Belajar Bahasa Inggris KOSAKATA (Akhiran)
Karena sebagian besar akhiran berkaitan dengan grammar, menambah akhiran pada akhir sebuah kata biasanya mengubah kelas kata tersebut. Perhatikan bahwa ketika sebuah akhiran ditambahkan pada akhir sebuah akar kata, ejaan akar kata tersebut sering berubah. Belajar Bahasa Inggris akan membahasnya lebih lanjut. Mari kita bahas bersama. Mulai.
- Beberapa akhiran membentuk nomina.
comprehend (verba) + ion = comprehension
happy (adjektiva) + ness = happiness
- Beberapa akhiran membentuk adjektiva
success (nomina) + ful = successful
- Beberapa akhiran membentuk adverbia.
happy (adjektiva) + ly = happily
Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang akhiran, cobalah simak latihan berikut ini.
A Pelajarilah akhiran yang mengubah kata ke dalam nomina. Bentuklah nomina dengan menambah akhiran yang sesuai ke setiap kata di bawah. Tulislah nomina tersebut dan maknanya jika Anda mengetahuinya atau dapat menebaknya. Jika perlu lihatlah kamus.
Akhiran Nomina
-ance, -ancy insure + ance = insurance; truant + ancy = truancy
-ence differ + ence = difference
-er, -or teach + er = teacher; act + or = actor
-ion, -tion confuse + ion = confusion; compete + tion = competition
-ism real + ism = realism
-ment refresh + ment = refreshment
-ness ready + ness = readiness
Akhiran Kata Nomina Definisi
-ion digest digestion the process of digesting food
1. -ance endure endurance the ability to continue doing something physically different
2. -ence competent competence the ability to do something in a satisfactory or effective way
3. -er organize organizer s.o. who makes all the arrangements for an event
4. -or conquer conqueror s.o. who has taken control of land or people by force
5. -ion discuss discussion a conversation about something
6. -tion delete deletion the process of deleting something
7. -ism mystic mysticism the belief that you can understand God directly by praying
8. -ment commit commitment a promise to do something
9. -ness effective effectiveness the process of working well and producing the result that you intended
10. -ion restrict restriction a rule, action or situation that limits someone or something
B Pelajarilah akhiran yang mengubah kata ke dalam adjektiva. Bentuklah adjektiva dengan menambah akhiran yang sesuai ke setiap kata di bawah. Tulislah adjektiva tersebut dan maknanya jika Anda mengetahuinya atau dapat menebaknya. Jika perlu lihatlah kamus.
Akhiran Adjektiva
-able adore + able = adorable
-al spine + al = spinal
-ful beauty + ful = beautiful
-ic specify + ic = specific
-ious space + ious = spacious
-ive create + ive = creative
-less care + less = careless
-ous fame + ous = famous
-y stick + y = sticky
Akhiran Kata Adjektiva Definisi
1. -able conceive conceivable possible to imagine
2. -al season seasonal available only during a particular time of year
3. -ful bounty bountiful available in large quantities (ABUNDANT)
4. -ic angel angelic very beautiful
5. -ous monotony monotonous boring and unpleasant (thing)
6. -ious deviate devious different in the usual or expected way of doing something
7. -ive suggest suggestive making you think of or remember a particular thing
8. -y panic panicky very nervous or worried
9. -ic strategy strategic carefully planned in order to achieve a particular aim
10. -less law lawless not willing to obey the law
C Pelajarilah akhiran yang mengubah kata ke dalam verba. Bentuklah verba dengan menambah akhiran yang sesuai ke setiap kata di bawah. Tulislah verba tersebut dan maknanya jika Anda mengetahuinya atau dapat menebaknya. Jika perlu lihatlah kamus.
Akhiran Verba
-ate liberty + ate = liberate
-ify significant + ify = signify
-ize final + ize = finalize
-ish fin + ish = finish
-en black + en = blacken; sharp + en = sharpen
Akhiran Kata Verba Definisi
1. -ate valid validate to officially prove that something is true or correct
2. -ify justice justify to show that there is a good reason for something
3. -ize custom customize to change the way s'thing looks so that it is exactly what you want
4. -ate saliva salivate to produce more than the usual amount of SALIVA
5. -ify quantity quantify to measure or describe something as a quantity
6. -ize economy economize to use something such as money or fuel very carefully
7. -ish furnace furnish to provide furniture for a room or house
8. -en wide widen to become wider
Kelas kata (parts of speech) sering dapat dikenali dengan akhirannya (bagian akhir kata).
Berikut disarikan akhiran yang umum.
Akhiran Nomina yang Umum
-tion information -ery recovery
-sion provision -ship scholarship
-ence existence -tude multitude
-ance acceptance -ism capitalism
-ity creativity -cracy democracy
-hood childhood -logy biology
-dom wisdom -ness happiness
-th health -ment experiment
-age marriage
Akhiran untuk Nomina yang Merujuk kepada Orang
-er explorer -ee employee
-or sailor -ic comic
-ist psychologist -ian technician
-ent student -ant attendant
Akhiran Verba yang Umum
-ize realize -ify satisfy
-en shorten -ate incorporate
-er recover
Akhiran Adjektiva yang Umum
-ate moderate -y sunny
-ous dangerous -ic economic
-al normal -ical logical
-ial remedial -ory sensory
-able comfortable -less hopeless
-ible sensible -ive competitive
-ish foolish -ly friendly
-ant resistant -ful colorful
-ent different -ile sterile
Akhiran Adverbia
-ly quickly
-ally historically
Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah menambah akhiran pada akhir sebuah kata biasanya di samping mengubah kelas kata juga mengubah ejaannya (happy + ness --> happiness).
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