Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Klausa Relatif dengan Pronomina Relatif sebagai Subyek
Sumber: clauses
Ada jenis klausa relatif yang berbeda. Dalam setiap jenis yang berbeda, pronomina relatif memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Ia mungkin sebagai subyek atau obyek dalam klausanya sendiri, atau ia mungkin mengganti kata posesif. Belajar Bahasa Inggris masih seputar klausa relatif dengan fokus pronomina relatif sebagai subyek.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Subjects
Pronomina relatif mungkin sebagai subyek dari klausanya sendiri. Klausa relatif pola subyek dibentuk sebagai berikut:
which + verb + complement
Football, which is the most popular American sport, began at Harvard University.
Pelajari contoh-contoh berikut untuk melihat bagaimana kalimat a dan b dalam setiap pasangan digabung untuk membentuk kalimat baru c, yang mengandung klausa relatif pola subyek. Subyek dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke dalam pronomina relatif, dicoret mendatar. Perhatikan bagaimana that digunakan hanya dalam klausa restriktif.
Restrictive: who, that
1. a. People save time and energy.
b. They use microwave ovens.
c. People who use microwave ovens save time and energy.
People that use microwave ovens save time and energy. (informal)
Nonrestrictive: who
2. a. Microwave cooking is not popular with most professional chefs.
b. Professional chefs say that fast cooking doesn't allow flavors to blend.
c. Microwave cooking is not popular with most professional chefs, who say that fast cooking doesn't allow flavors to blend.
Restrictive: that
3. a. Ovens are capable of cooking food quickly.
b. They use microwave energy.
c. Ovens that use microwave energy are capable of cooking food quickly.
Nonrestrictive: which
4. a. An electron tube on the oven produces microwaves.
b. Microwaves cook by *agitating the water molecules in food.
c. An electron tube on the oven produces microwaves, which cook by agitating the water molecules in food.
*agitating: moving very quickly
Berikut sebuah video untuk ditonton.
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PRACTICE: Relative Pronouns as Subjects
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new complex sentence containing a relative clause in the subject pattern. Follow these steps:
STEP 1: Change the subject of the second sentence to a relative pronoun. Use who, which, or that as appropriate.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive.
1. John Fish explained the complex structure of DNA. He is a research chemist.
2. While he lectured, he showed us a slide. The slide diagrammed the double helix structure of DNA.
3. Words in English are often difficult for foreigners to pronounce. They begin with the consonants th.
4. Foreigners also have difficulty with English spelling. English spelling is not always consistent with its pronunciation.
5. Anyone must have a logical mind. He or she wants to be a computer programmer.
6. Fans quickly lose interest in a sport team. The team loses game after game.
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