Senin, 04 Februari 2019

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Kata atau Frasa Penghubung Gagasan

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Kata atau Frasa Penghubung Gagasan

bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris kata atau frasa penghubung gagasan, kata bahasa inggris penghubung gagasan, frasa bahasa inggris penghubung gagasan

Tiga kelompok kata digunakan untuk menghubungkan klausa supaya membentuk jenis kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang berbeda. Mereka adalah subordinator (subordinating conjunction), coordinator (coordinating conjunction), dan conjunctive adverb.

Kata transisi Bahasa Inggris (seperti therefore, however, dan moreover) dan ungkapan yang lain dapat digunakan untuk menggabung paragraf ke paragraf, kalimat ke kalimat, dan klausa ke klausa. Beberapa ungkapan ini diberikan di bawah.

Ekspresi digunakan untuk mengelis pendapat, contoh, atau alasan

Contoh atau alasan pertama:
First, let’s consider X.
The first reason for this is that Y . . .
One example of this is Y.
First of all, I’d like to give you a little background information.

Contoh atau alasan tambahan:
Second, there is the example of Z.
A second (third) good example of this phenomenon is A . . .
Another example is B . . .
Next, there is the example of Y . . .
Another reason is that C is usually . . .

Contoh atau alasan terakhir:
Finally, we have Z.
Finally, I’d like to thank everyone for coming this evening.  (sebagai gagasan terakhir yang Anda ingin katakan)

Ekspresi yang menunjukkan tambahan

Kata transisi/frasa in addition, furthermore, dan moreover dapat digunakan untuk menggabung klausa atau kalimat untuk menambahkan gagasan yang mirip atau setara.

                Clause1; furthermore, clause 2
                Sentence 1. Furthermore, sentence 2.

Satu pendapat diberikan dalam klausa atau kalimat pertama dan yang lain dalam klausa atau kalimat kedua.

I like to use Y as a method of keeping in touch with my friends because it is fast; furthermore, it is efficient and simple.
I would never want to own a Y because it is so expensive. In addition, it often breaks down.
I predict that, in the future, people of all ages will use Ys. Moreover, Ys will be found in every country of the globe. 
Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations; furthermore/ moreover/ in addition, they prepare students to transfer to a four year college or university.

Atau dengan coordinator kita bisa menyampaikan gagasan yang sama:
Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations and they prepare students to transfer to a four year college or university.

Ekspresi yang menunjukkan akibat atau simpulan

Kata sambung so dapat digunakan untuk menggabung dua klausa independen. Klausa pertama memberikan alasan, klausa kedua akibat. (Clausa 1, so clause 2). Kata sambung so termasuk salah satu dari 7 koordinator FAN BOYS dan dia menghubungkan akibat ke alasan.

I believe doing C is a waste of time, so I avoid C whenever possible.
I did not eat breakfast this morning, so I am a little hungry.
Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs, so most schools provide separate English classes for each group.

Kata transisi therefore, consequently, dan thus dapat digunakan untuk menggabung klausa atau kalimat. Klausa atau kalimat pertama memberikan alasan, klausa atau kalimat kedua akibat.

Studying mathematics teaches you how to A; therefore, everyone should study mathematics.
A recent study showed that many high school graduates could not do Y. Consequently, Y should be part of the curriculum of all high schools.
In high school, I learned how to A, how to B, and how to C; thus, I was prepared for my studies at a university. 
The 1996 law eliminated many benefits for legal immigrants who had not become citizens; therefore/thus/ consequently, most of them applied for citizenship. 
Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs; consequently/therefore/ thus, most schools provide separate English classes for each group.  

Ekspresi yang menunjukkan kontras

Kata penghubung but juga termasuk salah satu dari 7 koordinator FAN BOYS. Dia menghubungkan gagasan berbeda yang setara.
Kata penghubung but dapat digunakan untuk menggabung dua klausa independen yang berisikan informasi yang bertentangan (kontras). (Clause 1, but clause 2).

People who oppose Y may have some good points, but on the whole, I think Y serves a useful function. 
Many community colleges do not have dormitory, but they provide housing referral services. 
Men may exercise better, but they may not exercise as regularly as women do.

Penanda klausa adverbia although, dan while dapat digunakan untuk menggabung klausa adverbia dan klausa independen dengan informasi yang kontras.
Although most of the people in my country choose to study X as a second language, I wanted to learn how to speak Y first.
I wanted to learn how to speak Y first, although most of the people in my country choose to study X as a second language.
Even though none of us were very hungry, we went to dinner.
We went to dinner, even though none of us were very hungry
Some people believe that doing X is harmful, while others enjoy it.
Some people arrived in taxis while others took the subway. 
The term rock music commonly refers to music styles after 1959 that were influenced primarily by white musicians, while rhythm-and-blues music styles were influenced primarily by black musicians.

Sebagian terbesar, kita tidak menggunakan koma sebelum klausa adverbia. Tiga konjungsi subordinasi kondisi—although, even though, dan though—perkecualian untuk aturan ini. Klausa adverbia yang mulai dengan kata ini selalu dipisahkan dengan koma kecuali bila mereka ada di awal kalimat.

Kata transisi/frasa ini dapat menggabung klausa dan kalimat yang berisikan informasi yang kontras.

Many people like to visit large cities such as X or Y; however, I prefer to see scenic natural places such as Z and A. 
Many community colleges do not have dormitory; however, they provide housing referral services. 
Many people think that the government should encourage people to do Y because it will help the economy. On the other hand, doing Y can have a number of negative results.

Ekspresi yang menunjukkan kemiripan

Kata transisi likewise dan similarly dapat menggabung klausa dan kalimat yang berisi informasi yang mirip.

I think it is useful for children to do X; likewise, I think it is helpful for adults to do the same.
There is too much violence in movies; similarly, many TV shows contain a lot of violence. 
Human workers can detect malfunctions in machinery; likewise/similarly, a robot can be programmed to detect equipment malfunctions. 

Ekspresi yang memperkenalkan paragraph simpulan

Frasa transisi ini dapat digunakan pada awal dari paragraph akhir.

                In conclusion, for all these reasons, I think that X is a valid argument.
                In summary, there is no doubt in my mind that Y is true.
                All in all, I must agree with those people who support X.

Berikut beberapa contoh kosakata tambahan yang digunakan untuk memberikan opini dan menggabungkan gagasan.

1.       I completely agree with the idea of stricter gun control for a number of reasons. First, statistics show that guns are not very effective in preventing crime. Moreover, accidents involving guns frequently occur. Finally, guns can be stolen and later used in crimes.
2.       I believe that a good salary is an important consideration when looking for a career. However, the nature of the work is more important to me. Thus, I would not accept a job that I did not find rewarding.
3.       There are many reasons why I would rather live in an urban area than in a small town. The first and most important reason is that there are more professional opportunities for me in a big city than in a small town. Another is that the educational opportunities for my children are much better in a city. Third, a city offers cultural attractions such as museums, theaters, and good restaurants. Personally, I think that I would be bored living in a small town. Therefore, I agree with those people who prefer to live in big cities.

Look at the following example showing transition expressions used for cohesion.

A group of students really wanted a certain program to be added to the university curriculum. The students presented their request to the university; in addition, they got hundreds of signatures on a petition. Nonetheless, their request was denied.

Happy reading!
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