Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Published 17.09 by with 0 comment

Melantur atau Ngelantur Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Run-on and Stringy Sentences

Fragmen kalimat (sentence fragment) dan kalimat pendek (choppy sentence) secara singkat telah kita bahas dan pelajari. Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris masih seputar mengenali dan membetulkan beberapa kekeliruan yang umum dalam struktur kalimat, yakni kalimat melantur (run-on sentence) dan kalimat dengan terlalu banyak klausa independen (stringy sentence).

Melantur (Jawa: ngelantur) dalam berbicara dianggap oleh sebagian orang suatu hal yang wajar tetapi dalam kegiatan tulis-menulis dianggap tidak wajar bahkan kurang baik dalam tulisan akademik. Melantur (baca: ngelantur) biasanya memiliki konotasi kurang baik (negatif) maka sebaiknya dihindari.

belajar bahasa inggris tentang kalimat melantur, belajar bahasa inggris perihal kalimat melantur, belajar bahasa inggris seputar kalimat melantur, belajar bahasa inggris tentang run-on sentence

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat Melantur:

Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices. Kalimat melantur (run-on sentence) adalah kalimat yang di dalamnya dua atau lebih klausa independen ditulis satu setelah lainnya dengan tidak menggunakan tanda baca. Kalimat serupa terjadi ketika dua klausa independen secara salah digabung dengan koma tanpa konjungsi koordinasi. Kekeliruan semacam ini disebut comma splice atau tanda gabung hanya koma. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

Run-on:            My family went to Indonesia then they emigrated to Australia.
Comma splice:  My family went to Indonesia, then they emigrated to Australia.

Cara untuk membetulkan dua kekeliruan kalimat ini sama:

1. Tambahkan titik:  
    My family went to Indonesia. Then they emigrated to Australia.
2. Tambahkan semikolon:
    My family went to Indonesia; then they emigrated to Australia.
3. Tambahkan koordinator:
    My family went to Indonesia, and then they emigrated to Australia.
4. Tambahkan subordinator:
    After my family went to Indonesia, they emigrated to Australia.
    Before my family emigrated to Australia, they went to Indonesia.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:

PRACTICE: Run-on/Comma Splice Sentences
A. Correct the following run-on/comma splice sentences using the method indicated. 

1. A newly arrived international student faces many problems, for example, he has to cope with a new culture.
a. (Add a period.)  __________________________________________________________________
b. (Add a semicolon.)  _______________________________________________________________

2. New York City is very cosmopolitan, there are people from many cultures and ethnic groups living there.
a. (Add a period.)  __________________________________________________________________
b. (Add a semicolon.)  _______________________________________________________________
c. (Add a subordinator.)  _____________________________________________________________

3. Learning a new language is like learning to swim it takes a lot of practice.
    (Add a coordinator.)  ______________________________________________________________

4. Ask for assistance at the reference desk in the library, there is always a librarian on duty.
   (Add a semicolon.)  ________________________________________________________________

5. Skiing is a dangerous sport you can easily break your leg or your neck.
   (Add a subordinator.)  ______________________________________________________________

B. Some of the following sentences are run-ons or comma splices, and some are correct. Check each sentence. If it is incorrect, write RO or CS in the space at the left. If it is correct. leave the space blank. Then, on a separate piece of paper, correct the incorrect sentences.

     RO        Two letters arrived on Monday a third one came on Wednesday.
                   Two letters arrived on Monday; a third one came on Wednesday. 

_____  1. An encyclopedia is a valuable source of information it contains summaries of every area of knowledge.
______  2. Because of the rapid expansion of human knowledge, it is difficult to keep encyclopedia current.
______ 3. A printed encyclopedia become obsolete almost as soon as it is published also it is quite expensive to purchase.
______  4. Encyclopedias on CD-ROMs are inexpensive, convenient to use, and easily updated.
______ 5. Articles on encyclopedias are written by experts in each subject, who are often university professors.
______ 6. An editor of an encyclopedia doesn't write articles he only collect and edits articles written by other experts.
______ 7. To find a book on a certain subject, you used to look in a card catalog, to find a magazine article on a subject, you used to look in a periodical index.
______ 8. Now, most libraries have thrown away their card catalogs, they have computerized catalogs that are much more efficient to use and update.
______ 9. Many periodical indexes, which only list titles of magazine articles and indicate where to find them, have been replaced by computer indexes, some of which display synopses and even entire articles instantly.
______ 10. If you can't find any information on a subject, you can always ask a librarian to help you, they are paid to assist students.

obsolete: out of date; old
synopses: summaries

C. Locate the run-on/comma splice sentences in the following paragraphs. Mark them by writing RO or CS above them. Then, on a separate piece of paper, rewrite both paragraphs, correcting the mistakes that you found.

Grade Inflation

Teachers at Stone Mountain State College give higher grades than teachers at twelve of the nineteen other colleges in the state college system, according to a recent report from the State Institutional Research Committee. This report showed that more than one-third of the undergraduate grades awarded in the spring semester, 1997, were A's, only 1.1 percent were F's. The percentage of A's awarded to graduate students was even higher, almost two-third were A's.

While students may be happy to receive high grades, there is evidence that this trend is having negative consequences. Investigation of the admissions criteria of some graduate and professional schools indicates that the admissions offices of these schools are discounting high grades on the transcripts of SMSC students, this means that an A from SMSC is not equal to an A from other universities. Grade inflation may, therefore, hurt a student from Stone Mountain State College who intends to apply to a graduate or professional school, he or she may not be accepted despite a high grade point average.

belajar bahasa inggris tentang comma splice, belajar bahasa inggris membahas comma splice, belajar bahasa inggris mengulas comma splice, belajar bahasa inggris mengupas comma splice

Part C. Model answer:

Paragraph 1
Comma splice:
This report showed that more than one-third of the undergraduate grades awarded in the spring semester, 1997, were A's, only 1.1 percent were F's.
This report showed that more than one-third of the undergraduate grades awarded in the spring semester, 1997, were A's, and only 1.1 percent were F's. 

Comma splice:
The percentage of A's awarded to graduate students was even higher, almost two-third were A's.
The percentage of A's awarded to graduate students was even higher, and almost two-third were A's. 

Paragraph 2
Comma splice:
Investigation of the admissions criteria of some graduate and professional schools indicates that the admissions offices of these schools are discounting high grades on the transcripts of SMSC students, this means that an A from SMSC is not equal to an A from other universities. 
Investigation of the admissions criteria of some graduate and professional schools indicates that the admissions offices of these schools are discounting high grades on the transcripts of SMSC students. This means that an A from SMSC is not equal to an A from other universities.

Comma splice:
Grade inflation may, therefore, hurt a student from Stone Mountain State College who intends to apply to a graduate or professional school, he or she may not be accepted despite a high grade point average.
Grade inflation may, therefore, hurt a student from Stone Mountain State College who intends to apply to a graduate or professional school. He or she may not be accepted despite a high grade point average.

Paragraphs that have been corrected:
Grade Inflation

Teachers at Stone Mountain State College give higher grades than teachers at twelve of the nineteen other colleges in the state college system, according to a recent report from the State Institutional Research Committee. This report showed that more than one-third of the undergraduate grades awarded in the spring semester, 1997, were A's, and only 1.1 percent were F's. The percentage of A's awarded to graduate students was even higher, and almost two-third were A's.

While students may be happy to receive high grades, there is evidence that this trend is having negative consequences. Investigation of the admissions criteria of some graduate and professional schools indicates that the admissions offices of these schools are discounting high grades on the transcripts of SMSC students. This means that an A from SMSC is not equal to an A from other universities. Grade inflation may, therefore, hurt a student from Stone Mountain State College who intends to apply to a graduate or professional school. He or she may not be accepted despite a high grade point average.

belajar bahasa inggris, belajar inggris, bahasa inggris, bahasa, inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat dengan Terlalu Banyak Klausa Independen:

Stringy Sentences. Stringy sentence adalah kalimat dengan terlalu banyak klausa independen, biasanya dihubungkan dengan and, but, so, dan because. Hal ini sering akibat dari menulis cara Anda bertutur, terus dan terus bercakap seperti tali atau untaian tanpa ujung.

Tidak ada aturan yang membatasi jumlah klausa independen yang dibolehkan dalam satu kalimat, tetapi dua adalah maksimum yang cukup bagus. Untuk membetulkan stringy sentence, bagilah ia dan/atau menggabung kembali klausa-klausa tersebut, ingat pada anak kalimat (klausa subordinasi) ketika cocok atau mungkin.

Stringy sentence: 
Many students attend classes all morning, and then they work all afternoon, and they also have to study at night, so they are usually exhausted by the weekend.

Many students attend classes all morning and work all afternoon. Since they also have to study at night, they are usually exhausted by the weekend. OR

Because many students attend classes all morning, work all afternoon, and study at night, they are usually exhausted by the weekend.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:

PRACTICE: Stringy Sentences
Improve these stringy sentences.

  1. He enrolled in an advanced calculus class, but he found it too difficult, so he dropped it. ____________________________________________________________________________
  2. The tidal wave ruined the crops and it destroyed several villages, and it caused many deaths, so it was a real disaster. _________________________________________________________________
  3. The analysts worked many hours on the computer program, but they couldn't find the cause of the problem, so they finally gave up, and they went home. ____________________________________________________________________________
  4. Junk food is bad for your health, and it also contains no vitamins, and it damages your stomach, so people shouldn't eat it. ___________________________________________________________
  5. The lack of rainfall has caused a severe water shortage, so people have to conserve water every day, and they also have to think of new ways to reuse water, but the situation is improving. ____________________________________________________________________________
Model answer
  1. He enrolled in an advanced calculus class. Since he found an advanced calculus class too difficult, he dropped it.
  2. The tidal wave ruined the crops, destroyed several villages, and caused many deaths, so that it was a real disaster. 
  3. Even though the analysts worked many hours on the computer program, they couldn't find the cause of the problem, and they finally gave up and went home.
  4. Because junk food is bad for your health, also contains no vitamins, and damages your stomach, people shouldn't eat it.
  5. The lack of rainfall has caused a severe water shortage. After people have to conserve water every day and also have to think of new ways to reuse water, the situation is improving.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang simpel, mudah dimengerti dan dipraktikkan. Ulasan grammar Bahasa Inggris yang lengkap, mendalam, dan lugas. Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin
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Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Published 15.34 by with 0 comment

Penting Untuk Diketahui: Apa Itu Choppy Sentence?

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Tentang Choppy Sentence

belajar bahasa inggris tentang choppy sentence, belajar bahasa inggris perihal choppy sentence, belajar bahasa inggris seputar choppy sentence, balajar bahasa inggris mengulas choppy sentence, belajar bahasa inggris membahas choopy sentence, belajar bahasa inggris mengupas choppy sentence, belajar bahasa inggris tentang apa itu choppy sentence

Sebelumnya kita telah mengulas secara singkat tentang fragmen kalimat (sentence fragment) dan berikutnya kita akan mengulas tentang kalimat yang terlalu pendek (choppy sentence).

Pada kesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan belajar mengenali dan membetulkan beberapa kekeliruan yang umum dalam struktur kalimat di antaranya adalah kalimat yang terlalu pendek (choppy sentence).

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Kalimat yang Terlalu Pendek: 

Choppy Sentences. Choppy sentence adalah kalimat yang terlalu pendek. Meskipun, kalimat pendek efektif, penggunaan berlebihan darinya dipertimbangkan sebagai gaya tulisan yang kurang baik dalam tulisan akademik.

Choppy sentence mudah untuk dibetulkan. Hanya menggabung dua atau tiga kalimat pendek untuk membuat satu kalimat majemuk atau kompleks. Keputusan Anda untuk membuat kalimat majemuk atau kompleks seharusnya didasarkan pada apakah gagasan dalam kalimat pendek tersebut setara atau apakah satu gagasan tergantung pada yang lain.

1. Jika kalimat tersebut mengungkapkan gagasan yang setara (ciri kalimat majemuk), gunakan koordinasi untuk menggabung mereka.

Choppy sentences:
Wind is an enduring source of power. Water is also an unlimited energy source. Dams produce hydraulic power. They have existed for a long time. Windmills are relatively new.

Both wind and water are enduring source of power. Dams have produced hydraulic power for a long time, but windmills are relatively new.

2. Jika kalimat tersebut mengungkapkan gagasan yang tak setara (ciri kalimat kompleks), karenanya, jika satu kalimat mengungkapkan gagasan yang kurang penting daripada yang lain, gunakan subordinasi untuk menggabung mereka.

Choppy sentences:
We must find new sources of energy. Natural sources of energy are dwindling. Solar energy is a promising new source of energy. Solar energy is energy from the sun.

We must find new sources of energy because natural sources of energy are dwindling. Solar energy, which is energy from the sun, is a promising new source of energy. 

Biasakanlah periksa tulisan Anda sendiri dengan hati-hati. Apakah Anda menggunakan terlalu banyak kalimat pendek? Jika ya, latihlah selalu menggabung mereka (choppy sentences).

Sebuah video mungkin bisa melengkapi materi tulisan ini. Semoga.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan: 

PRACTICE: Rewriting Choppy Sentences
Improve the following choppy sentences by combining them to make either compound, complex, or compound-complex sentences.
  1. Gasoline became expensive. Automobile manufacturers began to produce smaller cars. Smaller cars use less gasoline. ______________________________________________________________
  2. The computer has undoubtedly benefited humanity. The computer has also created problems for humanity. ____________________________________________________________________
  3. Government and private agencies have spent billions of dollars advertising the dangers of smoking. The number of smokers is still increasing. ____________________________________________
  4. Some students go to a vocational school to learn a trade. Some students go to college to get a degree. ___________________________________________________________________________
  5. The grading system at our college should be abolished. The students don't like getting grades. The instructors don't enjoy giving grades. ___________________________________________________________________________

Model answer 

  1. Because gasoline became expensive, automobile manufacturers began to produce smaller cars that use less gasoline. (complex sentence)
  2. Besides the computer has undoubtedly benefited humanity, it has also created problems for humanity. (compound sentence
  3. Although government and private agencies have spent billions of dollars advertising the dangers of smoking, the number of smokers is still increasing. (complex sentence)
  4. Some students go to a vocational school to learn a trade, and some students go to college to get a degree. (compound sentence)
  5. The grading system at our college should be abolished because the students don't like getting grades, and the instructors don't enjoy giving grades. (compound0complex sentence)

Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang simpel, mudah dimengerti dan dipraktikkan. Ulasan grammar Bahasa Inggris yang lengkap, mendalam, dan lugas. Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin
Fans Page Saya: @EnglishKito
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Minggu, 21 Februari 2016

Published 19.31 by with 0 comment

A WHITE BUS, Kata-kata Berbahaya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Tinjauan Singkat Fragmen Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris 


belajar bahasa inggris tentang fragmen kalimat, belajar bahasa inggris tentang sentence fragment, belajar bahasa inggris perihal fragmen kalimat, belajar bahasa inggris seputar fragmen kalimat, belajar bahasa inggris mengulas fragmen kalimat, belajar bahasa inggris membahas fragmen kalimat

Selama ini masalah kalimat yang sering kita hadapi dan jumpai adalah fragmen kalimat (sentence fragments), kalimat melantur (run-on sentences), dan tanda gabung hanya dengan koma (comma splice) dan yang lainnya belum begitu kita kenal.

Pada kesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini dan berikutnya kita akan belajar itu semua dan ditambah dengan masalah kalimat yang disebut choppy dan stringy sentences. Choppy sentence adalah kalimat yang terlalu pendek sedangkan stringy sentence adalah kalimat dengan terlalu banyak klausa independen.

Pada kesempatan belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan belajar mengenali dan membetulkan beberapa kekeliruan yang umum dalam struktur kalimat di antaranya adalah fragmen kalimat (sentence fragments).

Sehubungan dengan penyusunan kalimat kita harus hati-hati dengan kata-kata yang tergolong berbahaya. Semua kata yang termasuk dalam A WHITE BUS subordinator tergolong kata-kata berbahaya. Yang dimaksud dengan A WHITE BUS  di sini adalah:

A: after, although, as
WH: when, whereas, while, whenever, wherever, whether or not
I: in case, if
T: though
E: even though, even if
B: before, because
U: until, unless
S: since, so (that)

Oleh karena itu berilah perhatian khusus pada kalimat Anda yang mulai dengan subordinator tersebut. Bila kita tidak hati-hati dengan kata-kata tersebut, kita bisa saja menciptakan fragmen kalimat.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Fragmen Kalimat:

Sentence Fragments. Fragmen kalimat adalah kalimat yang TIDAK lengkap atau bagian dari kalimat. Ingat bahwa kalimat yang lengkap harus mengandung sedikitnya satu klausa utama atau independen

Pelajari 4 contoh fragmen kalimat berikut ini dan metode yang disarankan untuk membetulkannya.

1. Because some students work part-time while taking a full load of courses
    Problem:         This is a dependent clause.
    To correct:      Attach it to an independent clause.
    Because some students work part-time while taking a full load of courses, they have very little free time.

2. For example, the increase in the cost of renting an apartment
    Problem:        There is no verb.
    To correct:     Rewrite the sentence so that it has a verb.
    For example, the cost of renting an apartment increased.

3. Feeling lonely and failing most of his classes
    Problem:        This is a participial phrase.
    To correct: (a) Add a subject and change the participial to verbs, or
                      (b) Attach the phrase to an independent clause.
   (a) He felt lonely and was failing most of his classes.
   (b) Feeling lonely and failing most of his classes, the student wisely decided to make an appointment with his counselor.

4. Many young people who leave home at an early age
    Problem:        This is a noun phrase + a relative clause. The independent clause is unfinished.
    To correct: (a) Change the relative clause into an independent clause, or
                      (b) Complete the unfinished independent clause. 
   (a) Many young people leave home at an early age.
   (b) Many young people who leave home at an early age do not manage their money well.

Selalu periksa tulisan Anda sendiri apakah ada fragmen kalimat. Berilah perhatian khusus kepada kalimat Anda yang mulai dengan konjungsi subordinasi (although, because, before, if, dsb.). Ini semua KATA BERBAHAYA! Yakinkan bahwa setiap klausa subordinasi yang mulai dengan kata-kata ini ditempelkan kepada klausa independen agar tidak menimbulkan fragmen kalimat.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:

PRACTICE: Rewriting Sentence Fragments

A. Read the following sentences. Mark them FRAG if they are sentence fragments, or COMP if they are complete sentences. On a separate piece of paper, rewrite each fragment to make a complete sentence.

_____  1. The desire of all humankind to live in peace and freedom, for example.
_____  2. Second, the fact that men are physically stronger than women.
_____  3. The best movie that I saw last year.
_____  4. Titanic was the most financially successful movie ever made.
_____  5. For example, many students have part-time jobs.
_____  6. Although people want to believe that all men are created equal.
_____  7. Finding a suitable marriage partner is a challenging task.
_____  8. Many of my friends who didn't have the opportunity to go to college.
_____  9. Working during the morning and attending classes during the afternoon.
_____  10. Because I don't feel that grades in college have any value.
_____  11. The nuclear accident that occurred in Russia in 1986, the worst nuclear accident in history.
_____  12. The first hint of the tragedy came two days after the accident occurred.
_____  13. When radiation monitors in Sweden indicated an increase in radiation levels over Scandinavia.
_____  14. Radiation escaping into the atmosphere, drifting west over other countries, and causing crops and dairy products to become contaminated.
_____  15. Opponents of nuclear power plants pointing to the Chernobyl disaster and the near-disaster at a U.S. plant in Pennsylvania.

B. Read the following short essay. Put brackets [  ] around any sentence fragments that you find and mark them FRAG. Then correct all fragments on a separate piece of paper.

Women Drivers

Male chauvinism extends even into the area of automobile driving. It seems. Believing that they are far better drivers than women. Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even dangerous behind the wheel.

However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men. For example, insurance rates. Insurance rates for women are 20 percent lower than they are for men. Another proof is that more accidents are caused by male drivers between the ages of 18 and 25 than by any other group. Also, the greater percentage of accidents involving deaths caused by men. Although women are criticized for being too cautious. They are really just being safe drivers.

The reasons for women drivers' safer driving habits can perhaps be found in the differing attitudes of the sexes towards automobiles. On the other hand, women drivers who regard the automobile as a convenience. Like a washing machine. On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their egos. Using it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive. Or using it as a status symbol.

All in all, women are safer drivers. Because of their attitude. Men can learn to become safe drivers. If they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.

male chauvinism: men's belief in male superiority
egos: self-importance

Model answer

Women Drivers

Male chauvinism extends even into the area of automobile driving. It seems. [Believing that they are far better drivers than women.] Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even dangerous behind the wheel.

However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men. [For example, insurance rates.] Insurance rates for women are 20 percent lower than they are for men. Another proof is that more accidents are caused by male drivers between the ages of 18 and 25 than by any other group. [Also, the greater percentage of accidents involving deaths caused by men.] [Although women are criticized for being too cautious.] They are really just being safe drivers.

The reasons for women drivers' safer driving habits can perhaps be found in the differing attitudes of the sexes towards automobiles. [On the other hand, women drivers who regard the automobile as a convenience.] [Like a washing machine.] On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their egos. [Using it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive.] [Or using it as a status symbol.]

All in all, women are safer drivers. [Because of their attitude.] Men can learn to become safe drivers. [If they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.]

Berikut pembetulannya:

Fragment sentence:
[Believing that they are far better drivers than women.]
They believe that they are far better drivers than women.

Fragment sentence:
[For example, insurance rates.]
Insurance rates for women are 20 percent lower than they are for men.
For example, insurance rates for women are 20 percent lower than they are for men.

Fragment sentence:
[Also, the greater percentage of accidents involving deaths caused by men.]
Also, the greater percentage of accidents involving deaths is caused by men.

Fragment sentence:
[Although women are criticized for being too cautious.]
They are really just being safe drivers.
Although women are criticized for being too cautious, they are really just being safe drivers.

Fragment sentence:
[On the other hand, women drivers who regard the automobile as a convenience.]
[Like a washing machine.]
On the other hand, women drivers regard the automobile as a convenience like a washing machine.

Fragment sentence:
[Using it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive.]
[Or using it as a status symbol.]
They use it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive or use it as a status symbol.

Fragment sentence:
All in all, women are safer drivers.
[Because of their attitude.]
All in all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude.

Fragment sentence:
Men can learn to become safe drivers.
[If they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.]
Men can learn to become safe drivers if they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.

Berikut paragraf yang sudah dibetulkan:

Women Drivers

Male chauvinism extends even into the area of automobile driving. It seems. They believe that they are far better drivers than women. Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even dangerous behind the wheel.

However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men. For example, insurance rates for women are 20 percent lower than they are for men. Another proof is that more accidents are caused by male drivers between the ages of 18 and 25 than by any other group. Also, the greater percentage of accidents involving deaths is caused by men. Although women are criticized for being too cautious, they are really just being safe drivers.

The reasons for women drivers' safer driving habits can perhaps be found in the differing attitudes of the sexes towards automobiles. On the other hand, women drivers regard the automobile as a convenience like a washing machine. On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their egos. They use it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive or use it as a status symbol.

All in all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude. Men can learn to become safe drivers if they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a convenience.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang simpel, mudah dimengerti dan dipraktikkan. Ulasan grammar Bahasa Inggris yang lengkap, mendalam, dan lugas. Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

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Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Published 21.49 by with 0 comment

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Tinjauan Singkat Tentang Parallelism

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Tinjauan Singkat Tentang Parallelism

belajar bahasa inggris tentang parallelism, belajar bahasa inggris perihal parallelism , belajar bahasa inggris seputar parallelism, belajar bahasa inggris membahas parallelism, belajar bahasa inggris mengulas parallelism, belajar bahasa inggris mengupas parallelism, parallelism dibahas dalam sesi belajar bahasa inggris

Kalau kita berbicara mengenai parallelism, kita tidak bisa lepas dari koordinator FAN BOYS tetapi tidak semuanya kecuali hanya ABO (and, but, dan or). Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini meninjau secara singkat tentang parallelism.


Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Parallelism:

Parallelism. Parallelism merupakan elemen penting dalam tulisan Bahasa Inggris, khususnya ketika Anda mengelis dan membandingkan  dan mempertentangkan item atau gagasan. Parallelism berarti bahwa setiap item dalam list atau perbandingan mengikuti pola gramatika yang sama. Jika Anda sedang menulis sebuah list dan item pertamanya dalam list Anda adalah nomina, tulis semua item berikutnya sebagai nomina juga. Jika item pertamanya adalah frasa verba infinitif, buatlah semua dari yang lain frasa verba infinif ; jika ia klausa dependen, buatlah semua dari yang lain klausa dependen. Jika Anda sedang membuat perbandingan atau kontras yakinkanlah bahwa item-item yang Anda sedang perbandingkan atau pertentangkan adalah sama.

Perhatikan bagaimana aturan parallelism diikuti dalam kalimat kedua di setiap set berikutnya.

Not parallel:
My English conversation class is made up of Chinese, Spaniards, and some are from Bosnia.

My English conversation class is made up of Chinese, Spaniards, and Bosnians.

Not parallel:
The students who do well attend class, they do their homework, and practice speaking in English. 

The students who do well attend class, do their homework, and practice speaking in English.

Not parallel:
The teacher wanted to know which country we came from and our future goals.

The teacher wanted to know which country we came from and what our future goals were.

Not parallel:
The language skills of the students in the evening classes are the same as the day classes.

The language skills of the students in the evening classes are the same as the language skills of the students in the day classes.

Anda boleh juga mengganti dengan pronomina bagi "the language skills" yang kedua:

     The language skills of the students in the evening classes are the same as those of the students in the day classes.

Semua kata dalam item pertama tidak selalu harus diulangi dalam bagian kedua. Anda boleh mengulang semua atau beberapa kata, tergantung pada apa yang Anda hendak tekankan.

     Before you write a paper or (before) (you) take a test, you must organize your thoughts. 

"Before" dan/atau "you" boleh dihapus dari item kedua tanpa melanggar aturan parallelism.

     Before you write a paper or take a test, you must organize your thoughts.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Koordinator And, But, Or:

Coordinators: And, But, Or

Kata, frasa, dan klausa yang digabung dengan and, but, dan or ditulis dalam bentuk parallel. Perhatikan struktur parallel yang digabung dengan koordinator dalam kalimat berikut ini:

     The Federal Air Pollution Control Administration regulates automobile exhausts, and the Federal Aviation Administration makes similar regulations for aircraft.

     The states regulate the noise created by motor vehicles but not by commercial aircraft.

     Pesticide cannot be sold if they have an adverse effect on humans, on animal life, or on the environment.


Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Konjungsi Korelatif:

 Correlative Conjunctions

Gunakan bentuk parallel dengan konjungsi korelatif both . . . and, either . . . or, neither . . . nor, dan not only . . . but also.

Konjungsi korelatif ditempatkan secara langsung sebelum elemen-elemen yang mereka (konjungsi korelatif) gabung dalam kalimat. Perhatikan struktur parallel dalam klausa-klausa ini yang digabung dengan konjungsi korelatif:

     A new law provides the means for both regulating pesticides and ordering their removal if they are dangerous.

     Air pollutants may come either from the ocean as natural contaminants given off by sea life or from the internal combustion engines of automobiles.

     If neither industry nor the public works toward reducing pollution problems, future generations will suffer.

     Many people are neither concerned about pollutants nor worried about their future impact.

     At the present time, air pollution is controlled through laws passed not only to reduce the pollutants at their sources but also to set up acceptable standards of air quality.


Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:

PRACTICE: Parallelism
A. Two or more items in each of the following sentences are written in parallel grammatical form. Underline the items or ideas that are parallel, and circle the word or words that connect the parallel structures.

An ideal environment for studying includes good lighting, a spacious desk, and a comfortable chair.
                                                                                                                "and" in circle
  1. You know you are truly bilingual when you can calculate in your second language and when you begin to dream in it.
  2. People often spend as much time worrying about the future as planning for it.
  3. You can learn a second language in the classroom, at home, or in a country where the language is spoken.
  4. My new personal computer is both fast and reliable.
  5. My old typewriter is neither fast nor reliable.
  6. Ann is growing older but unfortunately not wiser 
  7. Young people buy computers not only to schoolwork but also to play games.
  8. If industrial nations continue to burn fossil fuels and if developing nations continue to burn their rain forests, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere will continue to increase.
  9. Before the judge announced the sentence, he asked the murderer if he wanted to speak either to the victim's family or to the jury.
  10. The criminal neither admitted guilt nor asked for forgiveness before he was executed.

sentence: punishment

B. Rewrite the following sentences in parallel form. Underline the part of the sentence that is not parallel and correct it.

The disadvantages of using a credit card are overspending and you pay high interest rate.
The disadvantages of using a credit card are overspending and paying high interest rate. 

  1. Credit cards are accepted by department stores, airlines, and they can be used in some gas stations. ___________________________________________________________________________
  2. You do not need to risk carrying cash or to risk to pass up a sale. ___________________________________________________________________________
  3. With credit cards, you can either pay your bill with one check, or you can stretch out your payments. ___________________________________________________________________________
  4. You can charge both at restaurants and when you stay at hotels. ___________________________________________________________________________
  5. Many people carry not only credit cards but they also carry cash. ___________________________________________________________________________
  6. Many people want neither to pay off their balance monthly nor do they like paying interest. ___________________________________________________________________________
  7. Not making any payment or to send in only minimum payments every month is poor money management.
pass up: miss an opportunity

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Sabtu, 06 Februari 2016

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Kalimat Majemuk vs Kalimat Kompleks

 Belajar Bahasa Inggris: 

Kalimat Majemuk vs Kalimat Kompleks

Belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini masih seputar jenis kalimat berdasarkan jumlah klausa. Kalimat majemuk akan dibandingkan dengan kalimat kompleks. Terlalu banyak menggunakan kalimat majemuk apa akibatnya dan bila menggunakan kalimat kompleks apa kelebihannya. Marilah kita mulai belajar Bahasa Inggris ini.

Tulisan yang bagus menuntut campuran dari semua empat jenis kalimat: sederhana, majemuk, kompleks, dan majemuk-kompleks. Sebuah karangan dengan hanya kalimat pendek (choppy sentence), sederhana, membosankan dan tidak efektif, sebagaimana tulisan yang menggunakan terlalu banyak kalimat majemuk. Tulisan dengan kalimat kompleks dan frasa partisipial, struktur yang menggunakan subordinasi, umumnya dipertimbangkan lebih matang, menarik, dan efektif dalam gaya.

Bandingkan dua model berikut. Model pertama adalah model dari koordinasi yang terlalu banyak, atau tulisan dengan terlalu banyak kalimat majemuk. Dalam model kedua, beberapa koordinasi telah diganti dengan subordinasi--kalimat kompleks dalam kalimat 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, dan 12 dan frasa partisipial dalam kalimat 5 dan 10. Perhatikan, bagaimanapun, bahwa koordinasi telah ditempatkan di mana ide-ide yang diungkapkan adalah setara (kalimat 1, 4, dan 8).

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The People's Princess

1Diana, Princess of Wales, was born in Norfolk, England, in 1961, and she died in Paris, France, in 1997. 2People around the world were fascinated by the transformation of this shy kindergarten teacher into an independent, self-assured young woman. 3Her sudden death in a car crash while being chased by photographers prompted worldwide discussion and grief.

4Diana Spencer was born to a wealthy, upper-class English family, and she was educated in private schools in England and Switzerland. 5She loved children, so she became a kindergarten teacher. 6She led a quiet life in London, but then she met Charles, Prince of Wales, and her life changed dramatically. 7She and Charles married in 1981, and her life as the wife of the future king of England began. 8She gave birth to two sons and became active in charity work. 9Diana's life should have been a happy one, but it was not to be. 10She and Charles began having marital problems, and they separated in 1992, and they agreed to divorce in 1996.

11Diana worked very hard at her job as princess, and she supported many causes, especially those related to children and AIDS victims. 12She lived for only a short time, but she toughed people all over the world because of her beauty, her compassion for others, and her style.

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The People's Princess

1Diana, Princess of Wales, was born in Norfolk, England, in 1961, and died in Paris, France, in 1997. 2People around the world were fascinated by the transformation of this shy kindergarten teacher into an independent, self-assured young woman. 3Her sudden death in a car crash while being chased by photographers prompted worldwide discussion and grief.

4Diana Spencer was born to a wealthy, upper-class English family, and educated in private schools in England and Switzerland. 5Because she loved children, she became a kindergarten teacher, leading a quiet life in London. 6However, when she met Charles, Prince of Wales, her life changed dramatically. 7After she and Charles married in 1981, her life as the wife of the future king of England began. 8She gave birth to two sons and became active in charity work. 9Although Diana's life should have been a happy one, it was not to be. 10She and Charles began having marital problems, separating in 1992 and agreeing to divorce in 1996.

11Diana who worked very hard at her job as princess, supported many causes, especially those related to children and AIDS victims. 12Even though she lived for only a short time, she toughed people all over the world because of her beauty, her compassion for others, and her style.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Latihan:

PRACTICE: Subordinasi
Change the following compound sentences to complex sentences by subordinating one of the clauses. Use the subordinator given. Note: Be sure to add the subordinator to the correct clause so that the resulting sentence is logical.

It was raining, so I took an umbrella to work. (because)
Not logical:  It was raining because I took an umbrella to work.
Logical:         I took an umbrella to work because it was raining.  
  1. In the former Soviet Union, men and women had access to equal education and job opportunity, for that reflected the Soviet philosophy. (since)
  2. The 1937 Soviet constitution declared that women and men had equal rights and responsibilities, and women joined the workforce. (after)
  3. Also, millions of Russian men were away in the military during World War II, so Russian women filled their places at work. (because)
  4. Soviet women worked full time at their jobs, but they also had the primary responsibility for taking care of the family. (although)
  5. They finished their work, and they had to shop, cook the evening meal, and perhaps wash, iron, or mend the family's clothes. (as soon as)
Model answer:
  1. In the former Soviet Union, men and women had access to equal education and job opportunity since that reflected the Soviet philosophy.
  2. After The 1937 Soviet constitution declared that women and men had equal rights and responsibilities, women joined the workforce.
  3. Because millions of Russian men were away in the military during World War II, Russian women filled their places at work.
  4. Although Soviet women worked full time at their jobs, they also had the primary responsibility for taking care of the family.
  5. As soon as they finished their work, they had to shop, cook the evening meal, and perhaps wash, iron, or mend the family's clothes.

PRACTICE: Combining Sentences in Different Ways
Use what you have learned about the four kinds of sentences to improve these paragraphs, which contain too many short, simple sentences. Use different methods of combining the sentences. You may want to refer to a previous list of coordinators and subordinators. 

Nonverbal Communication

1Nonverbal communication, or body language, is used everywhere in the world. 2It is a very powerful means of communication. 3It communicates much more than spoken words. 4One example of nonverbal communication is what occurs between parents and child. 5Parents smile at their child. 6They communicate love, acceptance, and reassurance. 7The child feels comfortable and safe. 8The smile signifies approval. 9The child is happy and well-adjusted.

10Another example of such communication is the image a person projects in public. 11A woman is walking alone on an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous street. 12She wants to appear confident. 13She should walk briskly. 14She may be tired. 15She should walk with her shoulders straight and her head held high. 16Her eyes should be focused straight ahead. 17Someone is looking at her. 18She should return the glance without hesitation. 19In contrast, a nervous women will appear afraid. 20She walks slowly with her shoulders drooping and her eyes looking downward. 21Indeed, body language can express more than spoken language. 22It is a very strong method of communication. 23People use their body signals carelessly. 24They can sometimes be misinterpreted.

Model answer:

> Kalimat 2 dan 3 digabung menjadi kalimat majemuk:
It is a very powerful means of communication, and it communicates much more than spoken words.

> Kalimat 5 dan 5 digabung menjadi kalimat kompleks:
When they smile at their child, parents communicate love, acceptance, and reassurance.

> Kalimat 7, 8, dan 9 digabung menjadi kalimat kompleks:
 The child feels comfortable, safe, happy, and well-adjusted when he smiles.

> Kalimat 11 dan 12 digabung menjadi kalimat kompleks:
A woman is walking alone on an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous street because she wants to appear confident.

> Kalimat 13 dan 14 digabung menjadi kalimat kompleks:
She may be tired after she walk briskly.

> Kalimat 16 dan 17 digabung menjadi kalimat kompleks:
Her eyes are focused straight ahead when someone is looking at her.

> Kalimat 21 dan 22 digabung menjadi kalimat majemuk dengan menggunakan semikolon:
Indeed, body language can express more than spoken language; it is a very strong method of communication.

> Kalimat 23 dan 24 digabung menjadi kalimat kompleks:
When people use their body signals carelessly, they can sometimes be misinterpreted.

Improved paragraphs:

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication, or body language, is used everywhere in the world. It is a very powerful means of communication, and it communicates much more than spoken words. One example of nonverbal communication is what occurs between parents and child. When they smile at their child, parents communicate love, acceptance, and reassurance. The child feels comfortable, safe, happy, and well-adjusted when he smiles.

Another example of such communication is the image a person projects in public. A woman is walking alone on an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous street because she wants to appear confident. She may be tired after she walks briskly. She should walk with her shoulders straight and her head held high. Her eyes are focused straight ahead when someone is looking at her. She should return the glance without hesitation. In contrast, a nervous women will appear afraid. She walks slowly with her shoulders drooping and her eyes looking downward. Indeed, body language can express more than spoken language; it is a very strong method of communication. When people use their body signals carelessly,  they can sometimes be misinterpreted.

project: show
briskly: fast
drooping: hanging down

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