Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Objects
Dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris sebelumnya kita telah mengulas klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai subyek. Dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita masih akan membahas materi klausa relatif.
Ada jenis klausa relatif yang berbeda. Dalam setiap jenis yang berbeda, pronomina relatif memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Ia mungkin sebagai subyek atau obyek dalam klausanya sendiri.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Objects
Pronomina relatif mungkin sebagai obyek dalam klausanya sendiri. Klausa relatif pola obyek dibentuk sebagai berikut:
which + subject + verb + complement
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
The address that he gave me was incorrect.
Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat c, yang mengandung klausa relatif pola obyek. Obyek dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke pronomina relatif, dicoret mendatar. Simak bagaimana that digunakan hanya dalam klausa restriktif dan mungkin dihilangkan sepenuhnya dalam klausa pola obyek.
Restrictive: whom, that, 0
1. a. The professor is chair of the English Department.
b. You should see the professor.
c. The professor whom you should see is chair of the English Department. (Formal)
The professor that you should see is chair of the English Department. (Informal)
The professor you should see is chair of the English Department.
Nonrestrictive: whom
2. a. Dr. White is an ecologist.
b. You met Dr. White in my office.
c. Dr. White, whom you met in my office, is an ecologist.
Restrictive: that, 0
3. a, The book was written in German.
b. The professor translated the book.
c. The book that the professor translated was written in German.
The book the professor translated was written in German.
Nonrestrictive: which
4. a. Environmental science is one of the most popular courses in the college.
b. Dr. White teaches environmental science.
c. Environmental science, which Dr. White teaches, is one of the most popular courses in the college.
Video berikut mungkin bisa melengkapi materi tulisan ini. Semoga.
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PRACTICE: Relative Pronouns as Objects
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new sentence containing a relative clause in the object pattern. Follow these steps:
STEP 1: Change the object in the second sentence to a relative pronoun. Use whom, which, that, or no pronoun as appropriate. Move the relative pronoun to the beginning of its clause.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the new relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive or non-defining.
1. Albert Einstein was a high school dropout. The world recognizes him as a genius.
2. As a young boy, Einstein had trouble in elementary and high school. He attended these schools in Germany.
3. He did poorly in subjects. He disliked them.
4. The only subjects were mathematics and physics. He loved them.
5. He developed theories. We use theories to help us understand the nature of the universe.
6. Einstein is best known for his General Theory of Relatively. He begun to develop this theory while living in Switzerland.
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