Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

Published 13.46 by with 0 comment

Jual Buku: "Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences"

Jual Buku: 

Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences: A guide to write an effective sentence in English

Menjadi terampil (mahir) menggunakan Bahasa Inggris adalah impian banyak orang, bahkan akan sangat baik kalau kita bisa mahir sedini mungkin. Maka dari itu bagi teman-teman super yang masih relatif muda, maka salah satu target capaian kita adalah menjadi sukses menguasai Bahasa Inggris di usia yang semuda mungkin.

Akan tetapi, timbul pertanyaan bagaimana cara supaya bisa sukses menguasai Bahasa Inggris selagi muda?
Apakah ada konsep atau formulanya?
Tentu saja ada!

Tepat pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2016 lalu saya baru saja merilis dan mempublikasikan sebuah buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang berjudul: "Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences: A guide to write an effective sentence in English" Wah, dari judulnya saja sudah mantap.

Buku sederhana dan sangat diperlukan ini stock-nya terbatas . Dalam buku dengan 302 halaman ini, Anda akan dituntun bagaimana menulis kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang efektif. Dengan 70.000 rupiah Anda sudah bisa memiliki buku ini. Ongkir gratis untuk wilayah Jagodetabek. Berikut profil dari buku yang sederhana ini:

belajar bahasa inggris tentang phrases, belajar bahasa inggris seputar clauses, belajar bahasa inggris perihal sentences, belajar bahasa inggris phrases clauses and sentences, belajar bahasa inggris

Sudah terbit:       Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Judul:                   Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences: A guide to write an effective sentence in English
Penulis:               Baryzin, M.Pd. alias Muba
Jumlah halaman:  302
Terbit pada:        Agustus 2016
ISBN:                 978-602-336-302-5
Ketrampilan:       Tingkat menengah (intermediate) dan mahir (advanced)
Bahasa pengantar: Indonesia dan Inggris
Harga:                    Rp 70.000,- (Tujuh puluh ribu rupiah)
Ongkos kirim:    GRATIS untuk wilayah Jagodetabek

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Selamat membaca dan memiliki buku ini. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Amin.

belajar bahasa inggris tentang frasa, belajar bahasa inggris perihal klausa, belajar bahasa inggris seputar kalimat, belajar bahasa inggris frasa klausa dan kalimat
Simple English is the best English

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Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

Published 15.43 by with 0 comment

Belajar Klausa Relatif Adverbia Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Adverbial Relative Clauses Bahasa Inggris

belajar adverbia relatif when dan where dalam bahasa inggris, belajar klausa relatif adverbia bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris tentang klausa relatif adverbia, belajar bahasa inggris tentang adverbial relative clauses, belajar bahasa inggris membahas klausa relatif adverbia, adverbial relative clauses jadi bahasan belajar bahasa inggris

Masih terus berlanjut pembahasan kita mengenai klausa relatif. Kali ini sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris akan membahas klausa relatif adverbia (Adverbial Relative Clauses).

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Adverbial Relative Clauses

Klausa relatif mungkin juga diperkenalkan oleh adverbia relatif when dan where. Klausa relatif adverbia merujuk ke waktu atau tempat, dan mereka menggantikan keseluruhan frasa preposisi seperti on Sunday dan in the city. Klausa relatif adverbia mungkin restriktif atau nonrestriktif. Mereka tersusun dari:

              +  subject  + verb  + complement

Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:

The lives of thousands of Germans changed during the night of August 13, 1961, when East German soldiers began building the Berlin wall.


When: refers to a time
Restrictive: The lives of thousands of Germans suddenly changed on the night when East German soldiers began building the Berlin wall.
Nonrestrictive: On November 9, 1989, when the wall was torn down, their lives changed again.

Where: refers to a place
Restrictive: The city where citizens had lived, worked, and shopped relatively freely was suddenly divided.
Nonrestrictive: Berlin, where citizens had lived, worked, and shopped relatively freely, was suddenly divided.

Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat baru c, yang mengandung klausa relatif adverbia. Frasa preposisi dalam kalimat b, yang keseluruhannya diganti dengan adverbia relatif, dicoret mendatar.

Restrictive and Nonrestrictive when
1. a. Ramadan is the month.
   b. Devout Muslims fast during the month.
   c. Ramadan is the month when devout Muslims fast.

Restrictive and Nonrestrictive where
2. a. The Saudi Arabian city of Mecca is the holiest city in Islam.
   b. Mohammed was born in Mecca.
   c. The Saudi Arabian city of Mecca, where Mohammed was born, is the holiest city in Islam.

Berikut sebuah video untuk ditonton.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris sampai pada sesi Latihan

PRACTICE: Adverbial Relative Clauses
Combine the two sentences in each pair, change the second sentence into an adverbial relative clause. Add commas if necessary.

1. Germany had been divided into two countries since 1945. It was defeated in World War II in 1945.
2. 1989 was the year. The Berlin Wall was torn down in that year.
3. In 1990, Germany became one country again. East and West Germany were reunited in 1990.
4. East Germany became part of the Federal Republic of Germany. People had lived under communist rule in East Germany.
5. There was rejoicing in areas. Germans looked forward to reunification with their fellow citizens in some areas.
6. There was anxiety in places. People feared losing their jobs in some places.

Setelah menyimak ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif adverbia baik dalam bertutur atau dalam menulis. Amin.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan klausa relatif adverbia kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

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Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

Published 14.16 by with 0 comment

Belajar Klausa Relatif dengan Frasa Kuantitas dan Kualitas

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Relative Clauses with Phrases of Quantity and Quality

relative clauses with phrases of quantity and quality, relative pronouns in phrases of quantity and quality, belajar bahasa inggris pronomina relatif dalam frasa kuantitas dan kualitas, belajar bahasa inggris whom atau which dalam frasa kuantitas dan kualitas, belajar bahasa inggris mengulas klausa relatif dengan frasa kuantitas dan kualitas, pronomina relatif dalam frasa kuantitas dan kualitas jadi bahasan belajar bahasa inggris

Klausa relatif masih berlanjut kita bahas. Kali ini sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris akan membahas pronomina relatif dalam frasa kuantitas dan kualitas.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Clauses with Phrases of Quantity and Quality

Pronomina relatif dapat juga ditemui dalam frasa kuantitas:

     some of which, one of whom, all of whom, each of which, dsb

dan dalam frasa kualitas:

     the best of which, the most important of whom, the more economical of which, the loveliest of which, the oldest of whom, the least expensive of which, dsb.

Klausa relatif yang mengandung frasa ini dapat mengikuti pola subyek atau obyek, dan mereka selalu nonrestriktif. Berikut formulanya:

     many of which + (subject) + verb + complement
     the oldest of whom + (subject) + verb + complement

Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:

0> While scuba diving in the Caribbean, I saw tropical fish, many of which I photographed with my new under-water camera.
0> He has three daughters, the oldest of whom is studying abroad.

Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat baru c, yang mengandung klausa relatif. Obyek dalam kalimat b (selalu mengikuti preposisi of) dicoret mendatar dan diganti dengan pronomina relatif (selalu whom atau which).

Nonrestrictive: whom
1. a. The citizens of Puerto Rico are well-educated.
   b. Ninety percent of them are literate.
   c. The citizens of Puerto Rico, ninety percent of whom are literate, are well-educated.

Nonrestrictive: which
2. a. There are many delicious tropical fruits in Puerto Rico.
   b. I have never tasted most of them before.
   c. There are many delicious fruits in Puerto Rico, most of which I have never tasted before.

Berikut sebuah video terkait dengan materi tulisan ini. Selamat menonton.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris memasuki sesi Latihan

PRACTICE: Relative Clauses with Phrases of Quantity and Quality

Change the second sentence in each pair to a relative clause, and combine it with the first sentence. Follow the examples  in the chart (the previous examples)

1. There is a chain of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The most charming of the islands is Puerto Rico, "The Land of Enchantment."
2. Puerto Rico attracts thousands of visitors. Most of them come for the sunny weather, the beautiful beaches, and the Spanish atmosphere.
3. Puerto Rico has many historic sites. The most famous of them are in the Old San Juan area of the capital city.
4. Puerto Rico's economy is growing. The most important sector of the economy is clothing manufacturing.
5. Puerto Ricans have strong ties to the United States. All of them are U.S. citizens.
6. Puerto Rico has three political parties. One of them favors Puerto Rico's becoming a state.

Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif dengan frasa kuantitas dan kualitas dalam bertutur atau tulisan.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan klausa relatif dengan frasa kuantitas dan kulaitas kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya.

Salam mencerahkan,

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin
Fans Page Saya: @EnglishKito

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Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Published 16.08 by with 0 comment

The candidate for whom I voted . . . atau The candidate I voted for . . .?

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions

belajar bahasa inggris pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi, belajar bahasa inggris relative pronouns as objects of prepositions, belajar bahasa inggris pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi pola formal, belajar bahasa inggris pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi pola informal, belajar bahasa inggris relative pronouns as objects of prepositions in the formal pattern, belajar bahasa inggris relative pronouns as objects of prepositions in the informal pattern, pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi jadi bahasan belajar bahasa inggris

'There is the person he spoke to' sounds much better, and less pedantic, than 'There is the person to whom he spoke'.

There is the person to whom I spoke --> Jenis restriktif formal
There is the person I spoke to --> Jenis restriktif informal

pedantic = giving too much importance to details and formal rules
                  (suka menonjolkan keilmuannya)

Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan materi klausa relatif masih berlanjut. Kali ini kita akan membahas pronomina relatif sebagai obyek dari preposisi.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions

Pronomina relatif mungkin sebagai obyek dari preposisi dalam klausanya sendiri. Klausa relatif ini dibentuk dalam dua cara, cara formal dan cara informal. Klausa ini mungkin salah satu restriktif atau nonrestriktif.

Pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi pola formal

preposition +                 + subject + verb + complement

Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:

The person to whom I mailed the letter never received it.

Pronomina relatif sebagai obyek preposisi pola informal

which  + subject + verb + complement + preposition

Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:

The person whom I mailed the letter to never received it.

Dalam pola formal, preposisi hadir sebelum pronomina relatif. Dalam pola informal, preposisi muncul pada akhir klausa.

Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membuat kalimat baru yang mengandung klausa relatif. Obyek dari preposisi dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke pronomina relatif, dicoret mendatar. Kalimat c adalah formal, dan kalimat-kalimat dalam d adalah informal. Amati bagaimana that digunakan hanya pola informal klausa restriktif; ia boleh juga dihilangkan.

Restrictive: whom, that, 0
1. a. The candidate lost the election.
   b. I voted for the candidate.
   c. The candidate for whom I voted lost the election. (formal)
   d. The candidate whom I voted for lost the election. (informal)
      The candidate that I voted for lost the election.
      The candidate 0 I voted for lost the election.

Nonrestrictive: whom
2. a. Mayor Pyle lost the election.
   b. I voted for Mayor Pyle.
   c. Mayor Pyle, for whom I voted, lost the election. (formal)
   d. Mayor Pyle, whom I voted for, lost the election. (informal)

Restrictive: which, that, 0
3. a. No one had read the book.
   b. He quoted from the book.
   c. No one had read the book from which he quoted. (formal)
   d. No one had read the book which he quoted from. (informal)
      No one had read the book that he quoted from.
      No one had read the book 0 he quoted from.

Nonrestrictive: which
4. a. The position of office manager had already filled.
   b. He applied for the position of office manager.
   c. The position of office manager, for which he applied, had already filled.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris sampai pada sesi Latihan

PRACTICE: Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
Change the second sentence in each pair to a relative clause, and combine it with the first sentence. The prepositional phrase that you should change is underlined. Write each new sentence twice: once in the formal pattern and once in an informal pattern.

1. Finding reasonably priced housing in big cities is a problem. Many young people are concerned about the problem.
   Formal pattern: ____________________________________________________________________
   Informal pattern: _________________________________________________________________________________
2. Affordable apartments are scarce. Young people would like to live in them.
   Formal pattern: _________________________________________________________________________________
   Informal pattern: _________________________________________________________________________________
3. Of course, many young people share apartments, but they have to choose roommates carefully. They will share living space and expanses with these roommates.
   Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
   Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
4. Living with people can be stressful, but it can also be fun. You are not related to the people.
   Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
   Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
5. In many countries, young people continue to live with their parents in the same house. They grew up in that house.
   Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
   Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
6. In the United States, young people don't want to live with their parents. They typically declare their independence from their parents at age eighteen.
   Formal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________
   Informal pattern: __________________________________________________________________________________

Setelah membaca ulasan ini Anda punya rujukan apakah Anda akan menggunakan klausa relatif jenis restriktif formal atau restriktif informal.
--> Jika Anda menggunakan jenis restriktif formal, Anda akan mengatakan: The candidate for whom I voted lost the election. (Anda menonjolkan keilmuannya)
--> Jika Anda menggunakan jenis restriktif informal, Anda akan mengatakan: The candidate I voted for lost the election. (Terdengar lebih baik dan Anda tidak menonjolkan keilmuannya)

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan 'Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions' kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya.

Follow My Twitter: @baryzin

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Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Published 14.37 by with 0 comment

Pengganti Kata Posesif Bahasa Inggris: Whose atau Of which

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Possessive Relative Clauses

belajar possessive relative clauses bahasa inggris, belajar klausa relatif posesif bahasa inggris, pengganti kata posesif bahasa inggris whose atau of which, belajar bahasa inggris klausa relatif posesif pola subyek, belajar bahasa inggris possessive relative clauses subject pattern, belajar bahasa inggris klausa relatif posesif pola obyek, possessive relative clauses jadi bahasan belajar bahasa inggris, possessive relative clauses object pattern

Klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai subyek dan obyek sudah kita bahas dan dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan membahas klausa relatif posesif (Possessive Relative Clauses).

Dalam klausa ini, yang menunjukkan kepemilikan (possession), pronomina relatif whose menggantikan kata posesif seperti Mary's, his, our, their, the company's, atau its. Klausa relatif posesif dapat mengikuti pola subyek atau obyek, dan mereka boleh restriktif atau nonrestriktif.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Possessive Relative Clauses - Subject Pattern

Pola Subyek. Pola subyek klausa posesif dibentuk sebagai berikut:

     whose + noun    + verb + complement

Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
Princess Diana, whose life ended in a Paris car crash, was the most photographed woman in the world.

Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat c, yang mengandung klausa relatif posesif dalam pola subyek. Kata posesif dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke whose, dicoret mendatar.

Restrictive: whose
1. a. Opportunities for college graduates are on the upswing.
   b. College graduates' degrees are in computer engineering.
   c. Opportunities for college graduates whose degrees are in computer engineering are on the upswing.

Nonrestrictive: whose
2. a. Santa Claus is the symbol of Christmas gift-giving.
   b. His portly figure appears everywhere during the Christmas season.
   c. Santa Claus, whose portly figure appears everywhere during the Christmas season, is symbol of Christmas gift-giving.

Beberapa guru merasa bahwa whose mungkin hanya digunakan untuk merujuk kepada manusia. Untuk bukan manusia, mereka merekomendasikan menggunakan of which. Bandingkan: I returned the book whose cover was torn. I returned the book, the cover of which was torn. Guru yang lain mersa bahwa whose bisa diterima dalam segalanya tetapi tulisan sangat formal.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris memasuki sesi Latihan

PRACTICE: Possessive Relative Clauses - Subject Pattern
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new sentence containing a possessive relative clause in the subject pattern. Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Find a possessive expression in the second sentence and change it to whose.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the new relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive.

1. Securities Corporation's president is a man. His expertise on financial matters is well known.
2. First National Bank tries to attract female customers. The bank's president is a woman.
3. Companies conduct market research to discover trends among consumers. Consumers' tastes change rapidly.
4. A manufacturer can offer lower prices. Its costs are lower because of mass production.

on the upswing: increasing
portly: comfortably fat
expertise: skill, knowledge

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Possessive Relative Clauses - Object Pattern

Pola Obyek. Pola obyek klausa posesif dibentuk sebagai berikut:

     whose + noun   + subject + verb + complement

Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
Maya Angelou, whose poetry we have been reading in our English class, is one of America's most famous female poets.

Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membuat kalimat c, yang mengandung klausa relatif posesif dalam pola obyek. Kata posesif dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke whose, dicoret mendatar.

Restrictive: whose
1. a. The citizens could do nothing.
   b. The government had confiscated their property.
   c. The citizens whose property the government had confiscated could do nothing.

Nonrestrictive: whose
2. a. Consumer Reports magazine publishes comparative evaluations of all kinds of products.
   b. Shoppers trust the magazine's research.
   c. Consumer Reports, whose research shoppers trust, publishes comparative evaluations of all kinds of products.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris sampai pada sesi Latihan

PRACTICE: Possessive Relative Clauses - Object pattern
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new sentence containing a possessive relative clause in the object pattern. Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Find a possessive expression in the second sentence and change it to whose. Move the whose + noun phrase to the beginning of the clause.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the new relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive.

1. Princess Diana was mourned by rich and poor people alike.The whole world watched her funeral on television.
2. William Shakespeare lived and wrote 400 years ago. High school students struggle to understand his English.
3. Nike is a sporting goods company. Most people recognize the company's "swoosh" symbol.
4. The actress has starred in several successful films. I can't remember her name.

confiscated: taken by government authority

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Klausa Relatif Posesif telah kita ulas bersama. Apakah ulasan tersebut bermanfaat? Apakah kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Anda semakin tercerahkan? Kami berharap demikian. Jadilah pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif posesif agar Anda tidak merasa kesulitan dalam menulis dan bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan klausa relatif posesif kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya.

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin

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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Published 07.46 by with 0 comment

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Klausa Relatif Pola Obyek

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Objects

belajar bahasa inggris pronomina relatif sebagai obyek, belajar bahasa inggris klausa relatif pola obyek, belajar bahasa inggris tentang pronomina relatif sebagai obyek, belajar bahasa inggris membahas pronomina relatif sebagai obyek, belajar reative clauses bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris relative pronouns for humans, relative pronouns as objects jadi bahasan belajar bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris relative pronouns for nonhumans or things, belajar bahasa inggris relative clauses in the object pattern

Dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris sebelumnya kita telah mengulas klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai subyek. Dalam sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini kita masih akan membahas materi klausa relatif.

Ada jenis klausa relatif yang berbeda. Dalam setiap jenis yang berbeda, pronomina relatif memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Ia mungkin sebagai subyek atau obyek dalam klausanya sendiri.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Objects

Pronomina relatif mungkin sebagai obyek dalam klausanya sendiri. Klausa relatif pola obyek dibentuk sebagai berikut:

     which  + subject  + verb  + complement

Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
   The address that he gave me was incorrect.

Dalam contoh-contoh berikut, perhatikan bagaimana kalimat a dan b digabung untuk membentuk kalimat c, yang mengandung klausa relatif pola obyek. Obyek dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke pronomina relatif, dicoret mendatar. Simak bagaimana that digunakan hanya dalam klausa restriktif dan mungkin dihilangkan sepenuhnya dalam klausa pola obyek.

Restrictive: whom, that, 0
1. a. The professor is chair of the English Department.
   b. You should see the professor.
   c. The professor whom you should see is chair of the English Department. (Formal)
      The professor that you should see is chair of the English Department. (Informal)
      The professor you should see is chair of the English Department.

Nonrestrictive: whom
2. a. Dr. White is an ecologist.
   b. You met Dr. White in my office.
   c. Dr. White, whom you met in my office, is an ecologist.

Restrictive: that, 0
3. a, The book was written in German.
   b. The professor translated the book.
   c. The book that the professor translated was written in German.
      The book the professor translated was written in German.

Nonrestrictive: which
4. a. Environmental science is one of the most popular courses in the college.
   b. Dr. White teaches environmental science.
   c. Environmental science, which Dr. White teaches, is one of the most popular courses in the college.

Video berikut mungkin bisa melengkapi materi tulisan ini. Semoga.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris sampai pada sesi Latihan

PRACTICE: Relative Pronouns as Objects
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new sentence containing a relative clause in the object pattern. Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Change the object in the second sentence to a relative pronoun. Use whom, which, that, or no pronoun as appropriate. Move the relative pronoun to the beginning of its clause.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the new relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive or non-defining.

1. Albert Einstein was a high school dropout. The world recognizes him as a genius.
2. As a young boy, Einstein had trouble in elementary and high school. He attended these schools in Germany.
3. He did poorly in subjects. He disliked them.
4. The only subjects were mathematics and physics. He loved them.
5. He developed theories. We use theories to help us understand the nature of the universe.
6. Einstein is best known for his General Theory of Relatively. He begun to develop this theory while living in Switzerland.

Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai obyek.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai obyek kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya.

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin
Fans Page Saya: @EnglishKito

0 = no relative pronoun

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Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Published 16.27 by with 0 comment

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Klausa Relatif Pola Subyek

Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Klausa Relatif dengan Pronomina Relatif sebagai Subyek

belajar bahasa inggris tentang pronomina relatif sebagai subyek, belajar bahasa inggris relative clauses in the subject pattern, belajar bahasa inggris seputar relative pronouns as subjects, belajar bahasa inggris membahas pronomina relatif sebagai subyek, belajar bahasa inggris mengulas relative pronouns as subjects, pronomina relatif sebagai subyek jadi bahasan belajar bahasa inggris, relative pronouns as subjects jadi ulasan belajar bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris klausa relatif pola subyek
Sumber: www.Google.co.id/gambar/relative clauses

Ada jenis klausa relatif yang berbeda. Dalam setiap jenis yang berbeda, pronomina relatif memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Ia mungkin sebagai subyek atau obyek dalam klausanya sendiri, atau ia mungkin mengganti kata posesif. Belajar Bahasa Inggris masih seputar klausa relatif dengan fokus pronomina relatif sebagai subyek.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Relative Pronouns as Subjects

Pronomina relatif mungkin sebagai subyek dari klausanya sendiri. Klausa relatif pola subyek dibentuk sebagai berikut:

     which  + verb  + complement

Football, which is the most popular American sport, began at Harvard University.

Pelajari contoh-contoh berikut untuk melihat bagaimana kalimat a dan b dalam setiap pasangan digabung untuk membentuk kalimat baru c, yang mengandung klausa relatif pola subyek. Subyek dalam kalimat b, yang berubah ke dalam pronomina relatif, dicoret mendatar. Perhatikan bagaimana that digunakan hanya dalam klausa restriktif.

Restrictive: who, that
1. a. People save time and energy.
   b. They use microwave ovens.
   c. People who use microwave ovens save time and energy.
      People that use microwave ovens save time and energy. (informal)

Nonrestrictive: who
2. a. Microwave cooking is not popular with most professional chefs.
   b. Professional chefs say that fast cooking doesn't allow flavors to blend.
   c. Microwave cooking is not popular with most professional chefs, who say that fast cooking doesn't allow flavors to blend.

Restrictive: that
3. a. Ovens are capable of cooking food quickly.
   b. They use microwave energy.
   c. Ovens that use microwave energy are capable of cooking food quickly.

Nonrestrictive: which
4. a. An electron tube on the oven produces microwaves.
   b. Microwaves cook by *agitating the water molecules in food.
   c. An electron tube on the oven produces microwaves, which cook by agitating the water molecules in food.

*agitating: moving very quickly

Berikut sebuah video untuk ditonton.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris memasuki sesi Latihan

PRACTICE: Relative Pronouns as Subjects
Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new complex sentence containing a relative clause in the subject pattern. Follow these steps:

STEP 1: Change the subject of the second sentence to a relative pronoun. Use who, which, or that as appropriate.
STEP 2: Combine the two sentences, placing the relative clause as close to its antecedent as possible.
STEP 3: Add commas if the relative clause is nonrestrictive.

1. John Fish explained the complex structure of DNA. He is a research chemist.
2. While he lectured, he showed us a slide. The slide diagrammed the double helix structure of DNA.
3. Words in English are often difficult for foreigners to pronounce. They begin with the consonants th.
4. Foreigners also have difficulty with English spelling. English spelling is not always consistent with its pronunciation.
5. Anyone must have a logical mind. He or she wants to be a computer programmer.
6. Fans quickly lose interest in a sport team. The team loses game after game.

Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai subyek.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan klausa relatif dengan pronomina relatif sebagai subyek kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya.

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin
Fans Page Saya: @EnglishKito

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Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

Published 09.43 by with 0 comment

Lebih Dekat dengan Relative Clauses Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Relative Clauses

Learning English about Relative Clauses, belajar relative clauses bahasa inggris, belajar klausa relatif bahasa inggris, belajar bahasa inggris tentang relative clauses, belajar bahasa inggris perihal klausa relatif, belajar bahasa inggris seputar relative clauses, belajar bahasa inggris seputar klausa relatif, belajar bahasa inggris tentang klausa adjektiva, belajar bahasa inggris tentang adjective clauses, belajar bahasa inggris membahas relative clauses, belajar bahasa inggris mengulas klausa relatif, lebih dekat dengan relative clauses jadi bahasan belajar bahasa inggris

Sumber: www.Google.co.id/Gambar/Relative Clauses

Apa itu Relative Clauses?

Relative Clause. Relative clause adalah klausa dependen yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva; oleh karenanya, ia menerangkan nomina atau pronomina. Untuk alasan ini, klausa relatif juga disebut klausa adjektiva.

   The first American thanksgiving feast, which took place in 1621, lasted three days.
   Everyone who studied for the exam passed it easily.

Dalam kalimat pertama, klausa dependen which took place in 1621 adalah klausa relatif yang menerangkan frasa nomina the first American thanksgiving feast. Frasa nomina ini adalah anteseden dari klausa relatif.

Lalu apa klausa relatif dalam kalimat kedua? Apa antesedennya? Apakah antesedennya nomina atau pronomina?

Klausa relatifnya adalah who studied for the exam
Antesedennya adalah everyone yang berupa pronomina.

Baca juga:  Klausa Relatif Pola Obyek atau Klausa Relatif dengan Pronomina Relatif sebagai Obyek.

Relative Pronouns and Adverbs

Klausa relatif mulai dengan pronomina relatif atau adverbia relatif.

Pronomina      who, whom, whose, that         merujuk ke manusia
                          which, that, whose                  merujuk ke bukan manusia dan benda

Adverbia           when, where                          merujuk ke waktu atau tempat

Position of Relative Clauses

Tempatkan klausa relatif setelah antesedennya dan sedekat mungkin kepada anteseden tersebut untuk menghindari kebingungan.

He left the gift in his friend's car that he had just bought.
(Ini tidak jelas apakah klausa relatif menerangkan car atau gift.)

He left the gift that he had just bought in his friend's car.
(Klausa relatif dengan jelas menerangkan gift.)

Kadang-kadang, frasa preposisi hadir antara anteseden dan klausa relatif.

    Manarung was visited by a friend from San Juan who was touring the country.
   Try writing a sentence of your own that contains a relative clause.

Verb Agreement in Relative Clauses

Verba dalam klausa relatif seharusnya berkesesuaian dalam jumlah dengan antesedennya. Bandingkan:
   A person who works part-time usually receives no benefits.
   (Verba works bentuk singular untuk berkesesuaian dengan anteseden singular person.)

   People who work part-time usually receive no benefits.
   (Verba work bentuk plural untuk berkesesuaian dengan anteseden plural people.)

Punctuation of Relative Clauses

Klausa relatif bisa salah satu restrictive (necessary) atau nonrestrictive (unnecessary). Klausa restriktif penting dan sangat diperlukan karena ia memberi identitas antesedennya demi pembaca. Jangan gunakan koma dengan klausa restriktif. Istilah restrictive kadang-kadang dikenal dengan istilah defining dan nonrestrictive dengan istilah non-defining.

   The professor who teaches my biology class won a Nobel Prize two years ago.
   (Profesor yang mana yang memenangkan Hadiah Nobel dua tahun yang lalu? Klausa who teaches my biology class sangat diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi sang profesor.)

   He won the prize for research that might lead to a cure for AIDS.
   (Untuk riset yang mana dia memenangkan hadiah? Kita memerlukan klausa that might lead to a cure for AIDS untuk memberitahu kita.)

Klausa nonrestriktif tidak begitu diperlukan untuk memberi identitas antesedennya; ia hanya memberi pembaca beberapa informasi tambahan. Karena ia dapat dihilangkan tanpa mengurangi makna, pisahkan ia (nonrestrictive clause) dari sisa kalimat dengan koma.

   Professor Jones, who teaches my biology class, won a Nobel Prize two years ago.
   (Orang yang memenamgkan Hadiah Nobel diidentifikasi oleh namanya, sehingga klausa who teaches my biology class adalah tambahan, informasi yang tak begitu diperlukan tentang Professor Jones. Jika ia dihilangkan, kita masih akan tahu orang yang mana yang memenangkan Hadiah Nobel.)

   He won the prize for his research into the structure of T-cells, which might lead to a cure for AIDS.
  (Kita telah tahu untuk riset yang mana dia memenangkan hadiah: his research into the structure of T-cells. Informasi which might lead to a cure for AIDS tak begitu diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi riset; ia hanya memberi kita informasi tambahan tentang riset.)

Untuk melengkapi materi tulisan ini berikut disertakan sebuah video. Selamat menonton.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris memasuki Latihan

PRACTICE: Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses
STEP 1: Underline the relative clause or clauses in each sentence. (Some sentences have two.)
STEP 2: In the parentheses, write R for a restrictive and NR for a nonrestrictive clause.
STEP 3: Add commas to the nonrestrictive clauses.

(R)   Families whose incomes are below a certain level pay no income tax.
(NR)  My family, whose income is more than $50,000, pays about 25 percent income tax.

(   ) 1. The sun which in forty minutes can produce enough solar energy to meet humankind's needs for a year is one of Earth's potential sources of power.
(   ) 2. According to an article that appeared in Time magazine we are at the beginning of a medical computer revolution.
(   ) 3. A medical computer is a machine that analyzes the results of laboratory tests and electrocardiograms.
(   ) 4. Laser beams which are useful in both medicine and industry were first predicted in science fiction stories seventy-five years ago.
(   ) 5. Physicians who feed patient symptoms into the computer receive a list of diseases that fit the symptoms of their patients.
(   ) 6. The country that has the highest per capita income is not the United States which is in third place.
(   ) 7. Kuwait which is a small country in the Middle East is in the place.
(   ) 8. It was a thrilling experience to meet the author of the book that we had been reading all semester.
(   ) 9. The public is highly critical of the tobacco industry whose profits have been increasing in spite of the health ricks of smoking.
(   ) 10. Carbohydrates which are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are organic compounds.
(   ) 11. People who use body language to express themselves are interesting to watch.
(   ) 12. My brother-in-law who is from Italy moves his hands a lot when he is talking.
(   ) 13. The man whom my sister married is Italian; he uses his hands as much as he uses his mouth to communicate.
(   ) 14. X-ray machines are gradually being replaced by machines that can provide clearer, more detailed images of the human body, its tissues, and its organs.
(   ) 15. X-ray machines are gradually replaced by CAT scanners and MRI devices which can provide clearer, more detailed images of the human body, its tissues, and its organs.
(   ) 16. The company promised to reimburse everyone who had bought a detective product.
(   ) 17. Students whose grade point averages fall below 2.0 will be placed on probation.
(   ) 18. She plans to marry her childhood sweetheart whom she has known since they were five years old.
(   ) 19. The Republican party whose goal is to win the election accused the Democrats of using fund-raising practices that are unethical and possibly illegal.
(   ) 20. My English teacher enjoys novels that combine history and fiction; Pillars of Stone which tells about the construction of the great Gothic cathedrals in Europe during the Middle Ages is one of her favorites.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang 'lebih dekat dengan Relative Clauses' telah kita ulas bersama. Setelah membaca ulasan ini semoga Anda menjadi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris yang cakap menggunakan klausa relatif. Amin.

Sesi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan ulasan 'lebih dekat dengan klausa relatif' kita sudahi sampai di sini dulu. Ojo lali menyimak ulasan belajar Bahasa Inggris berikutnya. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!

Follow Twitter Saya: @baryzin
Fans Page Saya: @EnglishKito
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Selasa, 26 April 2016

Published 16.02 by with 0 comment

Are You Capable of Finding 13 Errors in Adverbial Clauses?

Learning and Finding 13 Errors in Adverbial Clauses

learning english to find errors in adverbial clauses, belajar bahasa inggris tentang klausa adverbia, belajar bahasa inggris tentang adverbial clauses, belajar bahasa inggris seputar kemampuan memahami klausa adverbia, learning english about adverbial clauses, belajar bahasa inggris tentang menemukan kekeliruan dalam klausa adverbia, finding 13 errors in adverbial clauses jadi ulasan belajar bahasa inggris

Review of Adverbial Clauses

Adverbial Clause. An adverbial clause is a dependent clause introduced by an adverbial subordinator. It is used to modify the verb of the independent clause and tells when (time), where (place), why (reason), for what purpose, how, how long, or how far. It is also used to show contrast: concession (unexpected result) and direct apposition.

Place an adverbial clause either before or after an independent clause. If the adverbial clause comes before an independent clause, it is followed by a comma. If it comes after an independent clause, do not use a comma (except with whereas/while).
     The south of the country continues to grow richer, while the north grows poorer.
     Whereas knowledge can be acquired from books, skills must be learned through practice.

Types of Adverbial Clauses

There are different types of adverbial clauses, each with its own subordinators


when, whenever, while, as soon as, after, since, as, before, until
--> Whenever I had to speak in front of people, I was paralyzed by fear.

where, wherever, everywhere, anywhere
--> I saw unfriendly, critical faces everywhere I looked.

Manner, Distance, and Frequency: as, as + adverb + as, as if/as though
--> I tried as hard as I could to calm myself.
--> I tried to act as if I were not afraid.

because, since, as
--> Since I need to make speeches for career advancement, I enrolled in a speech class.

so that, in order that
--> I took a speech class so that I could overcome my fear of public speaking.

so + adjective/adverb + that
such a(n) + noun + that
so much/little + noun + that
so many/few + noun + that
--> At first, making a speech made me so nervous that I got stomachache before every class.
--> During the semester, I made so many speeches that I lost some of my fear.

Concession (unexpected result):
although, even though, though
--> Even though I am a politician, I still don't enjoy speaking in public.

Contrast (direct apposition):
while, whereas
--> As a child, I never tried out for school plays, whereas my best friend usually got a starring role.

You can use adverbial clauses to improve your writing style. We know that good writing in English requires the use of subordinate structures. Adverbial clauses are a common kind of subordinate clause.

How far you have mastered adverbial clauses.

Edit the following essay for errors in adverbial clauses. There are thirteen errors. Look for these kinds of mistakes:

An incorrect sentence connector (subordinator or coordinator) is used:
    I made an appointment with my history professor, so I could ask his advice about graduate schools.
Corrected: I made an appointment with my history professor so that I could ask his advice about graduate school.

There are too many sentence connectors: 
   Even though I am studying five hours a night, but I am still getting low grades.
Corrected: Even though I am studying five hours a night, I am still getting low grades.
                    I am studying five hours a night, but I am still getting low grades.

A subordinator is used with the wrong clause: 
   Because we arrived late, we had a flat tire.
Corrected: We arrived late because we had a flat tire.

Commas should be added or deleted: 
   He doesn't eat meat, because he is a vegetarian.
Corrected: He doesn't eat meat because he is a vegetarian.

Addicted to the Net

1A lot of people enjoy surfing the Net. 2They look for interesting Websites and chat with people all over the world. 3However, some people spend such many hours on-line that they are Internet addicts. 4Although an average person spends about eight to twelve hours per week, but an addict spends eight to twelve hours per day on-line. 5Because addicts spend so much time interacting with the computer so it can affect their lives negatively. 6They become social recluses, because they stop going out and talking to people face to face. 7They avoid real-life social situations, preferring instead to be in a dimly lit room with only the glowing screen to light up their lives.

8Internet addiction negatively affects not only the addicts themselves, but also the people around them. 9For example, John's marriage to Maria broke up until he insisted on spending so many hours on the Net. 10As soon as he arrived home from work he was at his computer. 11While he finished dinner, he would disappear into his computer room again. 12He paid so little attention to her, that she finally divorced him.

13As college students are especially technologically skilled they can easily become nonstop Net-surfers. 14Many colleges provide computers at several locations around campus since students can use them at any time day or night. 15As a result, students can spend too much time surfing the Net instead of "surfing" their textbooks. 16Last semester, nine freshmen at Berkshire College flunked out although they became Internet addicts.

17In short, even though the Internet is an excellent source of information and entertainment, but we must not let it take over our lives.

Model answer

In sentence 3 there is one mistake: An incorrect sentence connector is used.
Incorrect: However, some people spend such many hours on-line that they are Internet addicts.
Correct:  However, some people spend such many hours on-line so that they are Internet addicts.

In sentence 4 there is one mistake: There are too many sentence connectors.
Incorrect: Although an average person spends about eight to twelve hours per week, but an addict spends eight to twelve hours per day on-line.
Correct: Although an average person spends about eight to twelve hours per week, an addict spends eight to twelve hours per day on-line.
            An average person spends about eight to twelve hours per week, but an addict spends eight to twelve hours per day on-line.

In sentence 5 there are two mistakes: Comma should be added and there are too many sentence connectors.
Incorrect: Because addicts spend so much time interacting with the computer so it can affect their lives negatively.
Correct:  Because addicts spend so much time interacting with the computer, it can affect their lives negatively.

In sentence 6 there is one mistake: Comma should be deleted.
Incorrect: They become social recluses, because they stop going out and talking to people face-to-face.
Correct:  They become social recluses because they stop going out and talking to people face-to-face.

In sentence 8 there is one mistake: Comma should be deleted.
Incorrect: Internet addiction negatively affects not only the addicts themselves, but also the people around them.
Correct:  Internet addiction negatively affects not only the addicts themselves but also the people around them.

In sentence 9 there is one mistake: An incorrect sentence connector is used.
Incorrect: For example, John's marriage to Marta broke up until he insisted on spending so many hours on the Net.
Correct:  For example, John's marriage to Marta broke up because he insisted on spending so many hours on the Net.

In sentence 10 there is one mistake: Comma should be added.
Incorrect: As soon as he arrived home from work he was at his computer.
Correct:  As soon as he arrived home from work, he was at his computer.

In sentence 12 there are two mistakes: Comma should be deleted and An incorrect sentence connector is used.
Incorrect: He paid so little attention to her, that she finally divorced him.
Correct:  He paid so little attention to her so that she finally divorced him.

In sentence 13 there is one mistake: Comma should be added.
Incorrect: As college students are especially technologically skilled they can easily become nonstop Net-surfers.
Correct:  As college students are especially technologically skilled, they can easily become nonstop Net-surfers.

In sentence 14 there is one mistake: An incorrect sentence connector is used.
Incorrect: Many colleges provide computers at several locations around campus since students can use them at any time day or night.
Correct:  Many colleges provide computers at several locations around campus so that students can use them at any time day or night.

In sentence 16 there is one mistake: An incorrect sentence connector is used.
Incorrect: Last semester, nine freshmen at Berkshire College flunked out although they become Internet addicts.
Correct:  Last semester, nine freshmen at Berkshire College flunked out because they become Internet addicts.

In sentence 17 there is one mistake: There are too many sentence connectors.
Incorrect: In short, even though the Internet is an excellent source of information and entertainment, but we must not let it take over our lives.
Correct:  In short, even though the Internet is an excellent source of information and entertainment, we must not let it take over our lives.
               In short, the Internet is an excellent source of information and entertainment, but we must not let it take over our lives.

The following is the essay that has been improved.

Addicted to the Net

1A lot of people enjoy surfing the Net. 2They look for interesting Websites and chat with people all over the world. 3However, some people spend such many hours on-line so that they are Internet addicts. 4Although an average person spends about eight to twelve hours per week, an addict spends eight to twelve hours per day on-line. 5Because addicts spend so much time interacting with the computer, it can affect their lives negatively. 6They become social recluses because they stop going out and talking to people face-to-face. 7They avoid real-life social situations, preferring instead to be in a dimly lit room with only the glowing screen to light up their lives.

8Internet addiction negatively affects not only the addicts themselves but also the people around them. 9For example, John's marriage to Marta broke up because he insisted on spending so many hours on the Net. 10As soon as he arrived home from work, he was at his computer. 11While he finished dinner, he would disappear into his computer room again. 12He paid so little attention to her so that she finally divorced him. 

13As college students are especially technologically skilled, they can easily become nonstop Net-surfers. 14Many colleges provide computers at several locations around campus so that students can use them at any time day or night. 15As a result, students can spend too much time surfing the Net instead of "surfing" their textbooks. 16Last semester, nine freshmen at Berkshire College flunked out because they become Internet addicts. 

17In short, the Internet is an excellent source of information and entertainment, but we must not let it take over our lives.

Net: shortened from Internet
Surfing the Net: exploring the Internet

This is only my own model answer. Perhaps, you have your own model answer. Please feel free to discuss and try to find the best model answer.

Follow My Twitter: @baryzin

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