Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Merunutkan Gagasan Dalam Paragraf
Sumber: words
Mengapa gagasan dalam paragraf perlu dirangkai?
Gagasan dalam paragraf perlu dirangkai agar alirannya runut. Dengan demikian pembaca bisa dengan mudah mengikuti aliran (flow) tulisan kita dan merasa nyaman. Kali ini sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris mengulas perlunya merangkai gagasan dalam setiap tulisan kita.
Transition word/phrase (seperti therefore, however, dan moreover) dan ekspresi lainnya dapat digunakan untuk merangkai paragraf ke paragraf, kalimat ke kalimat, dan klausa ke klausa. Beberapa ekspresi ini bisa disimak di bawah ini.
1. Expressions used to list points, examples, or reasons
First example or reason:First, let's consider X.
The first reason for this is that Y . . .
One example of this is Y.
Additional examples or reasons:
Second, there is the example of Z.
A second (third) good example of this phenomenon is A . . .
Another example is B . . .
Next, there is the example of Y . . .
Another reason is that C is usually . . .
Final example or reason:
Finally, we have Z.
2. Expressions that show addition
Kata/frasa transisi in addition, furthermore, dan moreover dapat digunakan untuk merangkai klausa atau kalimat. Kalau kita ingat kembali bahwa ketiga kata/frasa transisi tersebut termasuk conjunctive adverbs dan conjunctive adverbs termasuk adverbia. Karena adverbia, posisinya bisa di mana saja. Rumusnya:Clause 1; furthermore, clause 2
Sentence 1. Furthermore, sentence 2.
Satu poin diberikan dalam klausa atau kalimat pertama dan yang lain dalam klausa atau kalimat kedua.
I like to use Y as a method of keeping in touch with my friends because it is fast; furthermore, it is efficient and simple.
I would never want to own a Y because it is so expensive. In addition, it often breaks down.
I predict that, in the future, people of all ages will use Ys. Moreover, Ys will be found in every country of the globe.
3. Expressions that show result or conclusion
Koordinator so dapat digunakan untuk merangkai dua klausa independen. Klausa pertama memberikan alasan, klausa kedua memberikan akibat. (Clause 1, so clause 2).I believe doing C is a waste of time, so I avoid C whenever possible.
Kata transisi therefore, consequently, dan thus dapat digunakan untuk merangkai klausa atau kalimat. Klausa atau kalimat pertama memberikan alasan, klausa atau kalimat kedua memberikan akibat.
Studying mathematics teaches you how to A; therefore, every one should study mathematics.
A recent study showed that many high school graduates could not do Y. Consequently, Y should be part of the curriculum of all high schools.
In high school, I learn how to A, how to B, and how to C; thus, I was prepared for my studies at a university.
4. Expressions that show contrast
Koordinator but dapat digunakan untuk merangkai dua klausa independen yang mengandung informasi kontras. (Clause 1, but clause 2).People who oppose Y may have some good points, but on the whole, I think Y serves a useful function.
Subordinator (penanda klausa adverbia) although, dan while dapat digunakan untuk merangakai klausa adverbia dan klausa independn dengan informasi yang kontras.
Although most of the people in my country choose to study X as a second language, I wanted to learn how to speak Y first.
Some people believe that doing X is harmful, while others enjoy it.
Kata/frasa transisi ini dapat merangkai klausa atau kalimat yang mengandung informasi kontras.
Many people like to visit large cities such as X or Y; however, I prefer to see scenic natural places such as Z ans A.
Many people think that the government should encourage people to do Y because it will help the economy. On the other hand, doing Y can have a number of negative results.
5. Expressions that show similarity
Kata transisi likewise, dan similarly dapat merangkai klausa dan kalimat yang mengandung informasi yang mirip.I think it is useful for children to do Y; likewise, I think it is helpful for adults to do the same.
There is too much violence in movies; similarly, many TV shows contain a lot of violence.
6. Expressions that introduce a concluding paragraph
Frasa transisi ini dapat digunakan pada awal paragraf terakhir dari respons Anda.In conclusion, for all these reasons, I think that X is a valid argument.
In summary, there is no doubt in my mind that Y is true.
All in all, I must agree with those people who support X.
Sumber: words
Berikut diberikan contoh tambahan kosakata yang digunakan untuk memberikan pendapat dan merangkai gagasan.
- I completely agree with the idea of stricter gun control for a number of reasons. First, statistics show that guns are not very effective in preventing crime. Moreover, accidents involving guns frequently occur. Finally, guns can be stolen and later used in crimes.
- I believe that a good salary is an important consideration when looking for a career. However, the nature of the work is more important for me. Thus, I would not accept a job that I did not find rewarding.
- There are many reasons why I would rather live in an urban area than in a small town. The first and most important reason is that there are more professional opportunities for me in a big city than in a small town. Another is that the educational opportunities for my children are much better in a city. Third, a city offers cultural attractions such as museums, theaters, and good restaurants. Personally, I think that I would be bored living in a small town. Therefore, I agree with those people who prefer to live in big cities.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:
FOCUS: Using transition words and other expressions to connect ideas.DIRECTIONS: Complete each of the following sentences with one of the words or phrases below. Do not use any item more than one.
likewise for example personally furthermore
however therefore on the other hand similarly
- I believe that women should have the right to serve in military. ______________ , I don't believe that they should be assigned to combat roles.
- Many actors, rock musicians, and sports stars receive huge amounts of money for the work that they do. _________________, a baseball player was recently offered a contract worth over twelve million dollars. __________________, I feel that this is far too much to pay a person who simply provides entertainment.
- The development of the automobile has had a great impact on people everywhere. _______________, the development of high-speed trains has had an impact on people in many countries, including my home country of France.
- I used to work in a restaurant when I was in college. I realized what a difficult job restaurant work is. _______________, whenever I went out to eat, I try to leave a good tip for my waiter or waitress.
- Many people would agree with the idea that the best use for the open space in our community is to built a shopping center. ________________, there are other people who feel we should turn this open space into a park.
- In the United States, people celebrate their independence from Britain on July 4. ______________, we Mexicans celebrate our independence from Spain on September 16.
- Corporation should do more to reduce air pollution. _______________, they should encourage recycling.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang merangkai gagasan telah kita ulas bersama. Apakah ulasannya cukup mencerahkan? Apakah kemampuan dan pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris Anda semakin meningkat? Kami berharap demikian.
Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap merangkai gagasan dalam paragraf agar pembaca tulisan Anda mudah memahami ide Anda dan bagaimana ide-ide itu dirangkai dengan apik dan runut. Amin.
Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan merangkai gagasan kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan Bahasa Inggris berikutnya. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!
Happy reading!
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