Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Relative Clauses with Phrases of Quantity and Quality
Klausa relatif masih berlanjut kita bahas. Kali ini sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris akan membahas pronomina relatif dalam frasa kuantitas dan kualitas.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Clauses with Phrases of Quantity and Quality
Pronomina relatif dapat juga ditemui dalam frasa kuantitas:some of which, one of whom, all of whom, each of which, dsb
dan dalam frasa kualitas:
the best of which, the most important of whom, the more economical of which, the loveliest of which, the oldest of whom, the least expensive of which, dsb.
Klausa relatif yang mengandung frasa ini dapat mengikuti pola subyek atau obyek, dan mereka selalu nonrestriktif. Berikut formulanya:
many of which + (subject) + verb + complement
the oldest of whom + (subject) + verb + complement
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
0> While scuba diving in the Caribbean, I saw tropical fish, many of which I photographed with my new under-water camera.
0> He has three daughters, the oldest of whom is studying abroad.
Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat baru c, yang mengandung klausa relatif. Obyek dalam kalimat b (selalu mengikuti preposisi of) dicoret mendatar dan diganti dengan pronomina relatif (selalu whom atau which).
Nonrestrictive: whom
1. a. The citizens of Puerto Rico are well-educated.
b. Ninety percent of
c. The citizens of Puerto Rico, ninety percent of whom are literate, are well-educated.
Nonrestrictive: which
2. a. There are many delicious tropical fruits in Puerto Rico.
b. I have never tasted most of
c. There are many delicious fruits in Puerto Rico, most of which I have never tasted before.
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PRACTICE: Relative Clauses with Phrases of Quantity and QualityPERINTAH:
Change the second sentence in each pair to a relative clause, and combine it with the first sentence. Follow the examples in the chart (the previous examples)
1. There is a chain of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The most charming of the islands is Puerto Rico, "The Land of Enchantment."
2. Puerto Rico attracts thousands of visitors. Most of them come for the sunny weather, the beautiful beaches, and the Spanish atmosphere.
3. Puerto Rico has many historic sites. The most famous of them are in the Old San Juan area of the capital city.
4. Puerto Rico's economy is growing. The most important sector of the economy is clothing manufacturing.
5. Puerto Ricans have strong ties to the United States. All of them are U.S. citizens.
6. Puerto Rico has three political parties. One of them favors Puerto Rico's becoming a state.
Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif dengan frasa kuantitas dan kualitas dalam bertutur atau tulisan.
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