Workshop for English
Dari beberapa kelas kata yang berbeda dalam Bahasa Inggris, verba merupakan yang paling kompleks. Mereka memiliki banyak bentuk daripada jenis kata yang lain apa saja, dan mereka dapat dibagi ke dalam sejumlah jenis yang berbeda sesuai dengan bentuk dan kegunaan mereka.
Bagian ini mencakup berbagai bentuk dan jenis verba, fungsi mereka, dan beberapa masalah umum dalam penggunaan mereka.
Bentuk Verba
Semua verba kecuali be, yang akan dibicarakan terpisah, memiliki lima bentuk. Ketiga pertama dari ini—plain form, past tense, dan past participle—disebut bagian penting dari verba.
Bentuk dasar (plain form). Bentuk murni, kadang disebut bentuk dasar, adalah bentuk verba yang kita gunakan dengan semua nomina jamak dan pronomina I, we, you, dan they untuk menunjukkan waktu sekarang (present time) atau tindakan kebiasaan (habitual action): rivers flow to the sea; birds fly south every winter; I owe you money; they work downtown. Verba yang didaftar dalam kamus dengan bentuk dasar mereka (flow, fly, owe, work). Kita juga menggunakan bentuk dasar setelah verba bantu, semacam will, can, must, should, dsb., kecuali bentuk verba be dan have: the river will flow; the birds can fly. Bentuk infinitif dari sebagian besar diciptakan dengan menambah to ke bentuk dasar: he plans to work at home; I used to owe you money.
Bentuk lampau (past tense). Ini adalah bentuk yang kita gunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa tindakan atau keadaan keberadaan yang ditunjukkan oleh verba yang terjadi pada beberapa waktu di masa lampau. Dalam sebagian terbesar verba ia dibentuk hanya dengan menambahkan –d atau –ed ke bentuk dasarnya: smoked, planned, worked. Tetapi dalam sekitar 200 verba ia dibentuk dalam beberapa cara tak beraturan, biasanya dengan perubahan huruf hidup: grow, grew; swim, swam; drive, drove.
Partisipel lampau (past participle). Ini adalah bentuk yang kita gunakan dengan has, have, atau had: has worked, have grown, had driven. Ia juga digunakan dengan bentuk be untuk membentuk bentuk pasif (passive voice): is defeated, was being driven, were discovered. Dalam sebagian terbesar verba past tense dan past participle memiliki bentuk yang sama: played, have played; found, has found; slept, had slept. Tetapi sekitar 45 verba, termasuk banyak verba yang sangat umum semacam become, do, grow, speak, dan write, memiliki bentuk terpisah untuk past participle.
Bentuk –s (orang ketiga tunggal). Ini adalah bentuk yang kita gunakan dengan pronomina he, she, dan it, dengan semua nomina tunggal, dan dengan pronomina tak tentu semacam each atau someone untuk menunjukkan waktu kini atau tindakan kebiasaan: she asks, the dog bites, someone always wins. Untuk semua verba kecuali be dan have, bentuk ini dibentuk dengan menambahkan –s ke bentuk dasar: asks, bites, wins. Untuk verba be dan have bentuk –s adalah is dan has.
Partisipel sekarang (present participle). Ini adalah bentuk yang kita gunakan setelah am, is, are, was, atau were untuk menunjukkan tindakan yang berlangsung pada waktu yang ditunjukkan: I am working, he is playing, they are eating, the corn was growing. Untuk semua verba bentuk ini dibentuk dengan menambagkan –ing ke bentuk dasar.
Lima bentuk dari dua verba diikhtisarkan di bawah:
Regular Irregular
Verb Verb
Plain form work begin
PRINCIPAL Past tense worked began
PARTS Past participle worked begun
-s form works begins
Present participle working beginning
Anda seharusnya akrab dengan bentuk kata kerja berikut: bentuk dasar, bentuk orang ketiga tunggal, bentuk lampau, partisipel lampau, dan partisipel sekarang.
walk hear take begin come think |
walks hears takes begins comes thinks |
walked heard took began came thought |
walked heard taken begun come thought |
walking hearing taking beginning coming thinking
Verba be. Verba be beda dari yang lainnya karena memiliki delapan bentuk, tiga lebih dari verba Bahasa Inggris yang lainnya. Tidak seperti verba yang lainnya, ia memiliki tiga bentuk present tense: (am, are, dan is), semua berbeda dari bentuk dasar be; dan ia memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak yang terpisah (was dan were) dalam past tense. Di samping, ia memiliki present participle (being) dan past participle (been).
Verba be adalah verba tidak beraturan. Ia muncul sering dalam banyak bentuk, dan ia digunakan secara sering dengan bentuk gabungan dari verba lain. Pelajari yang berikut.
Present Tense |
Present Perfect Tense |
I am |
we are |
I have been we have been |
you are |
you are |
you have been you have been |
he, she, it is |
they are |
he, she, it has been they have been |
Past Tense |
Past Perfect Tense |
I was |
we were |
I had been we had been |
you were |
you were |
you had been you had been |
he, she, it was |
they were |
he, she, it had been they had been |
Future Tense |
Future Perfect Tense |
I will be |
we will be |
I will have been we will have been |
you will be |
you will be |
you will have been you will have been |
he, she, it will be |
they will be |
he, she, it will have been they will have been |
Jenis Kata Kerja
Verba dapat dibagi ke dalam berbagai macam sesuai dengan bentuk dan penggunaan utamanya.
Verba beraturan dan tak beraturan. Verba merupakan salah satu beraturan atau tak beraturan sesuai dengan caranya past tense dan/atau past participle-nya dibentuk.
Verba call adalah verba beraturan. Sebagian besar verba adalah beraturan—oleh karenanya, past tense dan past participle (bentuk kombinasi yang digunakan dengan banyak verba bantu) dibentuk dengan menambahkan –ed ke bentuk present tense: contohnya, help + ed dan show + ed menghasilkan helped dan showed. Jika bentuk present tense verba regular berakhir dalam e, past tense dan past participle dibentuk dengan hanya menambahkan d: hoped, filed, complete, completed, completed; repeat, repeated, repeated.
Verba tak beraturan membentuk past tense dan/atau past participle dalam beberapa cara yang tidak biasa, biasanya dengan mengubah huruf hidup internal. Dalam beberapa verba tak beraturan, meskipun huruf hidup internal diubah, past tense dan past participle memiliki bentuk yang sama: keep, kept, kept; sleep, slept, slept. Kira-kira 45, bagaimanapun, memiliki tiga bentuk berbeda: freeze, froze, frozen; give, gave, given; do, did, done. Kira-kira 20 verba tak beraturan mempertahankan bentuk yang sama bagi semua bagian tiga bagian penting: cut, cut, cut; hit, hit, hit. Meski ada dalam semuanya hanya kira-kira 200 verba tak beraturan dalam Bahasa Inggris modern, mereka termasuk jumlah besar yang kita gunakan paling sering.
Kata kerja utama dan bantu. Dalam frasa verba semacam is going, had been winning, must have been found, atau will be helped, bentuk verba terakhir menunjukkan makna terpenting dan disebut verba utama. Semua bentuk verba lainnya dalam frasa tersebut menunjukkan corak makna, semacam waktu, keharusan, dan kemungkinan, dan disebut verba bantu.
Kata kerja bantu tersusun dari kelompok kecil kata fungsi yang mungkin dibagi ke dalam subgroup sesuai dengan jenis fungsi yang mereka laksanakan. Semua kata kerja bantu kecuali be, have, dan do ditandai dengan fakta bahwa mereka memiliki hanya satu bentuk.
1. Bentuk dari be (am, is, are, was, were, been, dan being) dan dari have (has, have, had, having) bergabung dengan verba utama untuk menunjukkan tense dan voice (keterangan waktu dan bentuk) seperti dalam have worked, were studying, is planned, had been defeated. Kata kerja bantu will, dan shall digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu yang akan datang, seperti dalam will go.
2. Kata kerja bantu can, could, may, might, must, ought (to), should, dan would, kadang disebut kata kerja bantu modal, bergabung dengan verba utama untuk menunjukkan kemampuan (ability), keharusan (obligation), kesopanan (permission), kemungkinan (possibility), dsb.: can go, could have gone, must go.
3. Kata kerja bantu do digunakan untuk membentuk pertanyaan atau pernyataan negatif dan untuk memberi penekanan, seperti dalam Does she work; She did not work yesterday; She does work hard (penekanan).
Kata Bantu Modal (Modal Auxiliaries)
can do it Modal tidak mengambil –s akhir, bahkan
I could do it ketika subyeknya she, he, atau it.
You had better do it CORRECT: She can do it.
He may do
it INCORRECT: She cans do it.
She might do it
It > + > must do it Modal diikuti dengan segera oleh bentuk
We ought to do it simpel verba.
You shall do it CORRECT: She can do it.
They should do
it INCORRECT: She can to do it./She can does
will do it
would do it Hanya perkecualian adalah ought, yang diikuti
oleh infinitive (to + bentuk dasar verba).
CORRECT: He ought to go to the meeting.
Modal frasal
be able to do it Modal frasal adalah ungkapan umum yang
be going to do it artinya mirip dengan itu beberapa kata bantu
be supposed to do it modal. Contoh: be able to mirip dengan can; be
have to do it going to mirip dengan will.
have got to do it
Infinitif (to + bentuk dasar verba) digunakan
dalam ungkapan yang mirip ini.
Transitive, intransitive, dan linking verb. Verba mungkin dikelompokkan sebagai intransitive, transitive, atau linking sesuai dengan apakah mereka melewatkan atau tidak melewatkan aksi mereka ke kata yang lain, yang disebut obyek mereka, atau apakah mereka diikuti oleh kata yang merujuk ke subyek, disebut pelengkap subyek.
Tata bahasa tradisional memiliki terminologi yang dengan bagus dibangun bagi pelengkap yang lebih umum yang digunakan dengan verba aksi. Verba aksi yang memilki pelengkap disebut verba transitif. Verba aksi yang tidak memiliki pelengkap disebut verba intransitif.
Perbedaan antara verba transitif dan intransitif secara luas dikenali. Contoh, ketika Anda sebagai pebelajar Bahasa Inggris mencari dan melihat sebuah verba aksi di dalam kamus, Anda akan menemukan simbol berikut tepat setelah entri: vt atau vi. vt singkatan dari verba transitif [transitive verb]; vi kepanjangannya verba intransitif [intransitive verb].
Berikut beberapa contoh verba intransitif (verba dicetak miring):
Sam snores.
Sally sneezed.
The church bells rang.
The book lay on the table.
The children snickered.
All of the flowers wilted in the sun.
Perhatikan contoh terakhir. In the sun adalah frasa preposisi adverbia tidak wajib. Karena in the sun tidak diperlukan oleh verba untuk membuat kalimat yang lengkap, ia tidak menjadi pelengkap. Verba intransitif dapat diikuti oleh sejumlah adverbia tidak wajib (optional).
Verba transitif adalah verba yang diikuti oleh satu atau lebih obyek, kata yang menerima aksi/ tindakan dari verba.
The hurricane struck the coast.
Rescue workers gave the storm victims aid. [victims = obyek tak langsun, aid = obyek langsung]
The storm made the roads impassable. [roads = obyek langsung, impassable = pelengkap obyek yang menerangkan roads]
They painted the house white. (white merujuk ke house)
The jury believed him innocent. (innocent merujuk ke him)
Sally considered John a fool. (a fool = John)
The board named him the new vice president for sales. (the new vice president for sales = him)
They elected Elaine treasurer. (Elaine = treasurer)
Linking verb adalah verba yang diikuti oleh pelengkap subyek, kata yang menamai kembali atau menerangkan subyek.
Mata Hari was a German spy. [Spy menerangkan Mata Hari.]
Her life appears glamorous to us now. [Glamorous menerangkan life.]
But undoubtedly it seems very dangerous to her. [Dangerous menerangkan it.]
Beberapa kata kerja mungkin digunakan sebagai salah satu intransitive atau transitive sesuai dengan kalimat yang di dalamnya mereka digunakan.
The storm broke the power lines. [Transitive]
The storm broke violently. [Intransitive)
Verba tentu dan tak tentu. Verba tentu dapat bertindak tanpa kata kerja bantu sebagaimana verba utama dalam sebuah kalimat; verba tak tentu tidak dapat. Kita dapat menggunakan drive sebagai verba utama: the men always drive. Tetapi kita tidak dapat membuat sebuah kalimat dengan infinitive atau participle, yang merupakan bentuk verba tak tentu: the men to drive, the men driving, dan the men driven adalah bukan kalimat. Kita harus menambahkan sebuah kata kerja bantu ke bentuk semacam ini untuk membuat mereka mampu membentuk kalimat: the men have to drive, the men are driving, the men were driven.
Biasanya mungkin untuk membedakan antara bentuk verba tentu dan tak tentu dengan fakta bahwa verba tentu mengubah bentuk dalam present tense sesuai dengan apakah subyek mereka tunggal atau jamak: the bell rings tetapi the bells ring. Dalam frasa verba tentu, kata kerja bantu be, have, dan do, mengubah bentuk sesuai dengan apakah subyeknya tunggal atau jamak: the bell is ringing tetapi the bells are ringing. Bandingkan verba tentu dan tak tentu dalam daftar berikut. Catat secara khusus bahwa kelompok kata yang berisikan verba tentu adalah kalimat yang lengkap tetapi mereka yang mengandung hanya verba tak tentu tidak. Catat juga bahwa bentuk verba tak tentu tetap tidak diubah.
FINITE (Tentu) NONFINITE (Tak tentu)
The man plans his meals. The man planning his meals.
The men plan their meals. The men planning their meals. . .
The dog has slept. The dog having slept. . .
The dogs have slept. The dogs having slept. . .
She defeats her opponents. The opponent to defeat. . .
They defeat their opponents. The opponents to defeat. . .
Ingat bahwa hanya verba tentu atau frasa verba dapat membuat pernyataan dan bertindak sebagai verba utama dari kalimat. Bentuk verba tak tentu—infinitive (to steal), present participle (stealing), dan past participle (stolen)—tidak bisa bertindak sebagai verba utama dari kalimat jika mereka tidak ditemani oleh kata kerja bantu. Sekelompok kata yang memiliki hanya kata kerja tak tentu akan selalu menjadi fragmen kalimat.
INCORRECT When the pitcher wasn’t looking, the runner stole third base. The crowd cheering wildly
CORRECT When the pitcher wasn’t looking, the runner stole third base. The crowd cheered wildly.
INCORRECT The woman going to her office. (Present Participle)
INCORRECT The woman to go to her office. (Infinitive)
INCORRECT The woman gone to her office. (Past Participle)
Bagian Latihan
Latihan 1
Use the past tense (second principal part), or the past participle (third principal part) of the irregular verbs in parentheses.
Gunakan past tense (bagian penting kedua), atau past participle (bagian penting ketiga) dari verba tak beraturan dalam kurung.
Contoh: a. Many planes (fly) ________ flew ________ over this village a few minutes ago. (past tense)
b. She has (wear) ______ worn ______ her new dress only once. (past participle after the auxiliary have)
c. The window was (break) _______ broken ______ some time ago.
(past participle after the auxiliary be with a passive verb)
1. I fell asleep just as soon as I (lie) _____________________ down on the bed.
2. No one knows where the robbers have (hide) _________________ the money.
3. The girl (fall) ______________ off the horse yesterday and (hurt) __________ herself badly.
4. I have (see) _____________________ several good movies this year.
5. The clothes were (hang) ______________________ on the line to dry.
6. It was (think) _______________________ that he had met with an accident.
7. The money was (lend) _________________________ to him by a friend.
8. All the bills were (pay) __________________________ yesterday
9. The apartment house was (build) ______________________ ten years ago.
10. Our team (win) ______________________________ the game yesterday.
11. The same car (cost) _________________________ $100 less a year ago.
12. She doesn’t remember where she (lay) __________________ the packages yesterday.
13. Construction on the building was (begin) _______________ three years ago.
14. He didn’t get up until long after the sun had (rise) ___________________
15. The picture was (draw) __________________________ by a famous artist.
16. He (swim) ______ so far out from shore that the lifeguard signaled for him to come back.
17. A hole has already been (dig) __________________________ for the well.
18. He was (strike) ______________________ in the face by a baseball.
19. What is (mean) _______________________ by this word?
20. She has (bring) ________________________ two of her children with her.
21. We seem to have (lose) ____________________ our way.
22. The money was (put) _______________________ in the bank right away.
23. He has (lie) _____________________ in bed all day.
24. He was (choose) ____________________ to lead the men.
25. He has (drive) _______________________ many racing cars.
26. Her coat was (tear) _____________________ on a nail.
27. The boy was (bite) ____________________ by a mosquito.
28. Several notes were (stick) ________________________ up on the wall.
29. This tray was (buy) ___________________________ at Woolworth’s.
30. The holdup victim was (shoot) ________________________ in the arm.
31. He has already (sleep) ________________________ for ten hours.
32. The suspected thief is being (seek) ____________________ by the police.
33. She has always (dream) ______________________ of being a ballerina.
34. The watch has already been (wind) ____________________ today.
35. She (weave) _____________________ the rug on her own loom.
36. The child (cling) _______________________ fearfully to her mother.
37. She (weep) ____________________ uncontrollably when she heard of her friend’s death.
38. The announcement was (read) _____________________ to all the members.
39. The robber (bind) ______________________ his victim to a tree.
40. The director is such a tyrant that many people have (flee) ____________ from the country.
Latihan 2
In the blanks, copy all the verbs and verb phrases from the following sentences. Circle the main verb in each verb phrase you write.
Di ruang kosong, salin semua verba dan frasa verba dari kalimat berikut. Lingkari verba utama dalam setiap frasa verba yang Anda tulis.
Contoh: There are many Black American military heroes.
1. Black Americans have served in every American military action.
2. History books often omit the military contributions of Blacks.
3. In early military actions like the Revolutionary War, the role of Blacks was admittedly small.
4. The number of free Blacks in America at that time was small.
5. Even though they almost begged to be allowed to fight, Blacks served with great honor.
6. Two Black men, Oliver Cromwell and Prince Whipple, crossed the Delaware River with Washington. _____________________________________________________________
7. General Newport, of the Royal Army, was captured by Prince Estabrook, a Black soldier in the Continental Army.
8. Another Black hero, Peter Salem, killed Major Pitcairn as he was savoring his expected victory at Bunker Hill
9. Black soldiers were often forced to serve in segregated units.
10. Whites had long believed that Blacks could not command well or use firearms accurately
11. Despite these bigoted views of their abilities, Blacks distinguished themselves in combat.
12. The Medal of Honor was awarded in 1863 to William Carney.
13. Carney fought against the Plains Indians with the Massachusetts Colored Infantry.
14. Isaiah Dorman, a Black scout, served and died at the Little Big Horn with Custer in 1876.
15. In 1877, Henry Plippes was the first Black to graduate from West Point.
16. By World War I, 40,000 Black combat soldiers were serving with the French command.
17. Neither U.S. nor British commanders wished to use these men.
18. The Croix de Guerre had never been awarded to Americans before World War I.
- The French government awarded it to Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts at the close of World War I.
- Both men had served in the 369th Infantry’s Black “Hellfighters” group.
- During World War II, over 1.4 million Black men and women were drafted or volunteered for military service.
- At Pearl Harbor, four enemy planes were brought down by a Black mess attendant who manned a machine gun.
- The attendant, Dorie Miller, was acclaimed as a hero very quickly.
- The Black fighter pilots of Benjamin Davis, Jr. proved courageous and valuable during the Italian campaign.
- American military history has been made, in large part, by Black Americans who served their country capably.
Latihan 3
DIRECTIONS: Decide if the underlined word or phrase in the sentences below is used correctly. If the phrase is used correctly, mark the sentence C. If the sentence is used incorrectly, mark the sentence X and rewrite the underlined expression, correcting the mistake. The first one is done for you as an example.
PETUNJUK: Putuskan jika kata atau frasa yang digarisbawahi dalam kalimat berikut digunakan dengan benar. Jika frasa digunakan dengan benar, tandai kalimat tersebut C. Jika kalimat tersebut digunakan dengan tidak benar, tandai kalimat tersebut X dan tulis kembali ungkapan yang digarisbawahi, betulkan kesalahan tersebut. Nomor satu dikerjakan untuk Anda sebagai contoh.
_____ 1. Cans of paint must be shaking before use to mix pigments with the medium in which they are suspended. shaken
_____ 2. Each of the Ice Ages were more than a million years long. ___________
_____ 3. The white pine is the most commercially important forest tree in North
America until the beginning of the twentieth century. ___________
_____ 4. The first bicycle race on record in the United States taken place in 1883. __________
_____ 5. Teeth are covered with a hard substance called enamel. ____________
_____ 6. When scientists search a site for fossils, they begin by examining places where the soil has wore away from the rock. ___________
_____ 7. The first seven American astronauts were chose in 1959. ___________
_____ 8. Medical students must to study both the theory and practice of medicine. __________
_____ 9. Ethics is the study of moral duties, principles, and values. ___________
_____ 10. In music, a chord is the sound of two or more notes that are playing together. __________
_____ 11. Every one of the body’s billions of cells requires a constant supply of food and oxygen. ____________
_____ 12. The more or less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts are referred to as the business cycle. _____________
_____ 13. In the late nineteenth century, many important theories in both the biological and the physical sciences have been produced. _______________
_____ 14. Chromium used to make stainless steel. ______________
Kunci Jawaban Latihan
Latihan I
1. lay [lie-lay-lain] = verba intransitive
2. have hidden [hide-hid-hidden]
3. fell [fall-fell-fallen] . . . hurt
4. have seen [see-saw-seen]
5. were hung [hang-hung-hung]
6. was thought [think-thought-thought]
7. was lent [lend-lent-lent]
8. were paid [pay-paid-paid]
9. was built [build-built-built]
10. won [win-won-won]
11. cost [cost-cost-cost]
12. laid [lay-laid-laid]
13. was begun [begin-began-begun]
14. had risen [rise-rose-risen]
15. was drawn [draw-drew-drawn]
16. swam [swim-swam-swung]
17. been dug [dig-dug-dug]
18. was stricken [strike-struck-stricken]
19. is meant [mean-meant-meant]
20. has brought [bring-brought-brought]
21. have lost [lose-lost-lost]
22. was put [put-put-put]
23. has lain [lie-lay-lain]
24. was chosen [choose-chose-chosen]
25. has driven [drive-drove-driven]
26. was torn [tear-tore-torn]
27. was bitten [bite-bit-bitten]
28. were stuck [stick-stuck-stuck]
29. was bought [buy-bought-bought]
30. was shot [shoot-shot-shot]
31. has slept [sleep-slept-slept]
32. is being sought [seek-sought-sought]
33. has dreamed/dreamt [dream-dreamed-dreamed]
34. been wound [wind-wound-wound]
35. wove [weave-wove-woven]
36. clung [cling-clung-clung]
37. wept [weep-wept-wept]
38. was read [read-read-read] Ã /ried/ - /red/ - /red/
39. bound [bind-bound-bound]
40. have fled [flee-fled-fled]
Latihan II
1. have served
2. omit
3. was
4. was
5. begged, be allowed, fight, served
6. crossed
7. was captured
8. killed, was savoring
9. were forced, serve
10. had believed, could not command, use
11. distinguished
12. was awarded
13. fought
14. served, died
15. was, graduate
16. were serving
17. wished, use
18. had been awarded
19. awarded
20. had served
21. were drafted or volunteered
22. were brought down, manned
23. was acclaimed
24. proved
25. has been made, served
Latihan III
1. X > shaken
2. X > was (clue-nya kata each)
3. C > The white pine = singular
4. X > took (perhatikan time marker in 1883)
5. C > tooth = singular, teeth = plural)
6. X > has worn (present perfect)
7. X > were chosen (V-3 diperlukan dalam bangunan kalimat pasif)
8. X > must study (bentuk dasar verba diperlukan setelah kata bantu must)
9. C > (Ethics = konsep, uncountable noun)
10. C > (antesedennya adalah two or more notes)
11. C > (clue-nya kata Every)
12. X > is (merujuk subyek rhythmic succession)
13. C > (merujuk subyek many important theories)
14. X > is used (diperlukan to be dalam bangunan kalimat pasif)
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