Tertukarnya antara Adjektiva dan Adverbia Bahasa Inggris
Antara adjektiva dan adverbia sering
tertukar-tukar penggunaannya oleh pebelajar Bahasa Inggris. Perlu diketahui oleh
pebelajar Bahasa Inggris bahwa tipe yang paling umum dari masalah bentuk kata
melibatkan penggunaan adverbia sebagai pengganti adjektiva atau adjektiva
sebagai pengganti adverbia. Beberapa hal perlu untuk diingat:
Adjektiva menerangkan nomina, frasa nomina, gerund, dan pronomina.
Hang up your wet clothes. [adjektiva menerangkan
nomina clothes]
The two children were kind. [adjektiva menerangkan
frasa nomina the two children.]
We saw some wonderful acting
in the play. [adjektiva menerangkan gerund acting.]
were very brave. [adjektiva menerangkan pronomina they]
- Adjektiva umumnya berada antara determiner dan nomina [the old bucket].
- Banyak adjektiva tidak memiliki bentuk khusus, tetapi morfem derivasi tertentu digabung dengan adjektiva, seperti morfem derivasi –able (likeable), -ish (greenish), -ful (thoughtful), dan –y (lazy).
- Adjektiva tertentu memiliki morfem infleksi untuk bentuk komparatif dan superlatif, seperti happy, happier, happiest.
- Sebagai modifier nomina, adjektiva selalu mendahului nomina yang mereka terangkan:
an important test several people
a queit evening five golden rings
a long article that
dreadful old man
an awful noise the special, deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza
- Sebagai adjektiva predikat, adjektiva mengikuti be atau linking verb lainnya dan menerangkan subyek:
The glass was empty. [empty menerangkan subyek the
The play was terrific. [terrific
menerangkan subyek the play]
That song sounds nice.
The crust turned brown.
Please remain calm.
She said the film sounded interesting.
became angry at the very thought.
- Adjektiva sering menjawab pertanyaan What kind?
She is a brilliant scholar. [What kind of a scholar is
she? A brilliant one.]
Adverbia menerangkan banyak macam kata, termasuk verba, partisipel, adjektiva, dan adverbia yang lain.
Ann eagerly accepted the challenge. [adverbia
menerangkan verba accepted.]
It was a rapidly changing situation. [adverbia
menerangkan present participle changing.]
She wore a brightly colored scarf. [adverbia
menerangkan past participle colored.]
Ted seemed extremely curious about that topic.
[adverbia menerangkan adjektiva curious.]
The accident occurred incredibly quickly. [adverbia
menerangkan adverbia quickly.]
- Kadang-kadang adverbia digunakan di awal kalimat, biasanya diikuti oleh koma. Adverbia ini menerangkan keseluruhan kalimat daripada kata tunggal dalam kalimat tersebut.
I like my classes.
they arrived home before too much damage had been done.
Usually, Professor Mashadi's lectures are more interesting than the one he gave today.
Usually, Professor Mashadi's lectures are more interesting than the one he gave today.
- Adverbia cara dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran -ly ke adjektiva deskriptif (atau -ally jika adjektivanya berakhir dengan huruf -c)
quick --> quickly
neat --> neatly
awkward --> awkwardly
comfortable --> comfortably
comic --> comically
-ic, -ical adjectives
adjektiva yang berakhir dalam –ic
memiliki bentuk alternatif –ical.
Adverbia yang dibentuk dari adjektiva ini berakhir dalam –ically.
alphabetic alphabetical alphabetically
geometric geometrical geometrically
historic historical histirically
geographic geographical geographically
syntactic syntactical syntactically
economic economical (different
meaning) economically
philosophic philosophical philosophically
hysteric hysterical hysterically
itu yang tidak memiliki bentuk –ical
alternatif juga mengambil akhiran –ically
untuk bentuk adverbianya.
basic basically Perkecualian: public
hygienic hygienically publicly (adverbia)
artistic artistically
poetic poetically
sympathetic sympathetically
emphatic emphatically
- Adverbia cara menjawab pertanyaan How?
Ms. Lang treats her employees honestly. (How does she
treat her employees? Honestly.)
- Beberapa adjektiva dan adverbia memiliki bentuk yang sama, seperti fast, hard, high, much, right, straight, late, dan well.
Charles bought a fast car.
[adjektiva fast menerangkan nomina car]
He was driving so fast that he got a speeding ticket.
[adverbia fast menerangkan verba driving]
It’s a small car that doesn’t use much fuel. [adjektiva much
menerangkan nomina fuel.]
The exam was much
easier than I had expected. [adverbia much menerangkan adjektiva easier.]
Rosie wore a long straight skirt and a long sleeved
sweater. [adjektiva straight menerangkan nomina skirt.]
The car was coming straight
at me. [adverbia straight menerangkan verba coming.]
Draw a straight line and then continue to make a box. [adjektiva straight menerangkan nomina line.]
He barely paused before jumping straight into the water. [adverbia straight menerangkan verba jumping.]
I’m not feeling very well today. [adjektiva well
menerangkan subyek I; feeling sebagai linking verb dan well sebagai
adjektiva predikat.]
Shake the can well before opening. [adverbia well menerangkan verba shake.]
- Well adalah bentuk adverbia yang tak beraturan dari adjektiva good. [good, well --> better --> the best]
Juan is an
exceptionally good student. [adjektiva]
He did very well on the last
test. [adverbia]
Several people arrived too lately to be admitted to the performance.
CORRECT Several people arrived too late
to be admitted to the performance.
INCORRECT The horse ran fastly enough to win the
CORRECT The horse ran fast
enough to win the race.
INCORRECT The architect worked hardly to finish
his drawings by the next day.
The architect worked hard to finish his drawings by the next day.
INCORRECT The eagle soared highly into the air.
CORRECT The eagle soared high
into the air.
INCORRECT The keys were rightly here a minute
The keys were right here a minute ago.
Di samping masalah adjektiva/adverbia, ada banyak
masalah bentuk kata yang lain. Beberapa contoh diberikan di sini:
played an important role in the cultural of the Indians of the
culture, tidak adjektiva cultural, diperlukan.)
galaxy Andromeda is the most distance object visible to observers in the
Northern Hemsphere.
distant diperlukan sebagai pengganti distance.)
belief that the continents once formed a single continent surrounded by
an enormous sea.
believe diperlukan sebagai pengganti nomina belief.)
burners are used to hot materials in a chemistry lab.
(Adjektiva hot digunakan secara salah
sebagai pengganti verba heat.)Sebuah video diharapkan dapat memperjelas materi tulisan ini. Semoga!
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