Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Verba Bentuk Dasar dalam Klausa THAT
Verba bentuk dasar (infinitif tanpa "to") dalam klausa nomina dependen digunakan setelah beberapa verba dan adjektiva urgensi. Simak daftar verba dan adjektiva urgensi di bawah yang sering diikuti oleh klausa nomina dengan verba bentuk dasar.
Verba urgensi:
ask propose
advise recommend
command require
insist request
order suggest
prefer urge
Adjektiva urgensi:
Klausa THAT setelah verba dan adjektiva urgensi mengharuskan hadirnya verba bentuk dasar. Bentuk dasar ini digunakan tidak terikat dengan tenses verba utama.
Klausa THAT setelah verba urgensi:
The committee suggests that we hold more meetings.
The committee suggested that we hold more meetings.
The committee has suggested that everything be prepared in advance.
The committee had suggested that everything be prepared in advance.
The committee will suggest that he not give the report.
May I ask this of you?
Do not tell anyone about our plans.
May I ask that you not tell anyone about our plans.
May I ask you not to tell anyone about our plans.
The lawyer advised this.
He should sue his tenant for back payment of rent.
The lawyer advised that he sue his tenant for back payment of rent.
The lawyer advised him to sue his tenant for back payment of rent.
Her mother insists on this.
She has to be back home by midnight.
Her mother insists on that she have to be back home by midnight.
I'd prefer this.
The job is a little closer to my home.
I'd prefer that the job be a little closer to my home.
Perkecualian dalam klausa THAT setelah verba urgensi yang kuat seperti command, demand, suggest, penggunaan kurang formal mengijinkan kata bantu should menemani verba tersebut. Frasa infinitif mungkin menyediakan alternatif kurang formal bagi klausa THAT setelah verba urgensi, seperti advise, ask, beg, command, desire, forbid, request, require, dan urge.
Klausa THAT setelah adjektiva urgensi:
Kelompok kalimat bahasa Inggris berikut akan digabung sehingga kalimat kedua menjadi klausa THAT setelah antisipatori it.
This is essential.
You should see your dentist at once.
It is essential that you see your dentist at once.
This is important.
Each student fills out a registration form.
It is important that each student fill out a registration form.
That each student fills out a registration form is important.
This is necessary.
You must bring a notebook to class with you every day.
It is necessary that you bring a notebook to class with you every day.
This is urgent.
The police must be notified about those strange phone calls.
It is urgent that the police be notified about those strange phone calls.
This is imperative.
Do not smoke while you are near the gasoline tanks.
It is imperative that you not smoke while you are near the gasoline tanks.
Nah, sampailah sudah di penghujung pokok bahasan belajar Bahasa Inggris "Verba Bentuk Dasar dalam Klausa That." Apa yang bisa kita petik dari pokok bahasan tersebut? Mungkin ini: Klausa THAT setelah verba dan adjektiva urgensi memerlukan verba bentuk dasar. Bentuk dasar ini digunakan tidak menghiraukan tenses verba utama.
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