Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
'There is the person he spoke to' sounds much better, and less pedantic, than 'There is the person to whom he spoke'.
There is the person to whom I spoke --> Jenis restriktif formal
There is the person I spoke to --> Jenis restriktif informal
pedantic = giving too much importance to details and formal rules
(suka menonjolkan keilmuannya)
Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan materi klausa relatif masih berlanjut. Kali ini kita akan membahas pronomina relatif sebagai obyek dari preposisi.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
Pronomina relatif mungkin sebagai obyek dari preposisi dalam klausanya sendiri. Klausa relatif ini dibentuk dalam dua cara, cara formal dan cara informal. Klausa ini mungkin salah satu restriktif atau nonrestriktif.
Pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi pola formal
preposition + + subject + verb + complement
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
The person to whom I mailed the letter never received it.
Pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi pola informal
which + subject + verb + complement + preposition
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
The person whom I mailed the letter to never received it.
Dalam pola formal, preposisi hadir sebelum pronomina relatif. Dalam pola informal, preposisi muncul pada akhir klausa.
Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membuat kalimat baru yang mengandung klausa relatif. Obyek dari preposisi dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke pronomina relatif, dicoret mendatar. Kalimat c adalah formal, dan kalimat-kalimat dalam d adalah informal. Amati bagaimana that digunakan hanya pola informal klausa restriktif; ia boleh juga dihilangkan.
Restrictive: whom, that, 0
1. a. The candidate lost the election.
b. I voted for the candidate.
c. The candidate for whom I voted lost the election. (formal)
d. The candidate whom I voted for lost the election. (informal)
The candidate that I voted for lost the election.
The candidate 0 I voted for lost the election.
Nonrestrictive: whom
2. a. Mayor Pyle lost the election.
b. I voted for Mayor Pyle.
c. Mayor Pyle, for whom I voted, lost the election. (formal)
d. Mayor Pyle, whom I voted for, lost the election. (informal)
Restrictive: which, that, 0
3. a. No one had read the book.
b. He quoted from the book.
c. No one had read the book from which he quoted. (formal)
d. No one had read the book which he quoted from. (informal)
No one had read the book that he quoted from.
No one had read the book 0 he quoted from.
Nonrestrictive: which
4. a. The position of office manager had already filled.
b. He applied for the position of office manager.
c. The position of office manager, for which he applied, had already filled.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris sampai pada sesi Latihan
PRACTICE: Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
Change the second sentence in each pair to a relative clause, and combine it with the first sentence. The prepositional phrase that you should change is underlined. Write each new sentence twice: once in the formal pattern and once in an informal pattern.
1. Finding reasonably priced housing in big cities is a problem. Many young people are concerned about the problem.
Formal pattern: ____________________________________________________________________
Informal pattern: _________________________________________________________________________________
2. Affordable apartments are scarce. Young people would like to live in them.
Formal pattern: _________________________________________________________________________________
Informal pattern: _________________________________________________________________________________
3. Of course, many young people share apartments, but they have to choose roommates carefully. They will share living space and expanses with these roommates.
Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
4. Living with people can be stressful, but it can also be fun. You are not related to the people.
Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
5. In many countries, young people continue to live with their parents in the same house. They grew up in that house.
Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
6. In the United States, young people don't want to live with their parents. They typically declare their independence from their parents at age eighteen.
Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
Setelah membaca ulasan ini Anda punya rujukan apakah Anda akan menggunakan klausa relatif jenis restriktif formal atau restriktif informal.
--> Jika Anda menggunakan jenis restriktif formal, Anda akan mengatakan: The candidate for whom I voted lost the election. (Anda menonjolkan keilmuannya)
--> Jika Anda menggunakan jenis restriktif informal, Anda akan mengatakan: The candidate I voted for lost the election. (Terdengar lebih baik dan Anda tidak menonjolkan keilmuannya)
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