Belajar Bahasa Inggris Tentang Choppy Sentence
Sebelumnya kita telah mengulas secara singkat tentang fragmen kalimat (sentence fragment) dan berikutnya kita akan mengulas tentang kalimat yang terlalu pendek (choppy sentence).
Pada kesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan belajar mengenali dan membetulkan beberapa kekeliruan yang umum dalam struktur kalimat di antaranya adalah kalimat yang terlalu pendek (choppy sentence).
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat yang Terlalu Pendek:
Choppy Sentences. Choppy sentence adalah kalimat yang terlalu pendek. Meskipun, kalimat pendek efektif, penggunaan berlebihan darinya dipertimbangkan sebagai gaya tulisan yang kurang baik dalam tulisan akademik.
Choppy sentence mudah untuk dibetulkan. Hanya menggabung dua atau tiga kalimat pendek untuk membuat satu kalimat majemuk atau kompleks. Keputusan Anda untuk membuat kalimat majemuk atau kompleks seharusnya didasarkan pada apakah gagasan dalam kalimat pendek tersebut setara atau apakah satu gagasan tergantung pada yang lain.
1. Jika kalimat tersebut mengungkapkan gagasan yang setara (ciri kalimat majemuk), gunakan koordinasi untuk menggabung mereka.
Choppy sentences:
Wind is an enduring source of power. Water is also an unlimited energy source. Dams produce hydraulic power. They have existed for a long time. Windmills are relatively new.
Both wind and water are enduring source of power. Dams have produced hydraulic power for a long time, but windmills are relatively new.
2. Jika kalimat tersebut mengungkapkan gagasan yang tak setara (ciri kalimat kompleks), karenanya, jika satu kalimat mengungkapkan gagasan yang kurang penting daripada yang lain, gunakan subordinasi untuk menggabung mereka.
Choppy sentences:
We must find new sources of energy. Natural sources of energy are dwindling. Solar energy is a promising new source of energy. Solar energy is energy from the sun.
We must find new sources of energy because natural sources of energy are dwindling. Solar energy, which is energy from the sun, is a promising new source of energy.
Biasakanlah periksa tulisan Anda sendiri dengan hati-hati. Apakah Anda menggunakan terlalu banyak kalimat pendek? Jika ya, latihlah selalu menggabung mereka (choppy sentences).
Sebuah video mungkin bisa melengkapi materi tulisan ini. Semoga.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:
PRACTICE: Rewriting Choppy Sentences
Improve the following choppy sentences by combining them to make either compound, complex, or compound-complex sentences.
- Gasoline became expensive. Automobile manufacturers began to produce smaller cars. Smaller cars use less gasoline. ______________________________________________________________
- The computer has undoubtedly benefited humanity. The computer has also created problems for humanity. ____________________________________________________________________
- Government and private agencies have spent billions of dollars advertising the dangers of smoking. The number of smokers is still increasing. ____________________________________________
- Some students go to a vocational school to learn a trade. Some students go to college to get a degree. ___________________________________________________________________________
- The grading system at our college should be abolished. The students don't like getting grades. The instructors don't enjoy giving grades. ___________________________________________________________________________
Model answer
- Because gasoline became expensive, automobile manufacturers began to produce smaller cars that use less gasoline. (complex sentence)
- Besides the computer has undoubtedly benefited humanity, it has also created problems for humanity. (compound sentence)
- Although government and private agencies have spent billions of dollars advertising the dangers of smoking, the number of smokers is still increasing. (complex sentence)
- Some students go to a vocational school to learn a trade, and some students go to college to get a degree. (compound sentence)
- The grading system at our college should be abolished because the students don't like getting grades, and the instructors don't enjoy giving grades. (compound0complex sentence)
Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang simpel, mudah dimengerti dan dipraktikkan. Ulasan grammar Bahasa Inggris yang lengkap, mendalam, dan lugas. Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!
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