Senin, 08 Februari 2021

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Adjektiva dan Adverbia Bahasa Inggris

Workshop for English


belajar bahasa inggris, bahasa inggris, belajar adjektiva dan adverbia, belajar adjektiva bahasa inggris, belajar adverbia bahasa inggris

Adverbia dan adjektiva mungkin juga menciptakan masalah bagi beberapa siswa. Anda mungkin perlu untuk menekankan bahwa hanya adverbia dapat menerangkan adjektiva (really good movie sebagai pengganti dari real good movie). Konteks yang melibatkan linking verb yang digunakan dalam pengertian seem atau appear dapat juga menyulitkan. Linking verb bertindak sebagai tanda sama dengan (=) dan menghubungkan subyek ke modifier predikatnya. Modifier ini harus berupa sebuah adjektiva, karena hanya adjektiva menerangkan nomina atau pengganti nomina yang membentuk subyek. Penjelasan semacam ini mungkin mengoreksi beberapa kecenderungan para siswa untuk menulis He feels badly sebagai pengganti dari He feels bad.

a. Adjektiva

Adjektiva adalah kata yang menerangkan nomina atau pronomina. Oleh karenanya, adjektiva menerangkan karakteristik dari orang, tempat, atau benda. Seperti dilihat dalam contoh ini, sebagian besar kata yang merupakan adjektiva muncul dengan segera sebelum kata yang sedang diterangkan (adjektiva dicetak miring):

big tree                        several people                         recent invoice

            almost everyone                      ten reasons

Adjektiva menerangkan nomina, dan mereka biasanya ditempatkan salah satu segera sebelum atau segera setelah kata yang mereka terangkan. Adjektiva memberi kualitas makna dengan menunjukkan “what kind of” tentang kata yang mereka terangkan.

Our local doctor told me I probably needed new glasses; blurred vision was giving me headaches too severe to treat with aspirin alone.

Adjektiva umumnya berada antara determiner dan nomina (the old bucket), atau setelah be atau linking verb lainnya, meski mereka dapat juga mengikuti nomina. Banyak adjektiva tidak memiliki bentuk khusus, tetapi morfem derivasi tertentu digabung dengan adjektiva, seperti –able (likeable), -ish (greenish), -full (thoughtful), dan –y (lazy).

Adjektiva tertentu memiliki morfem infleksi untuk bentuk komparatif dan superlatif seperti happy, happier, happiest.

Adjektiva memainkan dua peran yang berbeda: noun modifier (attributive) dan predicate adjective (predicative). Sebagai modifier nomina, adjektiva selalu mendahului nomina yang mereka terangkan. Sebagai adjektiva predikat, adjektiva mengikuti linking verb dan menerangkan subyek. Berikut beberapa contoh dari kedua tipe:

Adjektiva sebagai modifier nomina (adjektiva dalam cetakan miring, nomina dalam cetakan gelap)

            an awful noise

            that dreadful old man

            five golden rings

            the special, deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza

Adjektiva sebagai adjektiva predikat (adjektiva dicetak miring)

            The play was terrific.

            Harry sounded excited.

            The crust turned brown.

            Please remain calm.

            He became angry at the very thought.

Gunakan adjektiva untuk menerangkan subyek setelah linking verb

Linking verb yang umum adalah be, become, appear, seem, dan verba yang terkait dengan panca indra: look, smell, taste, sound, feel. Adjektiva predikat setelah verba semacam ini merujuk ke subyek dan seharusnya berada dalam bentuk adjektiva. Dalam setiap kalimat berikut, contohnya, adjektiva predikat menerangkan subyek. Verba hanya menghubungkan keduanya.

            You look tired. [Tired menerangkan you.]

            The milk smells sour. [Sour menerangkan milk.]

Satu dari kekeliruan yang paling sering dalam konstruksi ini adalah I feel badly sebagai pengganti dari bentuk subject--linking–verb—predicate-adjective I feel bad. Meski badly umum bahkan dalam pembicaraan terdidik, bad adalah sangat lebih disukai oleh banyak penutur.

                     FORMAL                        He feels bad [ill].

            COLLOQUIAL                        He feels badly.

                     FORMAL                        He felt bad about it.

            COLLOQUIAL                        He felt badly about it.


Adjektiva sebagai Modifier Nomina

Berikut adalah uji sederhana untuk mengidentifikasi adjektiva yang menerangkan:

Uji Pasangan bagi Adjektiva yang Menerangkan

Jika Anda dapat memasangkan kata yang menerangkan dengan nomina, 

maka kata itu adalah adjektiva.  

Menggunakan contoh terakhir dari adjektiva yang digunakan sebagai modifier nomina di atas, berikut bagaimana adjektiva berpasangan dengan nomina yang mereka terangkan:

the special, deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza

the pizza

special pizza

deep-dish pizza

Chicago-style pizza

Uji berpasangan menunjukkan bahwa masing –masing dari kata ini dapat secara terpisah dan bebas menerangkan nomina pizza. Oleh karena itu, mereka adalah semua adjektiva yang valid.

Uji berpasangan sangat membantu dalam membedakan adverbia dan adjektiva. Berikut sebuah contoh:

            That absolutely dreadful old man.

Berikut apa yang terjadi ketika kita menerapkan uji berpasangan ini:

            that man

       X   absolutely man

            dreadful man

            old man

Uji berpasangan menunjukkan kita bahwa absolutely adalah bukan adjektiva karena ia tidak dapat menerangkan nomina man. Absolutely benar-benar sebuah adverbia yang menerangkan adjektiva dreadful.

Adjektiva menerangkan nomina atau pronomina. Ia menerangkan, membatasi, atau memberi kualitas makna dari kata yang ia terangkan, sering memberitahu what kind, how many, atau which one. Adjektiva tidak dapat menerangkan adverbia atau adjektiva lainnya. Ada beberapa jenis adjektiva:

DESCRIPTIVE            English is the common language in America.

POSSESSIVE               Our brand of English is somewhat different from the English in Great Britain.

DEMONSTRATIVE    That variety of English is now called British English, whereas our language is   called American English.

INTEROGATIVE        What difference are there between the two?

NUMERICAL              To cite just one example, Americans say a car has a “hood,” but the British say   it has a “bonnet.”

ARTICLES                  Whereas we refer to a car’s “trunk,” an English person calls the trunk a “boot.”


Practice A:  Identifying adjectives   Underline all the words (including the articles) that function as adjectives in the following sentences. The answers are listed at the end of this section.

Latihan A: Tandai adjektiva. Garisbawahi semua kata (termasuk artikel) yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva dalam kalimat berikut. Jawaban didaftar pada akhir bagian ini.

1 A short history of one textile town in New England helps illustrate America’s lure for immigrants. 2 When the mill first opened, young girls from Scotland, skilled weavers, were brought to America to teach weaving skills to local workers. 3 Later, the Scots workers often brought over their relatives. 4 By 1860, Irish families were becoming the basis of the work force as their work as canal builders and railroad workers led them to more New England towns. 5 By this time, over one-fourth of the town’s citizens were of foreign birth. 6 German and Swedish immigrants took jobs in the mill as skilled craftspeople. 7 In the 1870s, scarce land and depleted farms in Canada sent many French-Canadians, drawn by the mill’s agents who traveled through Canada recruiting unskilled labor, into New England mill towns in search of work. 8 Later immigrants, particularly Greeks and Poles, arrived in smaller numbers, but as long as it was thriving, the textile industry and its steady wages continued to draw immigrants.


b. Adverbia

Adverbia normalnya menerangkan verba, adjektiva, dan adverbia lainnya, meskipun mereka mungkin kadang menerangkan keseluruhan kalimat. Ketika mereka menerangkan adjektiva atau adverbia lainnya, mereka berdampingan dengan kata yang mereka terangkan. Ketika mereka menerangkan verba, mereka sering , tetapi tidak selalu, berdampingan dengan verba.

Adverbia memberi kualitas makna dari kata yang mereka terangkan dengan menunjukkan sesuatu semacam when, where, how, why, in what order, atau how often.

            The office closed yesterday. [Yesterday menunjukkan kapan.]

            Deliver all mail here. [Here menunjukkan di mana.]

            She replied quickly and angrily. [Quickly dan angrily menerangkan bagaimana dia menjawab.]

            Consequently, I left. [Consequently menerangkan mengapa.]

            He seldom did any work. [Seldom menunjukkan bagaimana sering.]

Berikut adverbia yang menunjukkan arah, lokasi, cara, waktu, dan keseringan.

            direction:         Jum pointed there.

            location:           Isabel shops locally.

            manner:           The choir sang joyfully at the ordination.

            time:                Soon, Rafi will retire.

            frequency:       We visit our friends in Detroit occasionally.

Sebagian besar adverbia dibedakan dari adjektiva yang terkait dengan akhiran –ly: strong-strongly, happy-happily, doubtful-doubtfully, hasty-hastily, mad-madly. Tetapi akhiran –ly tidak merupakan indikasi yang dapat tergantung dari adverbia karena beberapa adverbia memiliki dua bentuk (quick, quickly; slow, slowly; lainnya memiliki bentuk yang sama seperti adjektiva (fast, much, late, well); dan beberapa adjektiva juga berakhir dalam –ly [He is friendly to her and treats her kindly.]

Di mana  ada pilihan antara bentuk dengan –ly dan bentuk tanpanya, Bahasa Inggris formal lebih suka bentuk –lyruns quickly daripada runs quick, eats slowly daripada eats slow—meskipun bentuk yang lebih pendek secara luas digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris informal, khususnya dalam perintah semacam ini Drive slow. Catat khususnya bahwa good dan bad sebagai adverbia tidak standar. Kalimat He talks good but writes bad tidak standar. Bahasa Inggris standar mengharuskan He talks well but writes badly. Kita harus bisa membedakan penggunaan dari good, better, dan best dalam kalimat semacam: “My new car is a good one.; I had a sports car and a sedan, but I like the sports car better.; Of the three cars I’ve owned, I liked the sports car best.”  [good, well—better—the best; bad, badly—worse—the worst]

Verba sering diterangkan oleh adverbia. Adverbia dapat mengambil posisi apa saja dalam kalimat: bisa di awal, tengah, dan akhir kalimat. Adverbia “cara” adalah satu-satunya adverbia dengan infleksi yang berbeda; mereka biasanya mengambil akhiran –ly. Fungsi utama adverbia adalah menerangkan verba, seperti dalam contoh sebelumnya, tetapi mereka mungkin juga menerangkan keseluruhan kalimat, seperti dalam kalimat berikut:

            Fortunately, they arrived home before too much damage had been done.

Gunakan adverbia, bukan adjektiva, untuk menerangkan verba.

            INCORRECT   He writes careless.

CORRECT       He writes carelessly. [Adverbia carelessly diperlukan untuk menerangkan verba writes.]

INCORRECT   We worked diligent.

CORRECT       We worked diligently. [Adverbia diperlukan untuk menerangkan verba.]

Gunakan adverbia, bukan adjektiva, untuk menerangkan adverbia lainnya atau adjektiva.

            INCORRECT   I am terrible nearsighted.

CORRECT       I am terribly nearsighted. [Adverbia terribly diperlukan untuk menerangkan   adjektiva nearsighted.]

INCORRECT   Contact lenses cost considerable more than glasses do.

CORRECT       Contact lenses cost considerably more than glasses do. [Adverbia considerably   diperlukan untuk menerangkan adverbia lainnya more.]

Gunakan adverbia setelah verba jika modifier menerangkan cara tindakan dari verba.

The cat looked slyly at the canary. [Adverbia slyly menerangkan verba looked. Kontras The cat looked sly to the canary.]

The blind old woman felt gratefully for the blanket someone had put at the foot of her bed. [Adverbia gratefully menerangkan veba felt. Kontras The blind old woman felt grateful for the blanket someone had put at the foot of her bed.]

Looked pertama berfungsi sebagai verba aksi (action verb) sedangkan looked kedua berfungsi sebagai linking verb. Begitu juga untuk felt pertama berfungsi sebagai verba aksi sedangkan felt kedua berfungsi sebagai linking verb.

Dalam contoh ini verba look dan feel mengungkapkan aksi, dan harus diterangkan oleh adverbia. Tetapi dalam konstruksi seperti She looks tired atau He feels well, verba tersebut bertindak tidak sebagai kata tindakan (aksi) tetapi sebagai penghubung antara subyek dan adjektiva predikat (sebagai linking verb). Pilihan adjektiva atau adverbia jadinya tergantung pada fungsi dan makna dari verba—dalam kata lain, pada apakah iya atau tidak verba tersebut sedang digunakan sebagai linking verb. Tanyakan diri sendiri apakah Anda menginginkan sebuah modifier untuk subyek atau untuk verba.


Practice B: Identifying adverbs    Underline all the words functioning as adverbs in the following sentences. The answers are listed at the end of this section.

Latihan B: Mengenali adverbia.   Garisbawahi semua kata yang berfungsi sebagai adverbia dalam kalimat berikut. Jawaban didaftar pada akhir dari bagian ini.

1 Colonial America, while still remaining basically English, was already a melting pot. 2 Germans, who comprised about 6 percent of the population, had settled mainly in Pennsylvania; they were erroneously called the Pennsylvania Dutch, a stubbornly persisting error even today. 3 The Scotch-Irish, who made up 7 percent of the colonial population, were really Scotch Lowlanders who had been transplanted to northern Ireland. 4 Their economic life was severely hampered when the English arbitrarily placed restrictions on the linen and wool industries. 5 Early in the 1700’s, the embittered Scotch-Irish immigrated to the Colonies, where they found the best land already taken by the previous immigrants; they immediately moved to claim new ground in frontier areas. 6 Another 5 percent of the colonial population was French, Dutch, Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss, and Scots Highlanders. 7 Approximately one-fifth of the population was Black, and thus constituted easily the largest non-English element in the Colonies.

Jawaban kepada Latihan A    1 A, short, one, textile, America’s     2 the, young, skilled, weaving, local     3 The, Scots, their     4 Irish, the, the, work, their, canal, railroad, more, New England     5 this, the, foreign     6 German, Swedish, the, skilled     7 the, scarce, depleted, many, the, mill’s, unskilled, New England, mill     8 Later, smaller, thriving, the, textile, its, steady

Jawaban kepada Latihan B     1 still, basically, already     2 mainly, erroneously, stubbornly, even, today     3 up, really     4 severely, arbitrarily     5 Early, already, immediately     7 Approximately, easily       


Antara Adjektiva dan Adverbia

Antara adjektiva dan adverbia sering tertukar-tukar penggunaannya oleh pebelajar Bahasa Inggris. Perlu diketahui oleh pebelajar Bahasa Inggris bahwa tipe yang paling umum dari masalah bentuk kata melibatkan penggunaan adverbia sebagai pengganti dari adjektiva atau adjektiva sebagai pengganti adverbia. 

belajar adjektiva bahasa inggris, belajar adverbia bahasa inggris, linking verb bahasa inggris, nomina predikat, adjektiva predikat


Beberapa hal perlu untuk diingat:

Adjektiva menerangkan nomina, frasa nomina, gerund, dan pronomina.

            Hang up your wet clothes. [Adjektiva menerangkan nomina clothes.]

            The two children were kind. [Adjektiva menerangkan frasa nomina the two children.]

            We saw some wonderful acting in the play. [Adjektiva menerangkan gerund acting.]

            They were very brave. [Adjektiva menerangkan pronomina they.]

·         Adjektiva sering hadir di depan kata yang ia terangkan.

            An important test         a quiet evening            a long article

·         Adjektiva mungkin juga mengikuti verba to be dan verba linking lainnya.

            The glass was empty.

            That song sounds nice.

            They look upset.

·         Adjektiva sering menjawab pertanyaan what kind?

            She is a brilliant scholar. [What kind of a scholar is she? A brilliant one.]

Adverbia menerangkan banyak macam kata, termasuk verba, partisipel, adjektiva, dan adverbia yang lain.

            Ann eagerly accepted the challenge. [Adverbia menerangkan verba accepted.]

            It was a rapidly changing situation. [Adverbia menerangkan present participle changing.]

            She wore a brightly colored scarf. [Adverbia menerangkan past participle colored.]

            Ted seemed extremely curious about that topic. [Adverbia menerangkan adjektiva curious.]

            The accident occurred incredibly quickly. [Adverbia menerangkan adverbia quickly.]

·         Kadang –kadang adverbia digunakan di awal kalimat, biasanya diikuti oleh koma. Adverbia ini menerangkan seluruh kalimat daripada satu kata dalam kalimat tersebut.

Generally, I like my classes.

Usually, Professor Mashadi’s lectures are more interesting than the one he gave today. 

·         Adverbia cara dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran –ly ke sebuah adjektiva (-ally jika adjektivanya berakhir dengan huruf –c). Adverbia cara menjawab pertanyaan How?

Ms. Lang treats her employees honestly. (How does she treat her employees?  Honestly.] 

·         Beberapa adverbia (fast, hard, dan high, contohnya) memiliki bentuk yang sama seperti adjektiva.

Charles bought a fast car. [adjektiva]

He was driving so fast that he got a speeding ticket. [adverbia]

·         Well adalah bentuk adverbia yang tak beraturan dari adjektiva good.

(good, well à better à the best)

Juan is an exceptionally good student.

He did very well on the last test.

Beberapa adjektiva dan adverbia memiliki bentuk yang sama, seperti fast, hard, high, much, right, straight, late, dan well.

The exam was much easier than I had expected. [Adverbia much menerangkan adjektiva easier.]

It’s a small car that doesn’t use much fuel. [Adjektiva much menerangkan nomina fuel.]

The car was coming straight at me. [Adverbia straight menerangkan verba coming.]

Rosie wore a long straight skirt and a along sleeved sweater. [Adjektiva straight menerangkan nomina skirt.]

He barely pause before jumping straight into the water. [Adverbia straight menerangkan verba jumping.]

Draw a straight line and then continue to make a box. [Adjektiva straight menerangkan nomina line.]

Shake the can well before opening. [Adverbia well menerangkan verba shake.]

I’m not feeling very well today. [Adjektiva well menerangkan subyek I; feeling sebagai linking verb dan well sebagai adjektiva predikat.]


INCORRECT   Several people arrived too lately to be admitted to the performance.

CORRECT       Several people arrived too late to be admitted to the performance.

INCORRECT   The horse ran fastly enough to win the race.

CORRECT       The horse ran fast enough to win the race.

INCORRECT   The architect worked hardly to finish his drawing by the next day.

CORRECT       The architect worked hard to finish his drawing by the next day.

INCORRECT   The eagle soared highly into the air.

CORRECT       The eagle soared high into the air.

INCORRECT   The keys were rightly here a minute ago.

CORRECT       The keys were right here a minute ago.

Cermatilah bentuk adjektiva dan adverbia yang sama. Kunci untuk mensiasatinya adalah apakah Anda menginginkan sebuah modifier untuk subyek atau untuk verba. Jika modifier untuk subyek berarti modifier yang diperlukan adalah adjektiva (linking verb). Jika modifier untuk verba berarti modifier yang diperlukan adalah adverbia (ingat salah satu fungsi adverbia).



In the following sentences, correct in accordance with formal usage any errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs.

Dalam kalimat berikut, betulkan berkaitan dengan penggunaan formal kekeliruan apa saja dalam penggunaan adjektiva dan adverbia.

1.      An optometrist in Hawaii regular fits animals with contact lenses.

2.      The lenses, usually soft lenses, apparently feel comfortably in the animals.

3.      Animals are unusual susceptible to abrasions of the eye’s surface.

4.      Contact lenses are frequent prescribed in these cases.

5.      The lenses very effective protect the eye while it is healing.

6.      They substitute good for bandages.

7.      The healing process can be checked easy without removing her lens.

8.      The lenses will also keep medicine in the eye indefinite.

9.      A reasonable good-trained person can inspect the lens.

10.  Previous, a damaged eye would have been sewn shut to protect it while it was healing.


Each of the following sentences contains at least one adjective or adverb. Some sentences contain both. In the blanks, copy the adjectives and adverbs, labeling them adj or adv. Write the words they modify in parentheses. Do not copy or label the articles a, an, or the.

Setiap kalimat berikut berisikan  sedikitnya satu adjektiva atau adverbia. Beberapa kalimat mengandung keduanya. Di tempat kosong, salin adjektiva dan adverbia, beri label mereka adj atau adv. Tulis kata-kata yang mereka terangkan dalam kurung. Jangan salin atau beri label artikel a, an, atau the.

Contoh:            The facts about ethnic groups can be really surprising.

                        ethnic, adj (groups), really, adv (surprising)


1. Which is the richest town in America?


2. High on any list of rich cities will be Palm Springs, California.


3. Few houses in Palm Springs are worth less than half a million dollars.


4. In Palm Springs, people write personal checks for the full price of new Rolls Royces.


5. Rich and famous people come to Palm Springs regularly for relaxation.


6. To keep the city looking wealthy, its appearance is strictly regulated.


7. There are no flashing neon signs and no billboards.


8. There are simply no motels in Palm Springs: all hotels are called “resorts.”


9. The height and color of buildings are regulated; everything is a soothing pastel color.


10. If a wealthy homeowner installs a chandelier which is visible from the street, the chandelier must be approved by a committee.


11. The result is a city of beautiful white stucco walls and red Spanish tiled roofs.


12. There is, however, a startling number of empty lots, worth a half million per acre, in the center of Palm Springs.


13. These lots are owned by 107 Agua Caliente Indians, the richest minority group in the United States.


14. The Aguas originally owned all of Palm Springs.


15. President U. S. Grant gave the Aguas 32,000 sandy acres in exchange for allowing a right of way to Southern Pacific Railway.


16. A new treaty in 1959 allowed the Aguas to sell or lease the land to white businesspeople and homeowners.


17. That’s the real reason so many of the Rolls Royces belong to the Agua Calientes.


18. The original treaty allowed the Aguas to hold their land “without encumbrance.”


19. Recent court rulings say taxes and zoning laws are “encumbrances.”


20. Besides paying no taxes, the Aguas are the only people in Palm Springs who can do whatever they wish with their sandy land.


21. The Aguas signed long-term leases with the businesspeople who built hotels and other buildings in Palm Springs.


22. Those leases are the source of their vast wealth.


23. The Aguas have very intelligently planned for their future security, too.


24. While the lots they leased out bring in money, the empty lots are simultaneously increasing in value.


25. Meanwhile, the Agua Calientes ride in their expensive cars, too, surrounded by the rich and famous.




Kunci jawaban

Latihan A   

1.      An optometrist in Hawaii regularly fits animals with contact lenses. (adverbia menerangkan verba fits)

2.      The lenses, usually soft lenses, apparently feel comfortable in the animals. (adjektiva digunakan dengan linking verb feel)

3.      Animals are unusually susceptible to abrasions of the eye’s surface. (adverbia menerangkan adjektiva susceptible)

4.      Contact lenses are frequently prescribed in these cases. (adverbia menerangkan verba prescribed)

5.      The lenses very effectively protect the eye while it is healing. (adverbia menerangkan verba protect)

6.      They substitute well for bandages. (well digunakan untuk menerangkan verba substitute)

7.      The healing process can be checked easily without removing her lens.(adverbia menerangkan verba checked)

8.      The lenses will also keep medicine in the eye indefinitely. (adverbia menerangkan verba keep)

9.      A reasonably well-trained person can inspect the lens. (reasonably menerangkan adjektiva well-trained; well digunakan daripada good sebagai adverbia yang menerangkan adjektiva trained)

10.  Previously, a damaged eye would have been sewn shut to protect it while it was healing. (adverbia menerangkan verba would have been)


Latihan B

1. Which is the richest town in America?

__richest, adj  (town)_____________________________________________________________

2. High on any list of rich cities will be Palm Springs, California.

__high, adj (list), rich, adj (cities)___________________________________________________

3. Few houses in Palm Springs are worth less than half a million dollars.

__few, adj (houses), worth, adj (few houses), half, adj (million dollars), million, adj (dollars)____

4. In Palm Springs, people write personal checks for the full price of new Rolls Royces.

__personal, adj (checks), full, adj (price), new, adj (Rolls Royces)_________________________

5. Rich and famous people come to Palm Springs regularly for relaxation.

__rich, famous, adj (people), regularly, adv (come)____________________________________

6. To keep the city looking wealthy, its appearance is strictly regulated.

__wealthy, adj (looking), its, adj (appearance), strictly, adv (regulated)____________________

7. There are no flashing neon signs and no billboards.

__no, flashing, neon, adj (signs), no , adj (billboards)__________________________________

8. There are simply no motels in Palm Springs: all hotels are called “resorts.”

__simply, adv (no), no, adj (motels), all, adj (hotels)___________________________________

9. The height and color of buildings are regulated; everything is a soothing pastel color.

__soothing, pastel, adj (color)______________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­______________

10. If a wealthy homeowner installs a chandelier which is visible from the street, the chandelier must be approved by a committee.

___wealthy, adj (homeowner), visible, adj (chanderlier)__________________________________

11. The result is a city of beautiful white stucco walls and red Spanish tiled roofs.

___beautiful, white, stucco, adj (walls), red, Spanish, tiled, adj (roofs)_______________________

12. There is, however, a startling number of empty lots, worth a half million per acre, in the center of Palm Springs.

___however, adv (kalimat), startling, adj (number), empty, adj (lots), worth, adj (half million), half, adj (million)

13. These lots are owned by 107 Agua Caliente Indians, the richest minority group in the United States.

___107, adj (Agua Caliente Indians), richest, minority, adj (group)_________________________

14. The Aguas originally owned all of Palm Springs.

___originally, adv (owned)_________________________________________________________

15. President U. S. Grant gave the Aguas 32,000 sandy acres in exchange for allowing a right of way to Southern Pacific Railway.

___32,000, sandy, adj (acres)_______________________________________________________

16. A new treaty in 1959 allowed the Aguas to sell or lease the land to white businesspeople and homeowners.

___new, adj (treaty), white, adj (businesspeople and homeowners) _________________________

17. That’s the real reason so many of the Rolls Royces belong to the Agua Calientes.

___real, adj (reason), so, adj (many)_________________________________________________

18. The original treaty allowed the Aguas to hold their land “without encumbrance.”

___original, adj (treaty) their, adj (land)______________________________________________

19. Recent court rulings say taxes and zoning laws are “encumbrances.”

___recent, court, adj (rulings), zoning, adj (laws)_______________________________________

20. Besides paying no taxes, the Aguas are the only people in Palm Springs who can do whatever they wish with their sandy land.

___no, adj (taxes), only, adj (people), their, sandy, adj (land)______________________________

21. The Aguas signed long-term leases with the businesspeople who built hotels and other buildings in Palm Springs.

___long-term, adj (leases), other, adj (buildings)________________________________________

22. Those leases are the source of their vast wealth.

___those, adj (leases), their, vast, adj (wealth)__________________________________________

23. The Aguas have very intelligently planned for their future security, too.

___very, intelligently, adv (have planned), their, future, adj (security), too, adv (have planned)____

24. While the lots they leased out bring in money, the empty lots are simultaneously increasing in value.

___empty, adj (lots), simultaneously, adv (increasing).___________________________________

25. Meanwhile, the Agua Calientes ride in their expensive cars, too, surrounded by the rich and famous.

___meanwhile, adv (kalimat), their, expensive, adj (cars), too, adv (surrounded), the rich dan the famous adalah nomina yang berarti jamak (plural)

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