best results, you should take this medicine before meals.
To tell the truth, the Watsons never did like their neighbors.
Ketika sebuah kalimat mulai dengan infinitif adverbia tanpa subyek (kecuali bagi modifier kalimat seperti to tell the truth), harapannya bahwa subyek verba utama akan berfungsi sebagai “subyek” infinitif pengenal. Jika ini tidak terjadi, maka infinitif tersebut dipertimbangkan menjadi “dangling” (mengantung), seperti dalam:
(In order) to make his talk more interesting, colored slides were used by the lecturer.
To get the best results, this medicine should be taken before meals.
Posisi dan Pemberian Tanda Baca Frasa Partisipial
Frasa partisipial yang merupakan konstruksi alternatif untuk klausa adjektiva biasanya muncul (hadir) setelah nomina yang mereka terangkan.
Restriktif A student hoping to finish college in three years must work very hard.
Nonrestriktif Robert, hoping to finish college in three years, work very hard.
Bagi frasa partisipial semacam ini, pemberian tanda baca sama seperti bagi klausa adjektiva, karenanya koma digunakan hanya pada frasa nonrestriktif.
Frasa nonrestriktif yang merujuk ke subyek verba utama dapat dipindah dan mungkin ditemukan di awal kalimat. Pada awal kalimat—Hoping to finish college in three years, Robert worked very hard. Di sini koma memisahkan frasa dari sisa kalimat. Ketika frasa partisipial hadir di awal kalimat, harapannya bahwa “subyek” akan muncul dengan segera setelahnya sebagai subyak verba utama—Looking out of the windows, she saw a breath-taking view. Jika harapan ini tidak terpenuhi, konstruksi dipertimbangkan elemen “menggantung” (dangling) yang tidak diharapkan--Looking out of the windows, a breath-taking view was seen.
Banyak struktur pengenal yang tidak mengandung “subyek” mereka sendiri di dalamnya tergantung pada subyek dari klausa utama bagi pelaku (wakil)-nya.
Preparing breakfast in too much of a hurry, she burned the toast. [she sebagai subyek klausa utama dan subyek struktur pengenal]
After eating dinner, she cleared the table. [she sebagai subyek klausa utama dan subyek struktur pengenal]
To study properly, a person should have good light. [a person sebagai subyek klausa utama dan subyek struktur pengenal]
Fearless as a youth, he became more timid as he grew older. [he sebagai subyek klausa utama dan subyek struktur pengenal]
At the age of seven, he came to the United States. [he sebagai subyek klausa utama dan subyek struktur pengenal]
Elemen pengenal semacam ini biasanya berhubungan dengan bagian predikat kalimat sederhana. Jika subyek yang mengikuti tidak dapat bertindak sebagai wakil mereka, struktur pengenal dipertimbangkan sebagai “dangling” (menggantung) karenanya, tertinggal mengantung tanpa kata khusus untuk menyandarkannya.
Preparing breakfast in too much of a hurry, the toast was burned. [Apakah toast bisa menyiapkan sarapan?]
After eating dinner, the table was cleared. [Tidak mungkin table makan malam]
Elemen partisipel pengenal tertentu memiliki “subyek” mereka sendiri dan oleh karena itu tidak tergantung pada subyek kalimat bagi wakil mereka.
The floods having ruined their crops, many farmers in the area decided to give up their farms. [floods adalah subyek dari partisipel pengenal dan farmers subyek dari klausa utama]
Make whatever changes are necessary to correct sentences that contain “dangling” introductory elements. (Some sentences are correct.)
Buatlah perubahan apa saja yang perlu untuk membetulkan kalimat yang mengandung elemen pengenal yang “menggantung” (Beberapa kalimat benar.)
CONTOH: Believing she had done the right thing, no one could convince her that she was wrong.
Believing she had done the right thing, she could not be convinced that she was wrong.
(Subyek, she adalah pelaku believing.)
atau Because she believed she had done the right thing, no one could convince her that she was wrong.
(Klausa because kini mengandung subyeknya sendiri, she.)
1. While waiting for the doctor, there are numerous magazines that you can read.
2. When ready, take the meat out of the oven immediately.
3. To work efficiently, frequent oiling of the machine is required.
4. A timid person, every little thing frightened him.
5. After reading newspaper in the library, they should be put back in their proper place.
6. Meeting her only once, she enchanted him completely.
7. Darkness having come, we stopped for the night.
8. As a child, his parents spoiled him very much.
9. By obeying all traffic regulations, many accidents can be avoided.
10. A comedian at heart, the children were often made to laugh by their teacher.
11. Having painted the outside of the house, the inside should also be painted.
12. Indignant at the way he was being treated, there was nothing he could do about the situation.
13. The bus being very crowded, we decided to take a taxi.
14. Blowing at sixty miles an hour, the tree was knocked down by the wind.
15. By trying to do two things at once, neither one was done properly.
16. Having prepared the vegetables and put the roast in the oven, there was no more for her to do until her husband came home.
17. On being notified that the weather would be good, the two men got ready for their long flight.
18. Having been found guilty by the jury, the judge gave the defendant a severe sentence.
19. (In order) to make his talk more interesting, colored slides were used by the lecturer.
20. To get the best results, this medicine should be taken before meals.
1. While waiting for the doctor, there are numerous magazines that you can read.
While waiting for the doctor, you can read numerous magazines.
While you’re waiting for the doctor, there are numerous magazines that you can read.
2. When ready, take the meat out of the oven immediately.
When ready, you can take the meat out of the oven immediately.
When you’re ready, take the meat out of the oven immediately.
3. To work efficiently, frequent oiling of the machine is required.
To work efficiently, the machine requires frequent oiling.
If you want your machine to work efficiently, frequent oiling of the machine is required.
4. A timid person, every little thing frightened him.
A timid person, he frightened every little thing.
Because he’s a timid person, every little thing frightened him.
5. After reading newspaper in the library, they should be put back in their proper place.
After reading newspaper in the library, he must put back it in its proper place.
After reading newspaper in the library, they (mahasiswa) must put back them (bacaan) in their proper place.
After they (mahasiswa) have read newspaper in the library, they (bacaan) should be put back in their proper place.
6. Meeting her only once, she enchanted him completely. √
(Meeting her only once sebagai modifier menerangkan kalimat she enchanted him completely)
7. Darkness having come, we stopped for the night. √
(Darkness adalah subyek elemen partisipel pengenal dan we subyek dari klausa utama)
8. As a child, his parents spoiled him very much.
As a child, he was spoiled by his parents very much.
When he was a child, his parents spoiled him very much.
9. By obeying all traffic regulations, many accidents can be avoided.
By obeying all traffic regulations, we can avoid many accidents.
If we obey all traffic regulations, many accidents can be avoided.
10. A comedian at heart, the children were often made to laugh by their teacher.
A comedian at heart, their teacher often made the children to laugh.
Their teacher was a comedian at heart, the children were often made to laugh by them.
11. Having painted the outside of the house, the inside should also be painted.
Having painted the outside of the house, he should also paint the inside.
He has painted the outside of the house, the inside should also be painted.
12. Indignant at the way he was being treated, there was nothing he could do about the situation.
Indignant at the way he was being treated, he could do nothing about the situation.
He was indignant at the way he was being treated, there was nothing he could do about the situation.
13. The bus being very crowded, we decided to take a taxi. √
(The bus adalah subyek dari elemen partisipel pengenal dan we subyek klausa utama)
14. Blowing at sixty miles an hour, the tree was knocked down by the wind.
Blowing at sixty miles an hour, the wind knocked down the tree.
When the wind was blowing at sixty miles an hour, the tree was knocked down by it.
15. By trying to do two things at once, neither one was done properly.
By trying to do two things at once, he did neither one properly.
He tried to do two things at once, neither one was done properly.
16. Having prepared the vegetables and put the roast in the oven, there was no more for her to do until her husband came home.
Having prepared the vegetables and put the roast in the oven, she did no more until her husband came home.
She had prepared the vegetables and put the roast in the oven, there was no more for her to do until her husband came home.
17. On being notified that the weather would be good, the two men got ready for their long flight. √
(On being notified that the weather would be good sebagai modifier menerangkan kalimat the two men got ready for their long flight)
18. Having been found guilty by the jury, the judge gave the defendant a severe sentence.
Having been found guilty by the jury, the defendant was given a severe sentence by the judge.
He had been found guilty by the jury, the judge gave the defendant a severe sentence.
19. (In order) to make his talk more interesting, colored slides were used by the lecturer.
(In order) to make his talk more interesting, the lecturer used colored slides.
The lecturer had made efforts to make his talk more interesting, colored slides were used by him.
20. To get the best results, this medicine should be taken before meals.
To get the best results, we must take this medicine before meals.
If you want to get the best results, this medicine should be taken before meals.“Good writing in English requires the ability to write good sentences and to organize them logically into paragraphs and essays.”
Silahkan mampir ke Toko Online untuk melihat-lihat koleksi buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Happy reading!
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