Sumber: sentence
Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Catatan Penting Seputar Kalimat Pengandaian
Namanya saja kalimat pengandaian. Jika dipenuhi kondisinya, kalimat itu jadi nyata. Belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini ingin mengutarakan beberapa hal penting seputar kalimat pengandaian. Pada dasarnya ada tiga macam kalimat pengandaian dalam Bahasa Inggris: future-probable, present-unreal, dan past-unreal.
Ada tiga jenis kalimat pengandaian dan berikut disertakan tiga pola dari situasinya:
1. Future-probable
Situation If-clause Result clause
True in the Future Simple present will + simple form
Contoh kalimatnya:
You will get sick if you eat too much.
If I have enough time, I will watch TV every morning.
Kalimat ini bermakna bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi jika kondisi tertentu dipenuhi (future-probable).
2. Present-unreal
Situation If-clause Result clause
Untrue in the Present Simple past would + simple form
Contoh kalimatnya:
You would (could, might) get sick if you ate too much.
If I had enough time, I would watch TV later on tonight.
Kalimat ini bermakna bahwa sesuatu tidak akan mungkin terjadi (present-unreal).
3. Past-unreal
Situation If-clause Result clause
Untrue in the Past Past perfect would have + past participle
Contoh kalimatnya:
You would have (could have, might have) gotten sick if you had eaten too much.
If I had had enough time, I would have watched TV yesterday.
Kalimat ini bermakna bahwa sesuatu tidak terjadi karena kondisi tertentu tidak dipenuhi (past-unreal).
Perhatikan: tanda baca koma digunakan bila kalimatnya dimulai dengan if-clause.
Berikut beberapa hal penting yang perlu diingat dalam menulis kalimat pengandaian Bahasa Inggris:
- Jangan gunakan will, would, atau would have dalam if-clause.
- Gunakan bentuk subjunctif were sebagai pengganti was dalam if-clause. Jadi were digunakan untuk keduanya subyek tunggal dan jamak.
- Unless bermakna "if not."
CORRECT If you study hard, you will pass the next test.
INCORRECT You might have enjoyed yourself if you would have gone with us.
CORRECT You might have enjoyed yourself if you had gone with us.
INCORRECT If I lived during the seventeenth century, I could have known Sir Isaac Newton.
CORRECT If I had lived during the seventeenth century, I could have known Sir Isaac Newton.
INCORRECT The woman could explain these sentences if she was a teacher.
CORRECT The woman could explain these sentences if she were a teacher.
INCORRECT If my friends would have a car, they would certainly pick me up.
CORRECT If my friends had a car, they would certainly pick me up.
INCORRECT He could use the machine unless it is broken.
CORRECT He can use the machine unless it is broken.
INCORRECT If you will need help, I'll be happy to help you.
CORRECT If you need help, I'll be happy to help you.
INCORRECT He didn't understand you unless you had spoken slowly.
CORRECT He wouldn't have understood you unless you had spoken slowly.
INCORRECT If you would have called, I would have gone out with you.
CORRECT If you had called, I would have gone out with you.
INCORRECT Plants don't grow if the sun didn't shine.
CORRECT Plants wouldn't grow if the sun didn't shine.
INCORRECT The dog will bite you if you will enter the gate.
CORRECT The dog will bite you if you enter the gate.
INCORRECT If dinner was ready, I'd eat now.
CORRECT If dinner were ready, I'd eat now.
INCORRECT I wouldn't have paid the money unless I would have owed it.
CORRECT I wouldn't have paid the money unless I had owed it.
INCORRECT He doesn't change his mind unless he were wrong.
CORRECT He wouldn't change his mind unless he were wrong.
Catatan tambahan tentang kalimat pengandaian:
(a) Ketika persetujuan dari orang lain diperlukan atau diminta, will digunakan setelah if.
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
- If you will be quiet, I'll try to explain. (If you agree to be quiet, I'll try to explain).
- I can help you if you will wait a minute. (I can help you if you agree to wait a minute).
- If you will play the piano, I'll sing. (If you agree to play the piano, I'll sing).
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
- He acts as if he were rich. (But he really isn't rich.)
- As long as it doesn't rain, we'll have the picnic. (As long as bermakna "if.")
- He will pay the rent provided that he gets his check. (Provided that bermakna "if.")
- Supposing that you were a lawyer, would you give me some legal advice? (Supposing that bermakna "if.")
- She looks as though she is ill. (She might be ill.)
- In the event that it had rained, the game would have been postponed. (In the event that bermakna "if.")
- If only I had known you were coming, I would have prepared lunch. (Kata only digunakan untuk penekanan.)
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris:
- Were I you, I wouldn't do that. (Were I you = if I were you)
- Had I known, I would have told you. (Had I known = if I had known)
- Should anyone call, please take a message. (Should anyone call = if anyone should call)
- Had she had time, she probably would have finished the letter. (Had she had time = if she had had time)
- Had you failed the exam, you might not have passed the course. (Had you failed = if you had failed)
- Were he a counselor, he could give me some good advice. (Were he a counselor = if he were a counselor)
- Were the speech intelligible, I might understand it. (Were the speech intelligible = if the speech were intelligible)
Belajar Bahasa Inggris kali ini sudah sampai pada bagian akhir pembahasan. Poin-poin apa yang bisa kita petik setelah kita belajar bahasa Inggris online kali ini? Mungkin ini: (1) Were digunakan untuk keduanya subyek tunggal dan jamak, (2) If dalam if-clause ternyata memiliki banyak varian; if bisa diganti as long as, provided that, supposing that, atau in the event that, dan (3) Dalam if-clause, if-nya bisa dihilangkan asalkan subyek dan verbanya dibalik.
Cara belajar Bahasa Inggris yang simpel, mudah dimengerti dan dipraktikkan. Ulasan grammar Bahasa Inggris yang lengkap, mendalam, dan lugas. Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang enak dibaca dan perlu. Tetap semangat! Keep moving on!
Penulis tak akan henti-hentinya menyampaikan cuplikan berikut ini:
"A student who has learned a lot of grammar but who cannot use a language is in the position of a pianist who has learned a lot about harmony but cannot play the piano."- L.G. Alexander
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