Belajar Adverbial Relative Clauses Bahasa Inggris
Masih terus berlanjut pembahasan kita mengenai klausa relatif. Kali ini sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris akan membahas klausa relatif adverbia (Adverbial Relative Clauses).
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Adverbial Relative Clauses
Klausa relatif mungkin juga diperkenalkan oleh adverbia relatif when dan where. Klausa relatif adverbia merujuk ke waktu atau tempat, dan mereka menggantikan keseluruhan frasa preposisi seperti on Sunday dan in the city. Klausa relatif adverbia mungkin restriktif atau nonrestriktif. Mereka tersusun dari:when
+ subject + verb + complement
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
The lives of thousands of Germans changed during the night of August 13, 1961, when East German soldiers began building the Berlin wall.
When: refers to a time
Restrictive: The lives of thousands of Germans suddenly changed on the night when East German soldiers began building the Berlin wall.
Nonrestrictive: On November 9, 1989, when the wall was torn down, their lives changed again.
Where: refers to a place
Restrictive: The city where citizens had lived, worked, and shopped relatively freely was suddenly divided.
Nonrestrictive: Berlin, where citizens had lived, worked, and shopped relatively freely, was suddenly divided.
Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat baru c, yang mengandung klausa relatif adverbia. Frasa preposisi dalam kalimat b, yang keseluruhannya diganti dengan adverbia relatif, dicoret mendatar.
Restrictive and Nonrestrictive when
1. a. Ramadan is the month.
b. Devout Muslims fast
c. Ramadan is the month when devout Muslims fast.
Restrictive and Nonrestrictive where
2. a. The Saudi Arabian city of Mecca is the holiest city in Islam.
b. Mohammed was born
c. The Saudi Arabian city of Mecca, where Mohammed was born, is the holiest city in Islam.
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PRACTICE: Adverbial Relative ClausesPERINTAH:
Combine the two sentences in each pair, change the second sentence into an adverbial relative clause. Add commas if necessary.
1. Germany had been divided into two countries since 1945. It was defeated in World War II
2. 1989 was the year. The Berlin Wall was torn down
3. In 1990, Germany became one country again. East and West Germany were reunited
4. East Germany became part of the Federal Republic of Germany. People had lived under communist rule
5. There was rejoicing in areas. Germans looked forward to reunification with their fellow citizens
6. There was anxiety in places. People feared losing their jobs
Setelah menyimak ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif adverbia baik dalam bertutur atau dalam menulis. Amin.
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