Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Possessive Relative Clauses
Klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai subyek dan obyek sudah kita bahas dan dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan membahas klausa relatif posesif (Possessive Relative Clauses).
Dalam klausa ini, yang menunjukkan kepemilikan (possession), pronomina relatif whose menggantikan kata posesif seperti Mary's, his, our, their, the company's, atau its. Klausa relatif posesif dapat mengikuti pola subyek atau obyek, dan mereka boleh restriktif atau nonrestriktif.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Possessive Relative Clauses - Subject Pattern
Pola Subyek. Pola subyek klausa posesif dibentuk sebagai berikut:
whose + noun + verb + complement
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
Princess Diana, whose life ended in a Paris car crash, was the most photographed woman in the world.
Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat c, yang mengandung klausa relatif posesif dalam pola subyek. Kata posesif dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke whose, dicoret mendatar.
Restrictive: whose
1. a. Opportunities for college graduates are on the upswing.
b. College graduates' degrees are in computer engineering.
c. Opportunities for college graduates whose degrees are in computer engineering are on the upswing.
Nonrestrictive: whose
2. a. Santa Claus is the symbol of Christmas gift-giving.
b. His portly figure appears everywhere during the Christmas season.
c. Santa Claus, whose portly figure appears everywhere during the Christmas season, is symbol of Christmas gift-giving.
Beberapa guru merasa bahwa whose mungkin hanya digunakan untuk merujuk kepada manusia. Untuk bukan manusia, mereka merekomendasikan menggunakan of which. Bandingkan: I returned the book whose cover was torn. I returned the book, the cover of which was torn. Guru yang lain mersa bahwa whose bisa diterima dalam segalanya tetapi tulisan sangat formal.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris memasuki sesi Latihan
PRACTICE: Possessive Relative Clauses - Subject Pattern
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new sentence containing a possessive relative clause in the subject pattern. Follow these steps:
STEP 1: Find a possessive expression in the second sentence and change it to whose.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the new relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive.
1. Securities Corporation's president is a man. His expertise on financial matters is well known.
2. First National Bank tries to attract female customers. The bank's president is a woman.
3. Companies conduct market research to discover trends among consumers. Consumers' tastes change rapidly.
4. A manufacturer can offer lower prices. Its costs are lower because of mass production.
on the upswing: increasing
portly: comfortably fat
expertise: skill, knowledge
portly: comfortably fat
expertise: skill, knowledge
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Possessive Relative Clauses - Object Pattern
Pola Obyek. Pola obyek klausa posesif dibentuk sebagai berikut:
whose + noun + subject + verb + complement
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
Maya Angelou, whose poetry we have been reading in our English class, is one of America's most famous female poets.
Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membuat kalimat c, yang mengandung klausa relatif posesif dalam pola obyek. Kata posesif dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke whose, dicoret mendatar.
Restrictive: whose
1. a. The citizens could do nothing.
b. The government had confiscated their property.
c. The citizens whose property the government had confiscated could do nothing.
Nonrestrictive: whose
2. a. Consumer Reports magazine publishes comparative evaluations of all kinds of products.
b. Shoppers trust the magazine's research.
c. Consumer Reports, whose research shoppers trust, publishes comparative evaluations of all kinds of products.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris sampai pada sesi Latihan
PRACTICE: Possessive Relative Clauses - Object pattern
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new sentence containing a possessive relative clause in the object pattern. Follow these steps:
STEP 1: Find a possessive expression in the second sentence and change it to whose. Move the whose + noun phrase to the beginning of the clause.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the new relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive.
1. Princess Diana was mourned by rich and poor people alike.The whole world watched her funeral on television.
2. William Shakespeare lived and wrote 400 years ago. High school students struggle to understand his English.
3. Nike is a sporting goods company. Most people recognize the company's "swoosh" symbol.
4. The actress has starred in several successful films. I can't remember her name.
confiscated: taken by government authority
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