Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang PRONOUN CASE

Pronoun Case dalam Bahasa Inggris


belajar pronomina, inggris pronomina, belajar kata ganti, belajar pronoun case, belajar bahasa inggris kata ganti

Keduanya nomina dan pronomina memiliki tiga fungsi case (hal)-nominative (atau subjective), objective, dan possessive. Bagaimanapun, dalam bahasa Inggris modern bentuk nomina adalah sama dalam nominative dan objective case; ia berubah hanya dalam posesif. Jadi kita berujar, "The boy [nominative case] threw the football," dan, "The man gave the boy [objective case] a dollar." Tetapi kita bertutur, "The boy's [possessive case] shoe was untied." Apostrup atau dalam beberapa kasus apostrup dan huruf "s" adalah akhiran case yang menunjuk posesif.

Case pronomina sedikit lebih sulit karena bentuknya berbeda dari semua tiga case. Jadi kita berujar, "He [nominative case] is a hard worker, "The boss complimented him [objective case] on his efforts," dan, "John will find more money in his [possessive case] pay envelope this week." Mari kita uji case pronomina lebih dekat.

nominative case, objective case, possessive case, pronoun case

Nominative Case dalam Bahasa Ingris

Case nominatif digunakan bagi pronomina yang merupakan subyek kalimat, pelengkap setelah bentuk "to be" apa saja (is, was, shall be), atau apositif.

   She thought she could pretend she was innocent. [subyek]
   To tell the truth it was she who did it. [pelengkap]
   Only two people-She and Agnes-were ever suspected. [apositif]

Objective Case dalam Bahasa Inggris

Case obyektif digunakan bagi pronomina yang bertindak sebagai obyek tak langsung, obyek langsung, atau obyek preposisi.

   They gave him the highest award. [obyek tak langsung]
   Many people in our class envied him. [obyek langsung]
   I'm sure there wasn't a modicum of immodesty in him. [obyek preposisi]

Possessive Case dalam Bahasa Inggris

Case posesif digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan.

   Her coat is very expensive.
   His charm is acknowledged by everyone.
   The dog chewed its bone furiously.

Daftar berikut akan membantu Anda mengingat case dari berbagai pronomina:

Nominative          Objective          Possessive
he                          him                  his
she                        her                   hers
it                           it                      its
I                            me                   my, mine
you                       you                  your, yours
we                        us                     our, ours
they                      them                their, theirs
who                      whom              whose

nominative, objective, possessive, pronoun case

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