Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Learning by Doing

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Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Learning by Doing

Belajar haruslah dilakukan sendiri oleh siswa, belajar adalah mengalami, belajar tidak bisa dilimpahkan kepada orang lain. Edgar Dale dalam penggolongan pengalaman belajar yang dituangkan dalam kerucut pengalamannya mengemukakan bahwa belajar yang paling baik adalah belajar melalui pengalaman langsung. Dalam belajar melalui pengalaman langsung siswa tidak sekedar mengamati secara langsung tetapi ia harus menghayati, terlibat langsung dalam perbuatan, dan bertanggung-jawab terhadap hasilnya.

Sebagai contoh siswa disuruh melipat kertas, yang paling baik apabila ia terlibat secara langsung dalam kegitan melipat kertas (direct performance), bukan sekedar melihat bagaimana orang melipat kertas (demonstrating), apalagi sekedar mendengar orang berceramah bagaimana cara melipat kertas (telling)

Perhatikan apa yang diteliti oleh Benjamin Franklin lebih dari 300 tahun yang lalau.

How do people learn best? There is not one answer because much depends on individual learning styles and needs. Over 300 years ago, however, the noted inventor Benjamin Franklin made some observations regarding learning that still hold true for a great many learners today: "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

Imagine that you are learning how to fold a paper airplane. The person teaching you presents the information verbally. She begins by saying:

             Take a piece of paper.
             Fold it in half.
             Open the paper.
             Look at the crease in the middle.
             Now take one corner and fold it down along the crease.

The instructions continue this way. How well are you going to learn how to fold a paper airplane?

Now imagine that your instructor is standing before you with paper and gives the directions while folding the paper herself. Will this help you more?

Finally, imagine that both you and your instructor have paper. Each time she gives you instructions, both you and she fold your own papers.

Dari tiga metode di atas, yang mana yang paling efektif dalam membantu siswa belajar bagaimana melipat secarik kertas?

Of the three methods, which one will be the most effective in helping you learn how to fold a paper airplane?

It's interesting to thing about Benjamin Franklin's quote in relation to learning English. How do you learn English best? Is "being told" effective for you? What about "being taught"? How about "being involved"?

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