Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Published 13.56 by with 0 comment

Tulisan Canggih? Ya, dengan Klausa Nomina Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Tulisan Canggih dengan Klausa Nomina

belajar klausa nomina dalam bahasa inggris, klausa nomina dibahas dalam belajar bahasa inggris, sesi belajar bahasa inggris membahas klausa nomina
Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/noun clause

Adakah jenis klausa yang canggih selain klausa nomina? Jika ingin tulisan Anda tergolong tulisan canggih, gunakan klausa nomina.

Klausa nomina adalah jenis klausa yang paling rumit dan canggih di antara klausa lainnya (klausa adjektiva dan adverbia). Klausa nomina seperti pedang bermata pedang ganda. Kemampuan menggunakan klausa nomina adalah satu tanda tulisan yang canggih. Di sisi yang lain, penggunaan klausa nomina yang berlebihan mengarah ke tulisan yang kelam, yang membosankan (lihat saja textbook dalam pendidikan). Pada kesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan mengulas klausa nomina. Mari kita mulai.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Klausa Nomina

Klausa Nomina. Klausa nomina adalah klausa dependen yang berfungsi sebagai nomina. Ia dapat berupa subyek, obyek, atau komplemen subyek. Bagaimanapun, dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan belajar klausa nomina hanya sebagaimana ia digunakan sebagai obyek.

Karena klausa nomina adalah klausa dependen, ia harus ditautkan ke klausa independen untuk membentuk kalimat kompleks. Klausa nomina yang digunakan sebagai obyek didahului oleh klausa independen yang disebut klausa introduktori. Klausa nomina adalah obyek dari verba klausa introduktori, yang sering berupa verba penuturan (say, tell, report) atau aktivitas mental (know, believe, wonder).

subject (S)  Verb (V)
   I                know

. . . that people have different opinions about capital punishment

I know that people have different opinions about capital punishment.

dalam belajar bahasa inggris diulas klausa nomina, membedah klausa nomina dalam sesi belajar bahasa inggris
Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/noun clause


Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Jenis Klausa Nomina

Types of Noun Clauses. Ada tiga jenis klausa nomina: 
That-clauses. Klausa that dibuat dari pernyataan dan diperkenalkan dengan subordinator that.
     The bulletin states that science courses require a laboratory period.
     It also points out that lab attendance is mandatory (required).

Wh-Word-Clauses. Klausa wh-word dibentuk dari wh-question dan diperkenalkan dengan wh-word seperti who, whoever, what, whatever, where, wherever, when, which, how, how much, how many, dsb. Berikut contoh kalimatnya:
     I don't know where the student cafeteria is.
     The professor explained how shock waves are formed.
     Do you know which answer is correct?

If/Whether-Clauses. Klausa if/whether dibentuk dari yes/no questions dan diperkenalkan oleh subordinator whether atau if. Frasa or not boleh ditambahkan.
     I don't know whether (or not) I should take computer science (or not).
     An engineer determines if the measurements are correct (or not).

Bila kita menggunakan subordinator whether, frasa or not bisa diletakkan pada akhir klausa atau segera setelah subordinator whether. Bila kita menggunakan subordinator if, kita hanya bisa menambahkan frasa or not pada akhir klausa.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Tanda Baca

Tanda baca kalimat dengan klausa nomina mudah.
- Jangan gunakan koma untuk memisahkan klausa introduktori dari klausa nomina.
- Klausa introduktori, yang mungkin berupa pernyataan atau pertanyaan, menentukan tanda baca akhir kalimat.
  Jika klausa introduktori adalah pertanyaan, gunakan tanda pertanyaan (?) di akhir kalimat.
  Jika klausa introduktori adalah pernyataan, gunakan titik (.).
       Do you know when he called?
       I don't know when he called.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Urut-urutan Tenses

Sequence of Tenses. Verba dalam klausa introduktori mengontrol tenses verba dalam klausa nomina. Jika verba klausa introduktori adalah simple present, present perfect, atau future, verba dalam klausa nomina sesuai dengan tenses verba yang ada dalam klausa introduktori.
     The prime ministers agree that global warming is a serious world problem.
     They hope that all nations will be responsible for solving this serious problem.
     Scientists believe that atmospheric warming has already begun.
     Measurements have indicated that the average temperature of the earth has risen in the past one hundred years.
     Further research will prove that carbon dioxide is largely responsible.

Bagaimanapun, ketika verba dalam klausa introduktori dalam past tense, verba dalam klausa dependen biasanya dalam bentuk lampau:
     The prime ministers agreed that global warming was a serious world problem.
     They hoped that all nations would be responsible for solving this problem.
     Scientists believed that atmospheric warming had already begun.
     Measurements indicated that the average temperature of the earth had risen in the past one hundred years.
     Further research proved that carbon dioxide was largely responsible.

Perkecualian: Verba dalam klausa dependen dalam present tense ketika ia melaporkan kebenaran umum.
     We knew that food cooks more slowly at high elevations.

Sebuah video semoga bisa menunjang materi tulisan ini. Semoga.

Demikianlah perkenalan kita dengan klausa nomina yang bisa memberi ciri tulisan kita menjadi canggih. Ulasan secara rinci dari masing-masing jenis klausa nomina akan disajikan pada kesempatan berikutnya.

Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga kemampuan dan pengetahuan Anda tentang klausa nomina semakin mantap. Amin.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan tema Tulisan Canggih dengan Klausa Nomina kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya.

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin
Fans Page Saya: @EnglishKito

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Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Published 16.49 by with 0 comment

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Correcting Sentences in a Paragraph

Correcting Sentence Structure in a Paragraph


belajar bahasa inggris tentang paragraf, belajar bahasa inggris correcting sentences in a paragraph, belajar bahasa inggris correcting sentence structure in a paragraph, belajar bahasa inggris tentang sentence structure

Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/sentence problems

A Review of Sentence Problem
In this section, you will learn to recognize and correct some common errors in sentence structure: sentence fragments, as well as choppy, run-on, and stringy sentences, also errors in parallelism.

1. Parallelism

Lists of items joined by coordinating conjunctions and correlative conjunctions must be parallel in structure. The same is true of contrasts and comparisons of items. If the first item is a noun, make all others nouns; if it is a phrase, make all of the others phrases; if it is a clause, make all of the others clauses.

I enjoy snow skiing in the winter and waterski summers.

I enjoy snow skiing in the winter and waterskiing in the summer.

My grandmother not only speaks four languages but also she understands six.

My grandmother not only speaks four languages but also understands six.

2. Sentence Problems

The four main kinds of problem sentences that students may write are fragments, run-ons, comma splices, and stringy sentences.

Fragments are incomplete sentences.

The subject that I enjoyed the most in high school.

The subject that I enjoyed the most in high school was physics.

Run-ons and comma splices are incorrectly joined independent clauses.

Getting married is easy staying married is another matter.

Getting married is easy, but staying married is another matter.

Comma splice:
Getting married is easy, staying married is another matter.

Getting married is easy, but staying married is another matter.

Although getting married is easy, staying married is another matter.

Choppy sentences are sentences that are too short.

My family left our homeland. Then we lived in a refugee camp. We lived there for several months. Then we got our documents. We traveled to Canada. We live there now.

After my family left our homeland, we lived i a refugee camp for several months. As soon as we got our documents, we traveled to Canada, where we live now.

Stringy sentences are sentences with too many independent clauses.

My family left our homeland, and we lived in a refugee camp for several months, but finally we got our documents, so we traveled to Canada, and we live there now.

After my family left our homeland, we lived i a refugee camp for several months. As soon as we got our documents, we traveled to Canada, where we live now.

grammar bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris online gratis, artikel bahasa inggris, tenses bahasa inggris

Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/sentence problems

Edit the following paragraph for errors in parallel structure and other sentence problems. Identify the problem sentences and correct them. (Notes: Not every sentence has a problem.)

American: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?

1The United States counts its population every ten years, and each census reveals that the racial and ethnic mix is changing dramatically, so by the year 2050, the "average" American will not be descended from Europeans, but the majority of U.S. residents will trace their ancestry to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, or Middle East. 2Once the United States was a microcosm of European nationalities, today the United States is a microcosm of the world. 3The United States is no longer considered a "melting pot" society by many of its residents. 4Instead, many people prefer the term "salad bowl." 5They use the term to describe American Society. 6American society will soon be predominantly nonwhite. 7"Melting pot" implies that the different ethnic groups blend together into one homogeneous mixture, "salad bowl" implies that nationalities, like the ingredients in a mixed green salad, retain their cultural identities. 8Earlier generations of immigrants believed they had to learn English quickly not only to survive but also for success. 9Now, many immigrant groups do not feel the same need. 10Because there are many places in America where you can work, shop, get medical care, marry, divorce, and die without knowing English. 11For example, Chinatown in San Francisco and New York. 12Also, Los Angeles has many Vietnamese immigrants and immigrants from Mexico. 13In addition, many immigrant groups want their children to know their own culture. 14Many Hispanics, for example, want their children to learn both English and study the Spanish language in school. 15They are fighting for the right to bilingual education in many communities. 16In many communities they are in the majority.

census: population count
be descended from: be the children, grandchildren, etc., of
ancestry: a person's origins
microcosm: small community representing a large one

Model answer:

Problem with stringy sentence: sentence 1
The United States counts its population every ten years, and each census reveals that the racial and ethnic mix is changing dramatically, so by the year 2050, the "average" American will not be descended form Europeans, but the majority of U.S. residents will trace their ancestry to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, or Middle East.

The United States counts its population every ten years, and each census reveals that the racial and ethnic mix is changing dramatically.  By the year 2050, the "average" American will not be descended form Europeans, but the majority of U.S. residents will trace their ancestry to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, or Middle East.

Problem with comma splice: sentence 2
Once the United States was a microcosm of European nationalities, today the United States is a microcosm of the world.

Once the United States was a microcosm of European nationalities, but today the United States is a microcosm of the world.

Problem with choppy sentence: sentence 4, 5, and 6
Instead, many people prefer the term "salad bowl." They use the term to describe American Society. American society will soon be predominantly nonwhite.

Instead, many people prefer to use the term "salad bowl" to describe American Society who will soon be predominantly nonwhite.

Problem with comma splice: sentence 7 
"Melting pot" implies that the different ethnic groups blend together into one homogeneous mixture, "salad bowl" implies that nationalities, like the ingredients in a mixed green salad, retain their cultural identities.

"Melting pot" implies that the different ethnic groups blend together into one homogeneous mixture, while "salad bowl" implies that nationalities, like the ingredients in a mixed green salad, retain their cultural identities.

Problem with parallelism: sentence 8 
Earlier generations of immigrants believed they had to learn English quickly not only to survive but also for success.

Earlier generations of immigrants believed they had to learn English quickly not only to survive but also to succeed.

Problem with sentence fragment: sentence 10
Because there are many places in America where you can work, shop, get medical care, marry, divorce, and die without knowing English.

Problem with sentence fragment: sentence 11
For example, Chinatown in San Francisco and New York.

There are many places in America where you can work, shop, get medical care, marry, divorce, and die without knowing English, for example, Chinatown in San Francisco and New York.

Problem with parallelism: sentence 12
Also, Los Angeles has many Vietnamese immigrants and immigrants from Mexico.

Also, Los Angeles has many Vietnamese and Mexican immigrants.

Problem with parallelism: sentence 14 
Many Hispanics, for example, want their children to learn both English and study the Spanish language in school.

Many Hispanics, for example, want their children to learn both English and the Spanish language in school.

Problem with choppy sentences: sentence 15 and 16
They are fighting for the right to bilingual education in many communities. In many communities they are in the majority.

They are fighting for the right to bilingual education, and in many communities they are in the majority.

Paragraph that has been improved:

American: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?

The United States counts its population every ten years, and each census reveals that the racial and ethnic mix is changing dramatically. By the year 2050, the "average" American will not be descended from Europeans, but the majority of U.S. residents will trace their ancestry to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, or Middle East. Once the United States was a microcosm of European nationalities, but  today the United States is a microcosm of the world. The United States is no longer considered a "melting pot" society by many of its residents. Instead, many people prefer to use the term "salad bowl" to describe American Society who will soon be predominantly nonwhite. "Melting pot" implies that the different ethnic groups blend together into one homogeneous mixture, while salad bowl" implies that nationalities, like the ingredients in a mixed green salad, retain their cultural identities. Earlier generations of immigrants believed they had to learn English quickly not only to survive but also to succeed. Now, many immigrant groups do not feel the same need. There are many places in America where you can work, shop, get medical care, marry, divorce, and die without knowing English, for example, Chinatown in San Francisco and New York. Also, Los Angeles has many Vietnamese and Mexican immigrants. In addition, many immigrant groups want their children to know their own culture. Many Hispanics, for example, want their children to learn both English and the Spanish language in school. They are fighting for the right to bilingual education, and in many communities they are in the majority.

This is only my own model answer. Perhaps, you have your own model answer. Please feel free to discuss and try to find the best model answer.

Follow My Twitter: @baryzin
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Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

Published 17.03 by with 0 comment

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Merangakai Gagasan Dalam Paragraf

 Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Merunutkan Gagasan Dalam Paragraf

belajar bahasa inggris menggabung gagasan dalam paragraf, belajar bahasa inggris merangkai ide dalam paragraf, sesi belajar bahasa inggris mengulas cara merangkai gagasan dalam paragraf
Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/transition words

Mengapa gagasan dalam paragraf perlu dirangkai?

Gagasan dalam paragraf perlu dirangkai agar alirannya runut. Dengan demikian pembaca bisa dengan mudah mengikuti aliran (flow) tulisan kita dan merasa nyaman. Kali ini sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris mengulas perlunya merangkai gagasan dalam setiap tulisan kita.

Transition word/phrase (seperti therefore, however, dan moreover) dan ekspresi lainnya dapat digunakan untuk merangkai paragraf ke paragraf, kalimat ke kalimat, dan klausa ke klausa. Beberapa ekspresi ini bisa disimak di bawah ini.

1. Expressions used to list points, examples, or reasons

First example or reason:
First, let's consider X.
The first reason for this is that Y . . .
One example of this is Y.

Additional examples or reasons:
Second, there is the example of Z.
A second (third) good example of this phenomenon is A . . .
Another example is B . . .
Next, there is the example of Y . . .
Another reason is that C is usually . . .

Final example or reason:
Finally, we have Z.

2. Expressions that show addition

Kata/frasa transisi in addition, furthermore, dan moreover dapat digunakan untuk merangkai klausa atau kalimat. Kalau kita ingat kembali bahwa ketiga kata/frasa transisi tersebut termasuk conjunctive adverbs dan conjunctive adverbs termasuk adverbia.  Karena adverbia, posisinya bisa di mana saja. Rumusnya:

     Clause 1; furthermore, clause 2
     Sentence 1. Furthermore, sentence 2.

Satu poin diberikan dalam klausa atau kalimat pertama dan yang lain dalam klausa atau kalimat kedua.

     I like to use Y as a method of keeping in touch with my friends because it is fast; furthermore, it is efficient and simple.

     I would never want to own a Y because it is so expensive. In addition, it often breaks down.

     I predict that, in the future, people of all ages will use Ys. Moreover, Ys will be found in every country of the globe.

3. Expressions that show result or conclusion

Koordinator so dapat digunakan untuk merangkai dua klausa independen. Klausa pertama memberikan alasan, klausa kedua memberikan akibat. (Clause 1, so clause 2).

     I believe doing C is a waste of time, so I avoid C whenever possible.

Kata transisi therefore, consequently, dan thus dapat digunakan untuk merangkai klausa atau kalimat. Klausa atau kalimat pertama memberikan alasan, klausa atau kalimat kedua memberikan akibat.

     Studying mathematics teaches you how to A; therefore, every one should study mathematics.

     A recent study showed that many high school graduates could not do Y. Consequently, Y should be part of the curriculum of all high schools.

     In high school, I learn how to A, how to B, and how to C; thus, I was prepared for my studies at a university.

4. Expressions that show contrast

Koordinator but dapat digunakan untuk merangkai dua klausa independen yang mengandung informasi kontras. (Clause 1, but clause 2).

     People who oppose Y may have some good points, but on the whole, I think Y serves a useful function.

Subordinator (penanda klausa adverbia) although, dan while dapat digunakan untuk merangakai klausa adverbia dan klausa independn dengan informasi yang kontras.

     Although most of the people in my country choose to study X as a second language, I wanted to learn how to speak Y first.

     Some people believe that doing X is harmful, while others enjoy it.

Kata/frasa transisi ini dapat merangkai klausa atau kalimat yang mengandung informasi kontras.

     Many people like to visit large cities such as X or Y; however, I prefer to see scenic natural places such as Z ans A.

     Many people think that the government should encourage people to do Y because it will help the economy. On the other hand, doing Y can have a number of negative results.

5. Expressions that show similarity

Kata transisi likewise, dan similarly dapat merangkai klausa dan kalimat yang mengandung informasi yang mirip.

     I think it is useful for children to do Y; likewise, I think it is helpful for adults to do the same.

     There is too much violence in movies; similarly, many TV shows contain a lot of violence.

6. Expressions that introduce a concluding paragraph

Frasa transisi ini dapat digunakan pada awal paragraf terakhir dari respons Anda.

     In conclusion, for all these reasons, I think that X is a valid argument.

     In summary, there is no doubt in my mind that Y is true.

    All in all, I must agree with those people who support X.

belajar bahasa inggris tentang merangakai gagasan, belajar bahasa inggris perihal merangkai ide, belajar bahasa inggris seputar merangkai ide

Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/transition words

Berikut diberikan contoh tambahan kosakata yang digunakan untuk memberikan pendapat dan merangkai gagasan.

  1. I completely agree with the idea of stricter gun control for a number of reasons. First, statistics show that guns are not very effective in preventing crime. Moreover, accidents involving guns frequently occur. Finally, guns can be stolen and later used in crimes.
  2. I believe that a good salary is an important consideration when looking for a career. However, the nature of the work is more important for me. Thus, I would not accept a job that I did not find rewarding.
  3. There are many reasons why I would rather live in an urban area than in a small town. The first and most important reason is that there are more professional opportunities for me in a big city than in a small town. Another is that the educational opportunities for my children are much better in a city. Third, a city offers cultural attractions such as museums, theaters, and good restaurants. Personally, I think that I would be bored living in a small town. Therefore, I agree with those people who prefer to live in big cities.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:

FOCUS: Using  transition words and other expressions to connect ideas.
DIRECTIONS: Complete each of the following sentences with one of the words or phrases below. Do not use any item more than one.

     likewise        for example       personally                  furthermore
     however       therefore           on the other hand       similarly

  1. I believe that women should have the right to serve in military. ______________ , I don't believe that they should be assigned to combat roles.
  2. Many actors, rock musicians, and sports stars receive huge amounts of money for the work that they do. _________________, a baseball player was recently offered a contract worth over twelve million dollars. __________________, I feel that this is far too much to pay a person who simply provides entertainment.
  3. The development of the automobile has had a great impact on people everywhere. _______________, the development of high-speed trains has had an impact on people in many countries, including my home country of France.
  4. I used to work in a restaurant when I was in college. I realized what a difficult job restaurant work is. _______________, whenever I went out to eat, I try to leave a good tip for my waiter or waitress.
  5. Many people would agree with the idea that the best use for the open space in our community is to built a shopping center. ________________, there are other people who feel we should turn this open space into a park.
  6. In the United States, people celebrate their independence from Britain on July 4. ______________, we Mexicans celebrate our independence from Spain on September 16.
  7. Corporation should do more to reduce air pollution. _______________, they should encourage recycling.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang merangkai gagasan telah kita ulas bersama. Apakah ulasannya cukup mencerahkan? Apakah kemampuan dan pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris Anda semakin meningkat? Kami berharap demikian.

Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap merangkai gagasan dalam paragraf agar pembaca tulisan Anda mudah memahami ide Anda dan bagaimana ide-ide itu dirangkai dengan apik dan runut. Amin.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan merangkai gagasan kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan Bahasa Inggris berikutnya. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

Happy reading!
Fans Page: @EnglishKito
Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin

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Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Published 22.00 by with 0 comment

Cara Mengungkapkan Pendapat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Struktur dan Pola Kalimat untuk Mengungkapkan Pendapat

belajar bahasa inggris cara mengungkapkan pendapat, mengungkapkan pendapat dalam bahasa inggris, cara pendapat diungkapkan dalam bahasa inggris
Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/giving opinion

Belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini membahas tema bagaimana cara memberikan pendapat dan mengungkapkan setuju atau tidak setuju dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ada struktur dan pola kalimat tertentu yang harus digunakan untuk keperluan ini. Mari kita ulas bersama. Mulai.

Kadang-kadang pada suatu kesempatan kita diminta atau tidak diminta, kita harus memberikan pendapat tentang suatu masalah atau gagasan. Kita mungkin harus menunjukkan kesukaan kita bagi suatu konsep atau yang lain atau setuju atau tidak setuju dengan suatu pernyataan. Kita kemudian harus mempertahankan pendapat dan gagasan kita dengan argumen yang valid.

Struktur dan pola kalimat Bahasa Inggris berikut dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pendapat kita:

     In my opinion, A is the best choice.
     It's my opinion that B is an excellent idea.
     I think that X should be used.
     I believe that we should choose Y.
     I feel that A is correct.
     It's my belief that C is the best plan.
     Personally, I think/feel/believe that X should not be . . .

Mengungkapkan kesukaan kita bagi satu konsep adalah suatu cara memberikan pendapat kita, sehingga pola kalimat untuk menunjukkan kesukaan kita sering digabung dengan pola yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pendapat kita.

     In my opinion, A is a much better choice than B.
     It's my opinion that C should be used in place of Y.
     I believe that X is preferable to Y.
     Personally, I feel that Z is superior to A.
     I prefer A to C.
     I like Y more than B
     I like to do Y more than to do Z.
     I like doing Y more than doing Z.
     I would rather do X than X.*
     I would prefer to see a B than a C.*
     I would choose to have X rather than to have Y.*
     I generally enjoy going to Z more than to A.*

Mari kita perhatikan khususnya kepada contoh yang ditandai dengan asteris (*). Kita perhatikan bahwa frasa verba would rather digunakan dengan bentuk verba dasar (would rather do). Frasa verba would prefer dan would choose mengambil infinitif (would prefer to see; would choose to have). Verba enjoy mengambil gerund (enjoy going).

belajar bahasa inggris tentang agree dan disagree, belajar bahasa inggris perihal agree dan disagree, belajar bahasa inggris seputar agree and disagree
Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/agree and disagree

Menunjukkan setuju atau tidak setuju dengan seseorang atau suatu gagasan juga cara mengungkapkan pendapat.

     I agree with the statement that X is the best way to do Y.
     I disagree with those people who believe that B is the best option.
     I agree that people should generally do A before they do B.
    Some people think C is the most important quality in a Z, but I don't agree.

Mari kita perhatikan bahwa agree/disagree with digunakan dengan frasa nomina, sedangkan agree/disagree that digunakan dengan klausa.

Kadang dirasa tidak cukup hanya memberi pendapat atau pilihan kita atau hanya menyatakan bahwa kita setuju atau tidak setuju. Kita harus mendukung gagasan kita dengan alasan. Berikut beberapa pola kalimat Bahasa Inggris untuk memberikan alasan:

    I agree with those people who say that X is true because of Y.
    I disagree with those people who believe that B is the best option because A is true.

Kita perhatikan bahwa because of digunakan dengan frasa nomina, sedangkan because digunakan dengan klausa.

     There are several reasons why I think X is better than Y.
     I agree with the opinion of people who believe that X is true. There are several reasons for this.

Kita juga seharusnya mengembangkan gagasan kita dengan menyediakan contoh:

I would rather visit city X than any other city in the world because it has so many cultural attractions. For example, Museum Y has one of the best collections of Z in the world.

There are many ways in which students can get higher grades in a class. For instance, students can ask their teachers how to do A.

What is the most useful subject I have ever studied? I believe Y is by far the most helpful. Here are three examples of how studying Y has helped me.

I choose to attend the University of X because it has many excellent teachers. A good example of this is Professor Y.

We have the use of many technological devices that were not available to our grandparents. The C is a good example of this.

Kita seharusnya tidak menggunakan frasa for example + noun sebagai sebuah kalimat lengkap:

INCORRECT: I would rather visit city X than any other city in the world because it has so many cultural attractions. For example, Museum Y.

Frasa For example, Museum Y adalah fragmen kalimat (bukan sebuah kalimat lengkap) karena ia tidak menyertakan verba.

CORRECT: I would rather visit city X than any other city in the world because it has so many cultural attractions. Museum Y is a good example.

Kita bisa juga mendukung gagasan umum dengan pengalaman pribadi. Berikut beberapa pola kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk memberikan pengalaman pribadi.

Some people support the idea that we should generally do A before we do B. In my experience, this is not necessarily true.

The statement says that C is true. Some experiences from my own life support this idea.

How can we learn how to do Y? For me, there have been at least three ways.

Itulah beberapa struktur dan pola kalimat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pendapat, kesukaan dan menyampaikan setuju atau tidak setuju, menyampaikan pengalaman pribadi untuk mendukung suatu gagasan. Semoga kita semua tercerahkan dengan membaca artikel Bahasa Inggris ini dan dapat menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Amin. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

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